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分類:導師信息 來源:北京科技大學土木與資源工程學院 2018-05-25 相關院校:北京科技大學
男,山東威海人,博士,教授,博士生導師,全國注冊安全工程師、爆破工程師,現任土木工程系系主任。2006年畢業于北京科技大學巖土工程專業,同年留校任教;2013年入選北京市“青年英才計劃”。美國University of Minnesota、澳大利亞The University of Melbourne和The University of New South Wales大學訪問學者。“國家自然科學基金”等國家及省部級科研項目、《International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences》、《巖石力學與工程學報》等國內外著名期刊評審專家。
[1] Shengjun Miao, Meifeng Cai, Qifeng Guo, Peitao Wang, Mingchun Liang. Damage effects and mechanisms in Granite treated with acidic chemical solutions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016, 88: 77-86. (SCI收錄)
[2] Sheng-Jun Miao,Mei-Feng Cai,Qi-Feng Guo,Zheng-Jun Huang.Rock burst prediction based on in-situ stress and energy accumulation theory.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,2016,(83):86-94. (SCI收錄)
[3] Shengjun Miao; Xin Hao; Xuelian Guo; Zimu Wang; Mingchun Liang. Displacement and landslide forecast based on an improved version of Saito’s method together with the Verhulst-Grey model. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2017,10(3): 1-10 (SCI收錄)
[4] Shengjun Miao, Yuan Li, Wenhui Tan, Fenhua Ren. Relation between the in-situ stress field and geological tectonics of a gold mine area in Jiaodong Peninsula, China. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2012, (51): 76-80. (SCI收錄)
[5] Sheng-jun Miao, Xing-ping Lai, Xing-guang Zhao, Fen-hua Ren. Simulation experiment of AE-based localization damage and deformation characteristic on covering rock in mined-out area. International journal of minerals, metallurgy and materials, 2009, 16(3): 255-260. (SCI收錄)
[6] 苗勝軍,蔡美峰,冀東,郭奇峰,白玉冰. 酸性化學溶液作用下花崗巖損傷時效特征與機理. 煤炭學報, 2016, 41(5): 1137-1144. (EI 收錄)
[7] Shengjun Miao, Zimu Wang, Hao Wang, Deng Zhang. The Direction of Shear Fracture Trend Surface in Triaxial Unequal Stress Fields. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2016, 21(06): 2269-2286. (EI 收錄)
[8] 苗勝軍, 蔡美峰, 冀東, 郭奇峰. 酸性化學溶液作用下花崗巖力學特性與參數損傷效應. 煤炭學報, 2016, 41(4): 829-835. (EI 收錄)
[9] Miao ShengJun, Huang GuanLin, Chen Fei, Shi LiChao,Analysis of the construction of new metro impact on the existing subway station, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1030-1032: 1966-1969. (EI 收錄)
[10] 苗勝軍, 楊志軍, 龍超, 譚文輝. 脆性硬巖CWFS強度準則模型等效塑性參數優化研究. 巖石力學與工程學報, 2013, 32(S1): 2600-2605. (EI 收錄)
[11] Miao Shengjun, Long Chao, Huang Guanlin, Chen Han. The parameter identification of the steep seam goaf's structural characteristics of the coal and rock based on GPR, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 390: 403-407. (EI 收錄)
[12] 苗勝軍, 楊志軍, 龍超, 任奮華. 混合花崗巖加載細觀力學特性及破裂演化規律. 江蘇大學學報, 2012, 33(4): 469-473. (EI 收錄)
[13] Shengjun Miao, Mingchun Liang, Xuelian Guo, ZimuWang, and Xin Hao. Micro Mechanical Properties and CWFS Criterion Parameters Optimization of Brittle Hard Rock Under Compression. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(9): 5899-5906. (EI 收錄)
[14] 李鵬, 苗勝軍*.中國大陸金屬礦區實測應力場及斷層穩定性研究. 工程科學學報. 2017年3月. 2017,39(3):323-334. (EI 收錄)
[15] 李鵬, 苗勝軍*. 我國煤礦礦區地應力場特征與斷層活動性分析. 煤炭學報. 2016, 41(S2): 319-329. (EI 收錄)
