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分類:導師信息 來源:華中農業大學信息學院 2019-01-25 相關院校:華中農業大學
(1) 數控裝備信息物理系統架構及關鍵技術研究,湖北省自然科學基金,編號2016CFB555,2016/01-2017/12,主持
(2) 面向可持續制造的工藝規劃與車間調度集成優化技術研究,中央高;究蒲袠I務費項目,2016/01-2017/12,主持
(3) Sustainable Manufacturing Adaptive Services with Cloud Architecture for Enterprises,歐盟項目,2014/01-2017/12,參與
(4) 異構CAD軟件集成技術研究,中央高;究蒲袠I務費項目,2012/09-2013/12,主持
(5) 光伏電站優化設計系統,湖北省電建項目,2013/06-2015/06,主持
(1) 面向信息類專業的C語言程序設計課程課件的優化與應用,校教改項目,2016/6-2016/12,主持
(2) 智能優化算法及應用,創新性實驗項目,2016/9-2016/12,主持
[1]Xiaoxia Li,Weidong Li, XiantaoCai, Fazhi He. A hybrid optimization approach for sustainable process planning and scheduling. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2015, 22(1): 311-326. (SCI, 影響因子4.981, 中科院SCI分區為一區)
[2]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Dejun Zhang, Yilin Chen. A method for topological entity matching in the integration of heterogeneous CAD systems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 20, pp 15-30, 2013. (SCI, 影響因子4.981, 中科院SCI分區為一區)
[3]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Dejun Zhang. CAD data exchange based on the recovery of feature modelling procedure, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(10), pp 874-887, 2012. (SCI, 影響因子1.319)
[4] Jianxiao Liu, Jian Wang, Keqing He, Feng Liu,Xiaoxia Li*. Service Organization and Recommendation Using Multi-granularity Approach, Knowledge-Based Systems, 73, pp.181-198, 2015 (SCI, 影響因子3.325)
[5]Xiaoxia Li, Weidong Li, Fazhi He. A multi-granularity NC program optimization approach for energy efficient machining, Advances in Engineering Software, 2017. (審稿中, SCI, 影響因子 1.673)
[6] Sheng Wang, Xin Lu,Xiaoxia Li, Weidong Li. A systematic approach of process planning and scheduling optimization for sustainable machining. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 87: 914-929. (SCI, 影響因子4.959)
[7] Yiqi Wu, Fazhi He, Dejun Zhang,Xiaoxia Li. Service-Oriented Feature-Based Data Exchange for Cloud-Based Design and Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2016: 1939-1974. (SCI, 影響因子3.049)
[8]Xiaoxia Li, Junyuan Lu, Machining process energy consumption modelling using hybrid regression and artificial neural network, CSCWD, 2017, Wellington, New Zealand, 2017. (EI)
[9]Xiaoxia Li, Weidong Li, XiantaoCai, Fazhi He, A Honey-bee mating optimization approach for sustainable manufacturing process planning and scheduling, IEEE 17th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2013, Beijing, China, 2013.6.27-6.29. (EI 20133816763633)
[10]Xiaoxia Li, Qinggang Wang, Zhang Jun, Jianxiao Liu, Tool Path Optimization for Energy Efficient Machining Using Exhaustive and Simulated Annealing, June 1, 2016, 6th International Conference on Information Science and Technology,ICIST 2016, 362-365. (EI 20162902609647)
[11]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Dejun Zhang. Consistency Maintenance Based on the Matching of Topological Entity. CSCW in Design, 23-25 May, pp. 464 – 469, Wuhan, 2012.
[12]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Bo Ni. A Method for One-Dimensional Topological Entity Matching in Integration of Heterogeneous CAD Systems. CSCW in Design, 8-10 June, pp. 23 – 28, Lausanne, 2011.
[13]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Zhiyong Huang. Retrieval and Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Feature Data for Collaborative Design. CSCW in Design, 14-16 April, pp: 553-558, Shanghai, 2010.
[14]Xiaoxia Li, Fazhi He, XiantaoCai, Yuan Chen, Huajun Liu. Using Procedure Recovery Approach to Exchange Feature-based Data among Hetegeneous CAD systems. CSCW in Design, 22-24 April, pp: 716-721, Santiago, 2009
[15] Feng Liu, Zhou Xu, Chuanchao Zhang, Haijun Lu,Xiaoxia Li*. Design and Implementation of a Context-Aware Based Classroom Inquiring System, Advanced Materials Research. 756-759(2013), pp 1270-1274. (EI 20134416937008)
[16]李小霞,黃小毛,劉建曉,劉峰. 面向低制造能耗的車間作業調度優化仿真.系統仿真學報,2016,(01):114-120.
[18]李小霞, 何發智, 蔡賢濤. 異構CAD協同設計中的一維拓撲元素匹配方法, 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 41(2), pp 270-273, 2011.
[19] 劉建曉, 王健, 張秀偉, 劉峰,李小霞*. 一種基于RDB中自身連接的Web服務聚類方法. 計算機研究與發展, 2013, 50: 205-210.
[20] 張德軍, 何發智,李小霞. 異構CAD數據交換中樣條草圖的處理方法. 圖學學報, 2015, 36(2): 215-221.
(1) 一種異構CAD集成中的拓撲元素匹配方法,2012/01,專利授權號:102567588A
(2) 基于Gcode的可持續加工操作執行順序及道具路徑優化方法,2015/11,專利審中
(3) 指導學生獲得2014年湖北省優秀學士學位論文獎1項
(4) 指導學生SRF項目3項
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