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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2019-07-30 相關院校:武漢理工大學
3、職稱: 教授
2007/12至今 :武漢理工大學材料學院,教授,博導,系副主任
2013/9至今 :武漢理工大學材料物理專業責任教授
● 介電、壓電、鐵電功能陶瓷及其復合材料
● 異質疊層介電薄膜
● 新型能源材料
1. 國家自然科學基金,介電/鐵電異質疊層薄膜的界面耦合效應研究(項目編號: 51572205),2016.1~2019.12, 76.8萬元,項目負責人
2. 國防科工委一條龍項目,JPPT-125-GJGG-17-1,2014.1~2016.12,480.0萬元,技術負責人
3. 國防科工委軍品配套項目,JPPT-115-4-1640,2013.9~2015.12,280.0萬元,
4. 武漢市科技攻關項目,壓電自發電單元及物聯網MEMS的研制(項目編號:2013010501010137),2013.4~2014.12,15.0萬元,項目負責人
5. 國家自然科學基金,鈣鈦礦結構異質疊層薄膜的界面結構與介電性能相關性研究(項目編號:51072148),2011.1~2013.12,總經費:38萬元,項目負責人
6. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃,A(B1/3Nb2/3)O3型異質薄膜結構與界面性能研究(項目編號:NCET-09-0628),2010.1~2012.12,總經費:50萬元,項目負責人
1.Liping Wen, Lin Hu, Jie Shen, Yanyuan Qi, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Aqueous solution-gel preparation and dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 thin films with long range order, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015,98(3): 873-878.
2.Xiong Yang, Jing Zhou*, Sen Zhang, Jie Shen, Jing Tian, Wen Chen, Qi Zhang, Direct measurement of electric field-induced strains of a single lead zirconate piezoelectric ceramic fibre under various conditions, Ceramics International, 2015, 41:1657-1662.
3.Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Chun Lv, Yanyuan Qi, Detection of residual stress in Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 thin films by nanoindentation technique, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 11632–11636
4.Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Lin Hu, Chun Lv, Effects of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 buffer layer on the fatigue behavior in Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015,74:234–239
5.Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Chun Lv, Effects of residual stress on the electrical properties in PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 thin films,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015,75:551–556
6.Keqiang Chen , Jing Zhou , Wen Chen , Peng Zhou , Fan He , and Yueli Liu,Size-Dependent Synthesis of Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13 Nanocrystals with Bandgap Tunability,Materials Views,2015, 32, 999–1005
7.Runrun Li, Wen Chen, Jing Zhou*, Huajun Sun, Yiwang Bao, The effect of stacking sequence and thickness on the structure and microwave dielectric properties of heterogenous Ca(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3/CaTiO3 thin films, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2015, 26:7361–7366
8.周靜主編, 趙春霞, 張楓, 孫華君. 功能材料制備及物理性能分析, 武漢理工大學出版社, 2012年2月第一版, 21.8萬字, 書號ISBN978-7-5629-3685-5 (高等學校“卓越工程師教育培養計劃”系列實驗教材)
9.周靜主編, 沈杰, 祁琰媛, 趙春霞, 近代材料科學研究技術進展, 武漢理工大學出版社, 2012年12月第一版, 96.4萬字, 書號ISBN 978-7-5629-3917-7 (普通高等學校材料科學與工程學科規劃教材)
1. Name: Zhou Jing
2. Brief introduction:
1) Date of birth: May 1970
2) Degree: Ph.D
3) Title: Professor
4) Working department: School of Materials Science and Engineering
3. Education experience(after entering university):
2000.09-2005.03 Ph.D, Wuhan University of Technology
1992.09-1995.06 Master, Wuhan University of Technology
1988.09-1992.06 Bachelor, Wuhan University of Technology
4. Working experience:
Ø 2007.12- present Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Ø 2002.07-2007.11 Associate professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Ø 1998.07-2002.07 Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Ø 1995.07-1998.07 Assistant, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
5. Research field(no more than 3):
Ø Dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric ceramics and ceramic composite materials
Ø Heterogeneous multilayered thin films
Ø New energy materials
6. Research project(no more than 5):
Ø JPPT-125-GJGG-17-1,2014.1~2016.12
Ø JPPT-115-4-1640,2013.9~2015.12
Ø Wuhan Planning Project of Science and Technology(2013010501010137),2013.4~2014.12
Ø National Natural Science Foundation of China(51072148),2011.1~2013.12
Ø Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, State Education Ministry(NCET-09-0628),2010.1~2012.12
7. Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
[1] Liping Wen, Lin Hu, Jie Shen, Yanyuan Qi, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Aqueous solution-gel preparation and dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 thin films with long range order, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015,98(3): 873-878.
[2] Xiong Yang, Jing Zhou*, Sen Zhang, Jie Shen, Jing Tian, Wen Chen, Qi Zhang, Direct measurement of electric field-induced strains of a single lead zirconate piezoelectric ceramic fibre under various conditions, Ceramics International, 2015, 41:1657-1662.
[3] Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Chun Lv, Yanyuan Qi, Detection of residual stress in Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 thin films by nanoindentation technique, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 11632–11636
[4] Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Lin Hu, Chun Lv, Effects of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 buffer layer on the fatigue behavior in Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015,74:234–239
[5] Zhi Wu, Jing Zhou*, Wen Chen, Jie Shen, Chun Lv, Effects of residual stress on the electrical properties in PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 thin films,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2015,75:551–556
[6] Keqiang Chen , Jing Zhou , Wen Chen , Peng Zhou , Fan He , and Yueli Liu,Size-Dependent Synthesis of Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13 Nanocrystals with Bandgap Tunability,Materials Views,2015, 32, 999–1005
[7] Runrun Li, Wen Chen, Jing Zhou*, Huajun Sun, Yiwang Bao, The effect of stacking sequence and thickness on the structure and microwave dielectric properties of heterogenous Ca(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3/CaTiO3 thin films, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2015, 26:7361–7366
[8] Preparation and Physical Properties Analysis of Function Materials, Jing Zhou, Wuhan University of Technology Press, Wuhan, 2012
[9] Research Progress of Modern Material Science and Technology, Jing Zhou, Wuhan University of Technology Press, Wuhan, 2012
8. Contact information:
1) Tel:
2) E-mail: zhoujing@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: East Campus