[16] Xuelian Guo, Xiuming Liu, Shengjun Miao*, Guoyong Zhao, Yixin Liu. Variability of magnetic character of S5-1 paleosol (age similar to 470 Ka) along a rainfall transect explains why susceptibility decreased with high rainfall. Aeolian Research, 2015, 19: 55-63 (SCI收錄)
[17] Miao Shengjun, Chen Fei, Cui Guangjian. Thermal conductivity of rocks and the analysis of its influence factors, Seventh International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA). 2015: 1337-1340. (EI 收錄)
[18] Pei Dianfei, Miao Shengjun*, Huang Guanlin, Chen Han. Study on lognormal distribution characteristics of a hydrothermal gold deposit mineralization in Jiaodong Peninsula, China. 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Metallic Materials, CMMM 2013, 289-294. (EI 收錄)
[19] Shengjun Miao, Jianjun Shi, Yuan Li, Haibo Liu. In-situ stress measurement and result analysis in the 8th mine of Pingmei Group, China. Proceedings of 2011 International conference on remote sensing, environment and transportation engineering. 2011, 425-431. (EI收錄)
[20] Shengjun Miao, Peiliang Li, Yuan Li, Xiaokang Liao. Experiments and study on proportioning design of SMA-13 warm mix asphalt. Advanced Materials Research (Switzerland), 2011, 198: 1032-1037. (EI收錄)
[21] MIAO Sheng-jun, LI Zheng-sheng, JI Dong, LI Jiang-bo. Dynamic measurements and behave laws of tunnel pressure in Deep mining. Proceedings of International conference on electric technology and civil engineering. 2011, 250-253. (EI收錄)
[22] Miao Shengjun, Lai Xingping, Cui Feng. Top coal flows in an excavation disturbed zone of high section top coal caving of an extremely steep and thick seam. Mining Science and Technology (China), 2011, 21(1): 99-105. (EI收錄)
[23] S.J. Miao, X.P. Lai, F. Cui, J.T. Cao. Top coal deformation characteristics of high section fully-mechanized top-coal caving for extra-steep-thick seam. Proceedings of 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 5th US / Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, United States. 2010, 117-122. (EI收錄)
[24] Miao Shengjun, Wang Shuren, Li Yuan. Numerical Research on Top Coal Movement, Failure Mechanism and Supports' Stresses Characters of Fully Mechanized Top-Coal Caving in Steep Thick Seam. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (ISSST), 2010, 1627-1631. (ISTP收錄)
[25] S.J. Miao, X.P. Lai. Segment pre-blasting application on 52 m sub-level caving of steep and thick coal seam under complex conditions. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on In-situ Rock Stress, 2010, 355-359. (ISTP收錄)
[26] 苗勝軍, 樊少武, 蔡美峰, 陳長臻. 基于加卸載響應比的載荷巖石動力學特征試驗研究. 煤炭學報, 2009, 34(3): 267-271. (EI收錄)
[27] S.J. Miao, W.H. Tan, Z.F. Hou & P.L. li. Deformation prediction research based on improved Satio’s method with Verhulst grey model. Proceedings of the international young scholars’ symposium on rock mechanics, 28 April-2 May, 2008, Beijing, China. Published by: Taylor & Francis/Balkema. 919-923. (EI, ISTP收錄)
[28] 苗勝軍, 蔡美峰, 任奮華, 歐陽振華. GPS變形監測平差計算及不確定度分析. 巖土力學, 2008, 29(2): 562-566. (EI 收錄)
[29] 苗勝軍, 蔡美峰, 夏訓清, 劉華, 佟慧超. 深凹露天礦GPS邊坡變形監測. 北京科技大學學報, 2006, 28(6): 515-518. (EI 收錄)
[30] 苗勝軍, 萬林海, 來興平, 王雙紅. 三山島金礦地應力場與地質構造關系分析. 巖石力學與工程學報, 2004, 23(23): 3996-3999. (EI 收錄)
[31] 苗勝軍, 王浩, 崔廣建, 等. 金源礦區深部開采模擬及穩定性分析. 礦業研究與開發, 2017, 37(2): 23-26.
