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分類:導師信息 來源:北京理工大學化學與化工學院 2018-05-17 相關院校:北京理工大學
劉婷,女,1983 年 1 月生,工學博士,講師,碩士生導師
地址:北京市海淀區中關村南大街 5 號
E-mail: liuting@bit.edu.cn
2001.9 - 2005.7 哈爾濱工業大學,市政環境工程學院給水排水工程專業,學士學位
2005.9 - 2007.3 哈爾濱工業大學,市政環境工程學院市政工程專業,工學碩士學位
2007.3 - 2011.7 哈爾濱工業大學,市政環境工程學院市政工程專業,工學博士學位
2011.9-2012.10 加拿大滑鐵盧大學 (University of Waterloo),土木與環境工程系,博士后
2013.2-至今 北京理工大學,化學與化工學院(原化工與環境學院),能源化工系,講師
2016.6-2016.12 英國帝國理工學院 (Imperial College London),環境工程系,訪問學者
擔任 Carbon,Water Research,Journal of Membrane Science,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 國際學術期刊獨立審稿人
在環境、能源領域學術期刊上發表論文二十余篇,其中以第一作者發表 SCI 論文中,單篇最高他引 100 余次。近年主要發表論文如下 (*為通訊作者):
1.Zhaoyang Su, Ting Liu, Wenzheng Yu*, Xing Li and Nigel Graham**, Coagulation of surface water: observations on the significance of biopolymers, Water Research, 2017, 126, 144-152. (SCI, IF=6.941)
2.Ting Liu, Bing Yang, Nigel Graham, Yuanlong Lian, Wenzheng Yu*, Kening Sun*, Mitigation of NOM fouling of ultrafiltration membranes by pre-deposited heated aluminum oxide particles with different crystallinity, Journal of Membrane Science, 544 (2017) 359-367. (SCI, IF=6.035)
3.Ting Liu, Bing Yang, Nigel Graham, Wenzheng Yu*, Kening Sun*, Trivalent metal cation cross-linked graphene oxide membranes for NOM removal in water treatment, Journal of Membrane Science, 542 (2017) 31-40. (SCI, IF=6.035)
4.Wenzheng Yu*, Nigel Graham*, Ting Liu, Effect of intermittent ultrasound on controlling membrane fouling with coagulation pre-treatment: Significance of the nature of adsorbed organic matter, Journal of Membrane Science, 535 (2017) 168-177. (SCI, IF=6.035)
5.Fang Wang, Ting Liu*, Yaofang Guo, Wenzhen Li, Ji Qi, David Rooney, Kening Sun*, Co9S8 activated N/S co-doped carbon tubes in situ grown on carbon nanofibers for efficient oxygen reduction, RSC Advances, 55 (2017) 34763-34769. (SCI, IF= 3.108)
6.Ting Liu, Yuanlong Lian, Nigel Graham, Wenzheng Yu*, David Rooney, Kening Sun*, Application of polyacrylamide flocculation with and without alum coagulation for mitigating ultrafiltration membrane fouling: Role of floc structure and bacterial activity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017) 41-48. (SCI, IF= 6.2160)
7.Ting Liu*, Yao-Fang Guo, Yi-Ming Yan, Fang Wang, Chen Deng, David Rooney, Ke-Ning Sun*, CoO nanoparticles embedded in three-dimensional nitrogen/sulfur co-doped carbon nanofiber networks as a bifunctional catalyst for oxygen reduction/evolution reactions, Carbon, 106 (2016) 84-92. (SCI, IF=6.198)
8.Xin Guo, Guo-lin Cao, Fei Ding, Xinyuan Li, Shuyu Zhen, Yi-fei Xue, Yi-ming Yan*, Ting Liu*, Ke-ning Sun*, A bulky and flexible electrocatalyst for efficient hydrogen evolution based on the growth of MoS2 nanoparticles on carbon nanofiber foam, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 5041-5046. (SCI, IF=8.262)
9.Guo-Lin Cao, Yi-Ming Yan, Ting Liu*, David Rooney, Ke-Ning Sun*, Three-dimensional porous carbon nanofiber networks decorated with cobalt-based nanoparticles: A robust electrocatalyst for efficient water oxidation, Carbon, 94 (2015) 680-686. (SCI, IF=6.198)
10.W.Z. Yu, H.J. Liu*, T. Liu, R.P. Liu, J.H. Qu*, Comparison of submerged coagulation and
traditional coagulation on membrane fouling: Effect of active flocs, Desalination, 309 (2013)
11-17. (SCI, IF=4.412)
11.W.Z. Yu, T. Liu, J. Gregory, G.B. Li, H.J. Liu*, J.H. Qu, Aggregation of nano-sized alum-humic primary particles, Separation and Purification Technology, 99 (2012) 44-49. (SCI, IF=3.299)
12.T. Liu, Z.L. Chen*, W.Z. Yu, S.J. You, Characterization of organic membrane foulants in a submerged membrane bioreactor with pre-ozonation using three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy, Water Research, 45 (2011) 2111-2121. (SCI, IF=5.991)
13.T. Liu, Z.L. Chen*, W.Z. Yu, J.M. Shen, J. Gregory, Effect of two-stage coagulant addition on coagulation-ultrafiltration process for treatment of humic-rich water, Water Research, 45 (2011) 4260-4268. (SCI, IF=5.991)
14.W.Z. Yu*, T. Liu, J. Gregory*, L. Campos, G.B. Li, J.H. Qu, Influence of flocs breakage process on submerged ultrafiltration membrane fouling, Journal of Membrane Science, 385 (2011) 194-199. (SCI, IF=5.557)
15.W.Z. Yu*, J. Gregory, T. Liu, Y.L. Yang, M. Sun, G.B. Li, Effect of enhanced coagulation by KMnO4 on the fouling of ultrafiltration membranes, Water Science & Technology, 64 (2011) 1497-1502. (SCI, IF= 1.064)
1.Y.L. Lian, T. Liu*. Effect of crystalline process of alum precipitate on controlling membrane fouling at nano-scale. The 5th IWA-RMTC Conference, 22-24 August 2016, Kunming, China. Poster.
2.Y.F. Guo, T. Liu*, Kening Sun. Co3O4 NPs Embedded in N-doped Carbon Fibers as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction And Evolution Reactions, ICAMSE 2016, 8-10 January 2016, Shenzhen, China.
3.G.L. Cao, T. Liu*, K.N. Sun. N-Doped carbon Fibers/NiCo double hydroxide framework as three-dimensional electrocatalysts for water oxidation. ICEESE 2015, 30-31 May 2015, Guangzhou, China.