主要研究方向包括人工神經網絡、非線性系統與電路設計、憶阻器與憶阻系統、生物電子電路和神經形態系統等。先后主持和主研國家自然科學基金等項目20余項,在Electronic Letters、International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos和中國科學等國內外學術刊物上發表論文60余篇,其中SCI、EI收錄40余篇,獲準授權國家發明專利2項。主持多項教改項目,主編本科生教材3部。兼任國家自然科學基金同行評議專家,重慶市科技咨詢專家、IEEE會員、IEEE CIS會員、重慶市人工智能學會會員,擔任多個期刊和國際會議審稿人。
英國帝國理工學院(Imperial College London)生物工程學院,與E. M. Drakakis教授(Head-Bioinspired VLSI Circuits & Systems Group)進行合作研究,研究領域為人工神經網絡、生物電子電路和基于憶阻器的仿生芯片等,訪問學者;
加拿大溫莎大學(University of Windsor)訪問,高級訪問學者。
教育部“春暉計劃”科研項目:基于強化學習的憶阻神經網絡及其在智能控制系統中的應用(項目號:z2011148, 2012.01-2014.12).
中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目:具有記憶特性的開關功率變換器的研究與控制.(項目號: XDJK2013B011, 2013.01-2015.12).
中央高校基本科研業務費一般項目:憶阻器交叉陣列研究及其在圖像識別中的應用.(項目號:XDJK2010C023,2011.01 -2012.12).
西南師范大學自然科學基金項目:用于聯想記憶的神經網絡研究(項目號: SWNUQ2004024, 2004.10-2006.9).
非線性混沌電路設計與研究(項目號: SWUB2008074,2008.11-2010.10).
尹瑋宏,王麗丹.一種基于憶阻器的超混沌系統實現電路.授權日期: 2013.6.12,專利號:201220731220.
王麗丹,段書凱.混沌振蕩器及其作為隨機比特發生器的應用.授權日期:2012.11.21,專利號:ZL 201110051856.8.
王麗丹, 何朋飛,段書凱,鐘宇平.一種基于憶阻交叉陣列的Q學習系統.申請日期:2012.6.8,申請號:201210188573.2.
8.學術論文2014 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Shukai Duan. A Spintronic Memristor Bridge Synapse Circuit and the Application in Memrisitive Cellular Automata. The Scientific World Journal. Vol. 2014, Article ID 31642, 12 pages.
Shukai Duan, Xiaofang Hu*, Lidan Wang, Shiyong Gao, Chuandong Li. Hybrid Memristor /RTD Structure Based Cellular Neural Networks with Applications in Image processing. Neural Computing and Applications. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 291-296. Sep.2014
Shukai Duan, Xiaofang Hu, Zhekang Dong, Lidan Wang, Pinaki Mazumder. Memristor-Based Cellular Nonlinear/ Neural Network: Design, Analysis, and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Vol. pp, No. 99 July 2014
Huifang Li, Lidan Wang*, ShuKai Duan. A Memristor-Based Scroll Chaotic System -Design, Analysis and Circuit Implementation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol. 24, No. 7, Article ID 1450099, 10 pages. July 2014
王麗丹,段美濤,段書凱∗,胡小方.基于STDP 規則和憶阻橋突觸的神經網絡及圖像處理.中國科學:信息科學. 2014,Vol. 44, No.7, pp. 920-930.July 2014.
Shukai Duan, Xiaofang Hu*, Lidan Wang, Chuandong Li. Analog memristive memory with applications in Audio signal storage. Science China Information Sciences. 2014, Vol. 57, No. 4, Article ID 042406, 15 pages.
Shukai Duan, Xiaofang Hu, Lidan Wang*. Analog memristive memory with applications in audio signal processing. Science China Information Sciences, vol: 57, pp:1-15.April.2014.
王麗丹,段書凱*,段美濤.憶阻 Fourier神經網絡在圖像復原中的應用.西南大學學報., vol. 36, No. 1, pp.1-6. 2014
Shukai Duan, Yi Zhang, Xiaofang Hu, Lidan Wang. Memristor-based chaotic neural networks for associative memory. Neural Computing and Applications, vol.2014, pp: 1-9. June.2014.
董哲康, 段書凱, 胡小方, 王麗丹. 兩類納米級非線性憶阻器模型及串并聯研究.物理學報, Vol. 63, No. 12, pp: 1-17. May.2014.
2013 年[1]
王麗丹,段美濤,段書凱*. 基于STDP規則的憶阻神經網絡在圖像存儲中的應用.電子科技大學學報. Vol. 42, no.5, pp: 642–647. Sep. 2013.
鐘宇平, 王麗丹*, 段書凱, 張鳳運, 李波. 基于神經網絡及強化學習的智能控制系統. 西南大學學報(自然科學版). Vol. 35, no.11, pp: 172-179. Apr. 2013.