[32] 苗勝軍, 史麗超, 白玉冰, 王浩. 大間距無底柱分段崩落法開采穩定性分析. 礦冶, 2016, 25(2): 1-4.
[33] 劉亞運, 苗勝軍*, 魏曉, 等. 三軸循環加卸載下花崗巖損傷的聲發射特征及能量機制演化. 礦業研究與開發, 2016, 36(6): 68-72.
[34] 劉亞運, 苗勝軍*, 郝欣, 王子木. 不同加載條件下花崗巖聲發射特征及其巖爆傾向性研究. 中國礦業, 2016, 25(s1): 397-401.
[35] 裴佃飛, 苗勝軍*, 黃冠霖, 陳瀚. 熱液金礦礦化指數波動特征及沉淀成礦機理研究. 中國礦業, 2014, 23(6): 140-144.
[36] 裴佃飛, 苗勝軍*, 龍超, 陳瀚, 黃冠霖. 基于多種判據和能量聚集的巖爆傾向性研究. 中國礦業, 2014, (02): 79-83.
[37] 李正勝, 苗勝軍, 任奮華, 楊文亮. 深部礦井開采巷道地壓與位移檢測研究. 中國礦業, 2012, 21(05): 96-98.
[38] 苗勝軍, 李培良, 任奮華. 水廠鐵礦水文地質環境及邊坡滲流場模擬研究. 有色金屬(礦山部分), 2008, 60(2): 16-20.
[39] 苗勝軍, 王洋, 李培良, 任奮華. 新奧法巷道開挖監控及最佳二次支護時間研究. 黃金, 2008, 29(3): 27-31.
[40] 苗勝軍, 張云, 吳豪偉, 劉海波, 李江波. 巷道注漿加固圍巖穩定參數敏感性分析. 現代隧道技術, 2008, 45(1): 16~20.
[41] 苗勝軍, 李長洪, 佟慧超, 任奮華. 水廠鐵礦邊坡開挖FLAC3D數值模擬與分析. 有色金屬(礦山部分), 2008, 60(1): 29-33.
[42] 苗勝軍, 蔡美峰, 來興平, 任奮華. 基于Verhulst模型改進的“齋藤法”變形趨勢預報研究. 中國礦業, 2007, 16(4): 46-50.
[43] 苗勝軍, 蔡美峰, 張麗英, 關曉峰. 水廠鐵礦邊坡變形GPS監測及數據處理. 金屬礦山, 2005, (346): 11-13.
[44] 苗勝軍. 深部硬巖開采巖爆傾向性分析與防治技術. 冶金工業出版社,2016,著作.
[45] 苗勝軍. 復雜巖體邊坡變形與失穩預測研究. 冶金工業出版社,2016,專著.
[46] 苗勝軍主編. 土木工程項目管理. 清華大學出版社,2015,教材.
[47] 苗勝軍, 李長洪, 任奮華, 龍超. 一種基于臨滑區變形信息的滑坡預報方法. 發明專利.專利號: ZL 201110308859.5.
[48] 苗勝軍, 梁明純, 王浩, 郝欣. 一種適于深部開采巷道的剛柔耦合吸能支護技術. 發明專利. 申請號: 201610854612.6.
[49] 苗勝軍, 王子木, 白玉冰, 劉亞運. 一種具有良好延伸量的高強度吸能錨桿. 發明專利. 申請號: 201611029822.8.
[50] 2008年4月, International Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Boundaries of Rock Mechanics: Recent Advances and Challenges for the 21st Century.
[51] 2010年10月, The 2ND ISRM International Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions.