1、課題“重慶市典型巖溶山地脆弱生態過程恢復技術研究”,2005年獲重慶市科技進步二等獎。 2、課題“重慶市農地污染與作物健康品質的相關規律及控制關鍵技術”,2007年獲重慶市科技進步二等獎。 3、課題“重慶市柑橘產業數字化精準管理系統研究與示范”,2010年獲重慶市科技進步三獎。
1. 重慶市32個區縣測土配方施肥數據庫建立與耕地地力評價。 2. 四川省達州市、瀘州市、廣安市共計19個區縣耕地地力評價。 3. 重慶中間香型煙葉產區生態因子效應研究。 4、重慶煙田基礎數據收集整理與應用。 5、重慶煙田氣候監測分析與應用。 代表性學術論文: 1.
Chao Yang, Wei Wu, Shu-Cheng Wu, Hong-Bin Liu*, Qing Peng. 2014. Aroma types of flue-cured tobacco in China: spatial distribution and association with climatic factors. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2014, Volume 115, Issue 3-4, pp 541-549. 2.
Wei Wu, An-Ding Xu, Hong-Bin Liu*. 2014. High-resolution spatial databases of monthly climate variables (1961–2010) over a complex terrain region in southwestern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (2014)(online). 3.
Mao-Fen Li, Li Fan, Hong-Bin Liu*, Peng-Tao Guo, Wei Wu. 2013. A general model for estimation of daily global solar radiation using air temperatures and site geographic parameters in Southwest China. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 92 (2013) 145–150. 4.
Mao-Fen Li, Xiao-Ping Tang, Wei W, Hong-Bin Liu*. 2013. General models for estimating daily global solar radiation for different solar radiation zones in mainland China. Energy Conversion and Management. 70 (2013) 139–148. 5.
Wei Wu, Xiao-Ping Tang, Chao Yang, Nai-Jia Guo, Hong-Bin Liu*. 2013 .Spatial estimation of monthly mean daily sunshine hours and solar radiation across mainland China. Renewable Energy. 57 (2013) 546-553. 6.
Wei Wu, Xiao-Ping Tang, Nai-Jia Guo, Chao Yang, Hong-Bin Liu*, Yue-Feng Shang. 2013. Spatiotemporal modeling of monthly soil temperature using artificial neural networks. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (2013) 113:481–494. 7.
Wei Wu, Xiao-Ping Tang, Chao Yang, Hong-Bin Liu*, Nai-Jia Guo. 2013. Investigation of ecological factors controlling quality of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) using classification methods. Ecological Informatics. 16 (2013) 53–61. 8.
Hong-Bin Liu, Yu Gou, Hong-YeWang, Hong-Mei Li, Wei Wu. 2013. Temporal changes in climatic variables and their impact on crop yields in southwestern China. International journal of biometeorology. 2013(online). 9.
Peng-Tao Guo, Wei Wu, Qing-Kai Sheng, Mao-Fen Li, Hong-Bin Liu*, Zheng-Yin Wang. 2013 .Prediction of soil organic matter using artificial neural network and topographic indicators in hilly areas. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. (2013) 95:333–344
Mao-Fen Li, Li Fan, Hong-Bin Liu*, WeiWu, Ji-Long Chen. 2012. Impact of time interval on the Ångström-Prescott coefficients and their interchangeability in estimating radiation. Renewable Energy. 44 (2012) 431-438. 11.
Wei Wu. and Hong-Bin Liu*. 2012. Assessment of monthly solar radiation estimates using support vector machines and air temperatures. International Journal of Climatology. 32: 274–285 (2012) . 12.
武偉, 范莉, 李茂芬, 劉洪斌, 李堯琴.2012.不同時間尺度太陽輻射數據對作物生長模型的影響.農業工程學報,28(3):123-128 13.
Peng-Tao Guo, Wei Wu, Hong-Bin Liu*, Mao-Fen Li.2011.Effects of land use and topographical attributes on soil properties in an agricultural landscape.Soil Research (vol 49, Issue 7) . 14.
Hong-Bin Liu, Peng-Tao Guo, Wei Wu, Zheng-Yin Wang.2011. Assessment of soil arsenic, chromium, mercury and lead at an agricultural landscape scale.Soil and Sediment Contamination. 20:995–1007, 2011. 15.
Wei Wu, Hong-Bin Liu*,Heng-Lin Dai,Wei Li,Peng-Shou Sun.2011.The management and planning of citrus orchards at a regional scale with GIS.Precision Agriculture,12:44–54. 16.
Chen, Ji-Long, Liu Hong-Bin*, Wu Wei, Xie De-Ti. 2011. Estimation of monthly solar radiation from measured temperatures using support vector machines – a case study. Renewable Energy. 36, 413-420. 17.
郭澎濤,李茂芬,劉洪斌*,武偉,王正銀.2011.丘陵地區田間尺度農地景觀坡位劃分.農業工程學報,27(4):324-329. 18.
Mao-Fen Li, Hong-Bin Liu*, Peng-Tao Guo, Wei Wu. 2010. Estimation of daily solar radiation from routinely observed meteorological data in Chongqing, China. Energy Conversion and Management. 51, 2575-2579. 19.
Wei Wu, Ji-long Chen, Hong-bin Liu*, Garcia y Garcia, A., Hoogenboom, G., 2010. Paramaterizing soil and weather inputs for crop simulation models using the VEMAP database. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 135, 111-118. 20.
Wei Wu, Hong-Bin Liu*, Hoogenboom, G., White, J.W., 2010. Evaluating the accuracy of VEMAP daily weather data for application in crop simulations on a regional scale. European Journal of Agronomy. 32, 187-194. 21.
郭澎濤,武偉,劉洪斌*,謝德體,李茂芬.2010.DEM 柵格分辨率對丘陵山地區定量土壤-景觀模型的影響.農業工程學報,26(12):330-336. 22.
Wu,W., Xie, D.T., Liu, H.B*., 2009. Spatial variability of soil heavy metals in the Three Gorges area: multivariate and geostatistical analyses. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment. 157, 63-71. 23.
Wu, W., Fan, Y., Wang, Zh.Y., Liu, H.B*., 2008. Assessing effects of digital elevation model resolutions on soil–landscape correlations in a hilly area. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 126, 209-216. 24.
Hongbin Liu*,Deti Xie,Wei Wu.2008.Soil water content forecasting by ANN and SVM hybrid architecture.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 143: 187-193. 25.
李惠敏,劉洪斌,武偉.2010.近10年重慶市歸一化植被指數變化分析.地理科學. 30(1):119-123