王曉東, 王麗丹*, 段書凱. 基于憶阻細胞自動機的圖像像素值置換加密技術.計算機科學. vol:40, no.9, pp: 133–135. Sep. 2013.
張椅,段書凱*,王麗丹,胡小方. 基于憶阻器的連續學習混沌神經網絡.計算機科學.
vol:40, no.10, pp: 213-217. Oct. 2013.
vol:36, no.12, pp: 2577-2586. Dec. 2013.
vol: 40, no.6A, pp: 58-60. Jun. 2013.
Lidan Wang, Meitao Duan and Shukai Duan*. Memristive Perceptron for Combinational Logic Classification. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. vol.2013, no. 625790, pp: 1-7, 2013.
Lidan Wang, Meitao Duan and Shukai Duan*. Memristive Chebyshev Neural Network and Its Applications in Function Approximation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. vol.2013, no. 429402, pp: 1-7, 2013.
方曉燕, 王麗丹, 段書凱. 基于憶阻的自適應單神經元多變量解耦 PID 控制器. 重慶理工大學學報, vol:27, No.3. PP: 91-96. Mar.2013
Lidan Wang, Xiaoyan Fang, Shukai Duan* and Xiaofeng Liao. PID controller based on memristive CMAC network. Abstract and Applied Analysis. vol.2013, no.510238, pp: 1-6, Jan.2013.
段美濤, 王麗丹, 段書凱. 憶阻感知器在邏輯分類中的應用[J]. 重慶理工大學學報. Vol.27, No.1, PP: 71-75. Jan.2013.
Weihong Yin, Lidan Wang*, Shukai Duan. Characteristics of memristor series-parallel connection circuit with applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 284-287, no.2013, pp: 2485-2489, 2013.
Xiaoyan Fang, Lidan Wang*, Shukai Duan. Adaptive single-neuron proportional- integral-derivative controller base on memristor. Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 284-287, no.2013, pp: 2205-2209, 2013.
Shukai Duan, XiaofangHu, Lidan Wang*, Shiyong Gao. Resonant Tunneling Diodes-Based Cellular Nonlinear Networks with Fault Tolerance Analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.Vol.2013, Article ID 170202,8 pages.(SCI:000320256400001,Impact Factor:~1.383).May 2013.
2012 年[1]
Song Liu, Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan*, Chuandong Li, Jianjun Wang. Memristive Device based Filter and Integration Circuits with Applications. Advanced Science Letters. vol. 8, pp: 195-199, 2012.
Lidan Wang, Emmanuel Drakakis*, Shukai Duan, Pengfei He. Memristor model and its application for chaos generation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2012, vol.22, No.8, Article ID 1250205, 14 pages.
Shukai Duan*, Xiaofang Hu, Lidan Wang, Chuandong Li, pinaki mazumder. Memristor-based RRAM with applications. Science China Information Sciences.2012, vol.55, No.6, pp.1446-1460.
Xiaofang Hu, Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang,Xiaofeng Liao.Memristive crossbar array with applications in Image processing. Science China Information Sciences. 2012, vol.55, No.2, pp. 461-472.
Lidan Wang Shukai Duan*.A chaotic attractor in delayed memristive system. Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2012, Vol.2012, Article ID 726927, 8 pages, 2012.
Xiaofang Hu, Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. A novel chaotic neural network using memristive synapse with applications in associative memory. Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2012, vol. 2012,
Article ID 405739, 19 pages.
Pengfei He, Lidan Wang*, Shukai Duan.The charging and discharging characteristics of memcapacitor storage with applications. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2012, pp.5139-5143.
Shiyong Gao,Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. RTDs based cellular neural/nonlinear networks with applications in image processing. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, vol.9, pp.204-207.
段書凱,胡小方,王麗丹,李傳東,Mazumder Pinaki.憶阻器阻變隨機存取存儲器及其在信息存儲中的應用.中國科學F輯:信息科學. 2012, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 754-769.July 2011.
2011 年[1]
Xiaofang Hu,Shukai Duan*,Lidan Wang.Memristive multilevel memory with applications in audio signal storage. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7002(1): 228-235.
段書凱, 胡小方, 王麗丹*, 李傳東, Pinaki Mazumder. 憶阻器阻變隨機存取存儲器及其在信息存儲中的應用.中國科學F輯: 信息科學. vol. 42, no.6, pp: 754-769, 2011.
2010 年[1]
Xiaofang Hu, Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang*, Xiaofeng Liao. Memristive Crossbar Array with Applications in Image Processing. Science China Information Sciences. vol. 55, no. 2, pp: 461-472, 2010.
