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聯系方式 廈門大學經濟樓A312 王亞南經濟研究院& 經濟學院 郵編:361000 Email: xiaojiabao@xmu.edu.cn Homepage: www.baoxiaojia.com 工作經歷 2013至今,廈門大學王亞南經濟研究院&經濟學院,助理教授 教育 博士,可持續發展,哥倫比亞大學,2013 碩士,人口、資源與環境經濟學,中國人民大學,2008 學士,環境經濟與管理,中國人民大學,2006 研究方向 應用微觀、環境經濟學 、發展經濟學及中國問題 發表文章 張瑞、鮑小佳,“數字績效”:大壩高度決策的政治經濟學,經濟資料譯叢,2014年2期 工作論文 “大壩與政府轉移支付:平衡地方政府利益” (Submitted to Journal of Public Economics) "應對臺風災害的轉移支付研究" (with Solomon Hsiang and Daiju Narita) "中國農村地區的用水、用電及氣象關系” "跨太平洋大氣污染轉移的經濟及健康影響" (with Nicole Ngo and Nan Zhong) "中國基礎設施及官員激勵" 研究內容 “水利資源調度的農業影響及其公平性” “中國水價調整與資源分布” 教學 微觀經濟學,2013年秋季 經濟學原理,2013年秋季 獎學金和獎項 V.K. Wellington Koo Fellowship,哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所,2011-2012 Doctoral EmpedocleMaffia Fellowship,哥倫比亞大學,2009-2010 Graduate Faculty Fellowship,哥倫比亞大學,2008-2013 論文宣講 計量經濟學中國年會, 2014; 廈門大學制度經濟分析國際研討會, 2014; 哥倫比亞大學政治經濟學、可持續發展 seminar, 2012; American Geophysical Union, 2012; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Meeting, 2011 個人英文簡介 XIAOJIA BAO Contact Information A312, Economics Building The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics & SOE Xiamen, China, 361000 Email: xiaojiabao@xmu.edu.cn Homepage: www.baoxiaojia.com Employment Assistant Professor, The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics & School of Economics, Xiamen University, 2013-present Education Ph.D. Sustainable Development, Columbia University, 2013 M.A. Environmental and Resource Economics, Renmin University of China, 2008 B.A. Environmental and Resource Economics, Renmin University of China, 2006 Fields Applied Microeconomics, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, China Studies Publications Rui Zhang and Xiaojia Bao, “Political Economics of Dam Height Decision in China”, Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature of Economics (Chinese), 2014 (2) Working papers “Dams and Intergovernmental Transfers: Balancing Local Interests in China (Submitted to Journal of Public Economics) "Transfer for Disasters: Governmental Responsiveness to Typhoon Risks in China" (with Solomon Hsiang and Daiju Narita) "Water, Electricity and Weather Variability in Rural Northern China" "Transboundary Air Pollution Transfer Over the Pacific" (with Nicole Ngo and Nan Zhong) "Signaling Performances Through Numbers: Dam Heights in China" Work-in-Progress “Diverting Water: Agricultural Impacts of Canal System in China” “Geographic Variations of Water Price in China” Teaching Microeconomics, Fall 2013 Principle of Economics, Fall 2013 Fellowship and Awards V.K. Wellington Koo Fellowship, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, 2011-2012 Doctoral Empedocle Maffia Fellowship, Columbia University, 2009-2010 Graduate Faculty Fellowship, Columbia University, 2008-2013 Presentations China Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2014; Xiamen University International Workshop in Economic Analysis on Institutions, 2014; Columbia University Political Economy Breakfast Seminar and Sustainable Development Seminar, 2012; American Geophysical Union, 2012; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Meeting, 2011 代表性成果 論文發表: (1) “數字績效”:大壩高度決策的政治經濟學,經濟資料譯叢,2014年05月 專著發表: (1) 新的企業模式:創造沒有貧困的世界,中信出版社,2008年10月,譯著 |
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