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分類:導師信息 來源:中科院新疆理化所 2018-05-23 相關院校:中科院新疆理化技術研究所
姓 名:盧崇道
性 別:男
職 稱:研究員(自然科學)
盧崇道,男,漢族,1979年生于新疆。理學博士,研究員,博士生導師。2000年本科畢業于云南大學化學系,同年保送中國科學院成都有機化學研究攻讀博士學位,2005年4月畢業,獲有機化學博士學位;2005年5月開始在美國佛羅里達州立大學(FSU)化學與生物化學系進行博士后研究,先后從事海洋天然產物全合成以及紫杉烷類抗癌藥物的合成工藝研究,合作教授先后為:Armen Zakarian (已遷往UCSB) 和Robert A. Holton (FSU)。入選中國科學院“百人計劃”(類別:“引進國外杰出人才”)。
(1) 高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(自然科學獎)二等獎,“捕捉活潑葉立德中間體的多組分新反應研究”,胡文浩教授,楊琍蘋教授,盧崇道,黃浩喜,張旭,郭鑫,徐新芳,朱映光, 2010年,教育部。
(2) 中國科學院院長獎學金優秀獎,2005年。
(1) Peng-Ju Ma, Hui Liu, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Diastereoselective electrophilic α-hydroxyamination of N-tert-butanesulfinyl imidates, Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 670–673.
(2) Jin Jiang, Hui Liu, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Diethyl phosphite initiated coupling of α-ketoesters with imines for synthesis of α-phosphonyloxy-β-amino acid derivatives and aziridine-2-carboxylates, Org. Lett., 2016, 18, 880–883.
(3) Wei Huang, Hui Liu, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Diastereoselective synthesis of 2-methoxyimidoyloxiranes via dimethyl phosphite-mediated coupling of α-keto N-sulfinyl imidates with aldehydes, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 13592–13595.
(4) Chao-Yang Lin, Peng-Ju Ma, Zhao Sun, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Carbamoyl anion-initiated cascade reaction for stereoselective synthesis of substituted α-hydroxy-β-amino amides, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 912–915.
(5) Zhao Sun, Hui Liu, Yong-Ming Zeng, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Silyllithium-initiated coupling of α-ketoamides with tert-butanesulfinylimines for stereoselective synthesis of enantioenriched α-(silyloxy)-β-amino amides, Org. Lett., 2016, 18, 620–623.
(6) Ze-Ao Huang, Hui Liu, Chong-Dao Lu*, Yan-Jun Xu*, Stereoselective Synthesis of enantioenriched 2-chloro-2-aroylaziridines by cascade reaction between aryl nitriles, silyldichloromethanes, and tert-butanesulfinylimines, Org. Lett., 2015, 17, 4042–4045.
(7) Chong-Dao Lu, Armen Zakarian*, Unified Total Synthesis of Trichodermamide B and of the Putative Biosynthetic Precursor of Aspergillazine A, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 6829–6831.
(8) Armen Zakarian*, Chong-Dao Lu, Development of the 1,2-oxaza-Cope rearrangement, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 5356–5357.
(9) Chong-Dao Lu, Hui Liu, Zhi-Yong Chen, Wen-Hao Hu*, Ai-Qiao Mi, Three-component reaction of aryl diazoacetates, alcohols and aldehydes (or imines): evidence of alcoholic oxonium ylide intermediates, Org. Lett., 2005, 7, 83–86.