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分類:導師信息 來源:北京工業大學 2018-05-24 相關院校:北京工業大學
主持和承擔國家863計劃、973計劃、國家自然科學基金及其他國家和省部級重點科研項目幾十項。研制出多種性能優異的半導體激光器、LED和探測器。其中所研發的高亮度紅光LED技術成功實現技術轉讓600萬美元,并獲風險投資3000萬美元在北京實現產業化生產。獲北京市科學技術一等獎。國家發明專利授權10余項。近幾年在Appl Phys Lett, Opt Lett, IEEE系列等國際重要學術刊物上發表論文60余篇。培養博士和碩士研究生40余人。
(1) Xu Kun, Xu Chen*, et al, Graphene transparent electrodes grown by rapid chemical vapor deposition with ultrathin indium tin oxide contact layers for GaN light emitting diodes,
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.102, 162102(2013),162102-1-5
(2)Xu Kun, Xu Chen*, et al, GaN nanorod light emitting diodes with suspended graphene transparent electrodes grown by rapid chemical vapor deposition",
Applied Physics Letters,Vol.103, Issue 22,222105-1-5), (2013),
(3)Meng Xun, Chen Xu*, et al, Wide Operation Range In-Phase Coherently Coupled Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Based on Proton Implantation,
Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No.10, May 15, 2015
(4)Yiyang Xie,Chen Xu,*et al,Polarization stable low threshold current single fundamental mode VCSELs,Optical Materials Express, 5, 1998-2005, 2015
(5) Qi Liu, Jun Deng, Chen Xu*,et al. “High responsivity sensing of unfocused laser and white light using graphene photodetectors grown by chemical vapor deposition.”
Optical Materials Express 6.7(2016)
(6) Yibo Dong, Jun Han, Chen Xu*, et al. “High Light Extraction Efficiency AlGaInP LEDs with Proton Implanted Current Blocking Layer.”IEEE Electron Device Letters, VOL. 88, NO. 6, JUNE 2016
(7)Hai-Liang Ge, Chen Xu*, et al,Enhanced performance of photonic crystal GaN light-emitting diodes with graphene transparent electrodes,Nanoscale Research Letters , 10:103, 2015,
(8)Kun Xu, Chen Xu*,et al, Graphene GaN-Based Schottky Ultraviolet Detectors,
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Issue: 99,2015,
(9) Ming-Ming Mao, Chen Xu*,et al, Implant-Defined 33 In-Phase Coherently Coupled Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers ,IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.5, No. 6, 2013,1502606,
(10)Wang Guo, Chen Xu*, et al, Rapid chemical vapor deposition of graphene on liquid copper,Synthetic Metals,Vol. 216, pp.93–97, June 2016,
(11) Ming-Ming Mao, Chen Xu*, et al, High beam quality of in-phase coherent coupling 2-D VCSEL s based on proton-implantation,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Vol26,Issue 4 ,2014 ,pp395-397。
(12)Yi-Yang Xie, Qiang Kan, Chen Xu*, et al,“Low Threshold Current Single-Fundamental-Mode Photonic Crystal VCSELs” ,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2012,466,
(13)Meng Xun, Chen Xu*,“Modal Properties of 2-D Implant-Defined Coherently Coupled VerticaCavity Surface-Emitting Laser ”,IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 51, no. 1, 2015,
(14)Meng Xun, Chen Xu*, et al, “Phase tuning in two-dimensional coherently coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser ”,Applied Optics, Vol. 55, No. 20,pp. 5439-5443,July 10 2016