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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2013-11-05 相關院校:湖南大學
1.《橋梁設計與計算(Bridge Design&Computation)》邵旭東、程翔云、李立峰編著人民交通出版社(China Communications Press)2007
2.《橋梁設計百問(Bridge Design-QuestionsandAnswers)》第二版,邵旭東、胡建華編著,人民交通出版社(ChinaCommunicationsPress)2005
3.《橋梁設計百問(Questions and Answers for Bridge Design)》第一版,邵旭東主編,人民交通出版社(ChinaCommunicationsPress)2003.ISBN:7-114-04565-4
4.《橋梁工程(Bridge Engineering)》第二版,(面向21世紀交通版統編教材)邵旭東主編,人民交通出版社(ChinaCommunicationsPress)2005.
5.《橋梁工程(Bridge Engineering)》(面向21世紀交通版統編教材)邵旭東主編,人民交通出版社(ChinaCommunicationsPress)2004.ISBN:7-114-04796-7
6.《橋梁工程(Bridge Engineering)》(大土木非路橋專業本科教材)邵旭東主編,武漢理工大學出版社(WuhanUniversityofTechnologyPress)2002.ISBN:7-5629-1820-1
7.《橋梁工程(Bridge Engineering)》(大土木橋梁專業本科教材)強士中主編,邵旭東副主編高等教育出版社(HigherEducationPress)2004.ISBN:7-04-014491-3
8.《橋梁工程(Bridge Engineering)》(交通土建高職高專統編教材)邵旭東主審,人民交通出版社(ChinaCommunicationsPress)2005.
1.邵旭東.“橋梁現狀動態識別的試驗研究(Experimental Study on Dynamic Identification of Existing Bridges)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 26, No. 3, 1993, pp. 40-46.
2. 邵旭東、鄧軍、李立峰、蔣自雄.“自錨式懸索橋主纜錨固結構研究(Cable anchorage structure of self-anchored suspension bridge)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal),Vol.39,No.7,2006 pp81-87
3. 邵旭東、張偉、鄧軍、彭聰.“二次預應力梁的徐變和承載力試驗研究(Experimental Research on the Creep Behavior of Twice Prestressed Concrete Beam)”, 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal),Vol.39,No.8,2006 pp81-86
4.彭旺虎、邵旭東、李立峰、張陽.“無背索斜拉橋的概念、設計與施工(The concept, design, and construction of cable-stayed bridges without backstays)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 40, No. 5, 2007, pp. 26-33.
5.李立峰、邵旭東.“正交異性閉口加勁板的承載力分析理論及試驗研究(Theoretical study and model test on the capacity of orthotropic U-rib stiffened plates)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 40, No. 6, 2007, pp. 42-48.
6.邵旭東、彭建新、晏班夫、李立新.“基于全壽命成本的橋梁車道數決策研究(Planning decision based on life-cycle cost for deteriorating bridges)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 41, No. 10, 2008, pp. 45-52.
7.金曉勤、邵旭東.“半整體式全無縫橋梁研究(A study of fully jointless bridge-approach system with semi-integral abutment)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 42, No. 9, 2009, pp. 68-73.
8.彭建新、邵旭東、張建仁.“氣候變化、CO2排放及其對碳化腐蝕的鋼筋混凝土開裂和時變可靠度的影響(Climate change, CO2 emission and effects on carbonation-induced cracking and time-dependent reliability of reinforced concrete structures)” 土木工程學報(China Civil Engineering Journal)Vol. 43, No. 6, 2010, pp. 74-81.
9.邵旭東.“鋼筋混凝土桿系結構極限承載力高精度分析(Refined Analysis of Full Range for RC Framed Structures)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport) Vol.6,No.4, 1993, pp.45-51
10.邵旭東.“鋼筋混凝土和預應力混凝土橋梁承載能力的系統識別和計算(Full-Range Dynamic and Static Identification of Bridge Bearing Capacity)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport) 1997, 10(3), pp.66-71.
11.邵旭東、李立峰、張偉.“二次預應力組合結構試驗研究(Analytical Theory and Test Study of Double Prestressed Composite Structure)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport).2006,19(1), pp75-79.
12.張陽、邵旭東、蔡松柏、胡建華.“大跨桁式鋼管混凝土拱橋空間非線性有限元分析(Spatial Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Long-Span Trussed CFST Arch Bridge)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport).2006,19(4), pp65-70.
13.邵旭東、曾田勝、李立峰、彭旺虎.“斜拉橋預應力索塔優化布束方式研究(Study of Optimal Arrangement of Prestressed Concrete Pylon for Cable-Stayed Bridge)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport) Vol.14,No.2,April 2001, pp.40-44
14.易篤韜、邵旭東、李立峰、許春綿.“軟土地基上橋臺樁基受力算法研究(Research on Algorithm for Mechanics of Abutment Pile Foundation on Soft Ground)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport) Vol.20,No.5,Sept. 2007, pp.59-64
15.張陽、邵旭東、王皓磊、昌穎.“大懸臂鋼—混凝土組合脊骨梁的剪力滯效應(Shear Lag Effects in Steel-concrete Composite Spine Girder with Long Cantilevered Flanges)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport).2008,21(3), pp57-63.
16.邵旭東、王皓磊、昌穎、張陽.“多排預應力波形鋼腹板組合挑梁試驗及力學特性分析(Experiment and Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Multi-cantilever Prestressed Composite Beams with Corrugated Steel Webs)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport).2008,21(4), pp67-73.