Shiyong Gao, Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. RTDs Based Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Networks with Applications in Image Processing. Advanced Materials Research. vol. 2012, pp: 403-408, 2010.
2009 年[1]
Shukai Duan,* Lidan Wang. A novel delayed chaotic neural model and its circuitry implementation.Computers and Mathematics with Applications.57(11-12):1736-1742.
Xiaofan Yang*, Xingchang Liu, Lidan Wang. Stability of a generalized Putnam equation.
Applied Mathematics Letters.
vol.22, no.4, pp: 565-568, 2009.
2008 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan*. Generation and circuitry implementation of an N-double scroll delayed chaotic neuron.Proceedings 4th International Conference on Natural Computation.2:389-393.(EI:20085111800290,CPCI-S:000264527 000079) .October 2008.
Lidan Wang*, Shukai Duan.Adaptive synchronization of delayed chaotic systems.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.5263(1):357-363.
Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. Circuitry implementation for a simple delayed chaotic neural model with PWL function.Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Natural Computation.3:451–454.
Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan*, Xiaofan Yang. Generation of delayed chaotic neuron with an axisymmetric activation function.Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation.2008,1123-1126.
Lidan Wang*, Shukai Duan. Adaptive synchronization between two delayed chaotic systems based on parameter identification.Proceedings of the 4th
Conference on Natural Computation.2008,4:590-594.
Shukai Duan,Lidan Wang*. Circuitry analog and synchronization of hyperchaotic neuron model.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2008,5264(2):580-587.
Shukai Duan, Lidan Wang*.Chaos synchronization between coupled hyperchaotic systems and its circuitry implementation.Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Computation.2008,4:618-621.
2007 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Shukai Duan*. First-order delayed differential equation system as multi-scroll chaotic generator.Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms.2007,14(S2):729-732.
Shukai Duan,Lidan Wang*,Xiaofeng Liao.Circuitry implementation of a new four-dimensional chaotic system. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B. 2007, 14 (s2):762-765.
Lidan Wang, Xiaofan Yang, Shukai Duan*.Analysis of fault tolerance of cellular neural networks and applications to image processing.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation.3:252-256.
Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. Associative memory and successive learning in chaotic neural network.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation.3:118-122.
2006 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Yang Xiaofan*. Generation of multi-scroll delayed chaotic oscillator .Electronics Letters.vol.42, no.25, pp. 1439-1441, 2006.
2005 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan*, Guangyuan Liu.Adaptive chaotic controlling method of a chaotic neural network model.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005, 3496: 363-368.
Shukai Duan*, Lidan Wang. Associative chaotic neural network via exponential decay spatio-temporal effect.Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2005,3496:491-496.
2004 年[1]
Lidan Wang, Shukai Duan*.Novel chaotic neural network for automatic material ratio system.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2004, 3174:813-819.
2003 年[1]
Shukai Duan,Guangyuan Liu*,Lidan Wang,Yuhui Qiu.A novel chaotic neural network for many-to-many associations and successive learning.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing.2003,1-2:135-138.
西南大學第二屆教育教學改革研究重點項目:西南地區電氣信息類高素質人才的培養模式研究與實踐(項目號:2008JY029,2008.3-2010.2, 第一主研)
西南大學教育教學改革研究項目一般項目: 含弘學院電子信息類專業培養模式探索與課程體系構建. (項目號: 2012JY201, 2013.01-2014.12,項目負責人)
西南大學教師教育創新平臺建設項目:重點課程《電工學》數字化建設(項目號: 2120100621, 2010.06 -2010. 12)
西南大學教育教學改革研究項目一般項目:以就業為導向的電氣信息本科學生培養模式研究與實踐(項目號: 2009JY053, 2009.10-2011.06,主持)
劉慶, 段書凱,王麗丹.高校高素質人才的核心要素、培養措施與對策. 教育教學論壇.2011, 2: 108-109. Feb. 2011.
王世元, 段書凱,王麗丹. 關本科生雙語教學的實踐與探討. 西南農業大學學報(社會科學版).2010, 8(1): 192-195. Feb. 2010.
王麗丹, 段書凱. 混沌現象的兩種演示方法. 物理教學探討. 2008, 26(323):19-21. Sep. 2008.
西南大學第四屆本科生科技創新基金項目一般項目:基于FPGA的憶阻器件性能展示平臺研究與實現(0918003, 2009.06-2010.06,指導教師)
中央高校基本科研業務費(學生項目):基于物聯網技術的鐵路人員安全管理系統(XDJK2013D013, 2013.06-2014.06,指導教師)
西南大學第七屆本科生科技創新基金項目重大項目:一種帶噴霧型的智能化多重密碼鎖的設計與實現(1332001, 2013.06-2014.06,指導教師)
2014年06月,榮獲西南大學 “2013-2014年度實習優秀管理干部”;