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發表于 2015-01-21 16:52
性別:男 職稱:副教授 學院:信息科學與技術學院 研究方向:切換系統的魯棒控制、復雜非線性系統的結構分析 聯系電話: +86-592-258-0036 電子郵件: zhxl (AT) xmu.edu.cn 主講課程: 復變函數 矩陣分析(研究生課) 線性系統(研究生課) 現代數學方法 指導研究生: 2011:碩士生:章志偉 2010:碩士生:盛文波 2009:碩士生:高澍 學術兼職: 福建省自動化學會理事, 2005- 代表性論文: Xiaoli Zhang, Analysis of Robust Stability for Switched Systems with Multiple Time-Delays, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2011, 9(2):283-288. (EI) 張霄力, 切換系統區間時滯依賴穩定及L2增益分析, 廈門大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 49(4):470-475. 羅正選, 張霄力, 時滯切換系統的時滯依賴穩定,控制理論與應用,2009,26 (1):89-91. (EI) Zhang Xiaoli, Delay-range-dependent Robust Stability for Uncertain Switched Systems with Time-varying Delay, the 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, June 9-11, 2010, Xiamen, China, pp.1269-1273. (EI) Zhang Xiaoli , Average dwell time approach robust stabilization of switched linear systems with time-delay, the 21st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, June, 17-19, 2009, Guilin, China, pp.4233-4237. (EI) Xiaoli Zhang, Jun Zhao, An algorithm of uniform ultimate boundedness for a class of switched linear systems, International Journal of Control , 2002, Vol.75, Nos.16/17, 1399-1405. (SCI) |
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