17.邵旭東、占雪芳、金曉勤、陳志新“帶地梁的新型無縫橋梁溫度效應研究(Temperature Effect of Innovative Semi-Integral Abutment Jointless Bridge with Ground Beam)” 中國公路學報(China Journal of Highway and Transport).2010,23(1), pp43-48.
18.蔡松柏、程翔云、邵旭東.“П形梁剪力滯效應的解析解(An Analytical Solution for Shear Log Effects of Flat-Arch-Shaped Beam Bridge)”工程力學(Engineering Mechanics),Vol.20,No.5, 2003,pp.82-86.
19.彭建新、邵旭東、程翔云、黃政宇.“鋼管混凝土拱肋徐變研究(Creep behavior of concrete-filled steel tubular arch rib)”工程力學(Engineering Mechanics),Vol.24,No.6, 2007, pp.79-85.
20.邵旭東、昌穎、張陽、王浩磊“多排預應力波形鋼腹板組合挑梁承載能力試驗研究(Experimental study on load capacity of prestressed multi-cantilever composite beam with corrugated steel web” 工程力學(Engineering Mechanics),Vol.25,No.7, 2008, pp.110-117.
1.Xudong Shao, Hua Zhao, Lifeng Li, “Design and Experimental Study of a Harp Shaped Single Span Cable-Stayed Bridge” ASCE’s Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2005 Vol.10, No.3, pp658-665
2.Xudong Shao, Jianxin Peng, Lifeng Li, Banfu Yan, Jianhua Hu “Time-dependent Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Arch Bridge” ASCE’s Journal of Bridge Engineering. 2010 Vol.15, No.1, pp98-107
3.Xudong Shao, Haolei Wang, Hua Zhao, Ying Chang “Experimental study on Multicantilever Prestressed Composite Beams with Corrugated Steel Webs” ASCE’s Journal of Structural Engineering. 2010 Vol.136, No.9
4.“Experimental Research on and Application of Twice-Prestressed Concrete Beam”, Advances in Structural Engineering,Vol. 13, No. 2, 2010
5.Jun Deng, Xudong Shao, Lifeng Li, Songbo.Cai. “Experimental Research on the Creep Behavior of Twice Prestressed Concrete Beam”, Structural Engineering International, February 2006 Vol.16, No.1 pp53-58
6.Xiaoqin Jin, Xudong Shao, Wanghu Peng, Banfu Yan. “A new category of Semi-integral Abutment in China”, Structural Engineering International,2005 Vol.15, No.3 pp 186-189
7.YangZhang, Xudong Shao, Lifeng Li.“Spatial Stress Analysis for Large Cantilevered Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Decks”. Advances in Steel Structures,2005
8.Hua Zhao, Xudong Shao. “The design and Experimental Study of the Steel-Concrete Composite Box Girder of a Harp-Shaped Single Span Cable-Stayed Bridge”, Advances in Steel Structures,2005.
9.Wanghu Peng, Xudong Shao, Lifeng Li.“Design of Main Girder of a Harp Shaped Cable-Stayed Bridge”, Advances in Steel Structures,2005.
10.Jianxin Peng, Xudong Shao.“Research framework of life-cycle performance based bridge design method”, Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure,2005.
11.Xiaoqin Jin, Xudong Shao. “New Technologies in China’s first Jointless Integral-Abutment Bridge” Proceeding of IABSE Symposium 2004, Shanghai, China, Sept. 22-24, 2004.
12.Hua Zhao, Xudong Shao. “An Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridges” Proceeding of IABSE Symposium 2004, Shanghai, China, Sept. 22-24, 2004.
13.Banfu Yan,A.Miyamoto,Xudong Shao,“Comparison of time-frequency analysis based methods for modal parameter extraction of bridge structure” Proceeding of IABMAS, 2004,Kyoto,Japan(The second International Conference of International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety)P.895-896
14.Songbo.Cai,Xudong Shao,Shengpu Shen,Jiang Ye,Yang Zhang,“A quasi-arch length method and its computer implementation for NFEM” Proceeding of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics,P.184
15.Jianxin Peng, Xudong Shao, Xiaoqin Jin. “Research on lifetime performance-based bridge design method” Proceeding of IABMAS, 2006,Porto, Portugal.
16.Xiaoqin Jin, Xudong Shao. Experience of innovative Integral Bridges in China. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges in Canada, August 23rd to 25th, 2006: ID-003-1~ ID-003-9
17.Xudong Shao, Jianxin Peng,Yan Banfu, Bridge multi-index performance assessment model Safety and durability of structure(Proceeding of SSCM) 2006: P.423-424
18.SHAO Xudong, LI Lifeng, YANG Jianjun. Experimental research on the creep behavior and bearing capacity of repeatedly prestressed concrete beam Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China August 2007: Vol.1 No.3 P305-311
19.Jianxin Peng, Xudong Shao, Mark G. Stewart. Design Planning Decision for Deteriorating Wearing Surfaces based on Whole-life Design Considering Life-cycle Cost, Proceeding of 4th International conference on bridge maintenance, safety and management, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
20.Jianxin Peng, Xudong Shao. Bridge material decision for deteriorating structures based on whole-life optimum design considering life-cycle cost, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement (SCAMI-2), 19-21 November 2007, Changsha, China.