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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2013-11-05 相關院校:湖南大學
[1]Ren Chengqin, Li Nianping, Tang Guangfa. Principles of exergy analysis in HVAC and evaluation of evaporative cooling schemes. Building and Environment, 2002, 37 (11):1045-1055
[2]Jian Sun, Guangfa Tang, Ling Zhang, Nianping Li. An efficient solution method for predicting indoor environment of buildings with complex geometric configuration. Building and Environment, 2002, 37(10): 915-922
[3]Ren Chengqin, Jiang Yi, Tang Guangfa, Zhang Yianpin, A characteristic study of liquid desiccant dehumidification/regeneration processes. Solar Energy, 2005, 79(5): 483-494
[4]Zhiqiang Liu, Guangfa Tang, Fuyun Zhao, Dynamic simulation of air-source heat pump during hot-gas defrost , Applied Thermal Engineering. 2003, 23 (6): 675-685
[5]Tao Li, Guangfa Tang, Guangcai Gong, Guangqiang Zhang, Nianping Li, Lin Zhang, Investigation of prototype thermoelectric domestic-ventilator. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(10): 2016-2021
[6]Wang Hanqing, Huang Chunhua, Liu Zhiqiang, Tang Guangfa, Liu Yingyun, Wang Zhiyong, Dynamic evaluation of thermal comfort environment of air-conditioned buildings. Building and Environment, 2006, 41(11): 1522-1529
[7]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Natural convection in a porous enclosure with a partial heating and salting element. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2008,47(5): 569-583
[8]Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Frosting of heat pump with heat recovery facility. Renewable Energy, 2007, 32(7): 1228-1242
[9]Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang , Active low-grade energy recovery potential for building energy conservation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2010,14(9): 2736-2747
[10]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Application issues of the streamline, heatline and massline for conjugate heat and mass transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007,50(1-2): 320-334
[11]Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Yuguo Li, A combined temperature scale for analyzing natural convection in rectangular enclosures with discrete wall heat sources. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002, 45(16): 3437-3446
[12]Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Di Liu, Conjugate natural convection in enclosures with external and internal heat sources. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006, 44(3-4): 148-165
[13]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Li Tang, Yu-Long Ding, Guang-Fa Tang, Direct and inverse mixed convections in an enclosure with ventilation ports. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, 52(19-20): 4400-4412
[14]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Determining boundary heat flux profiles in an enclosure containing solid conducting block. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 53(7-8): 1269-1282
[15]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Numerical determination of boundary heat fluxes in an enclosure dynamically with natural convection through Fletcher–Reeves gradient method. Computers & Fluids, 2009,38(4): 797-809
[16]Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Thermosolutal convection in saturated porous enclosure with concentrated energy and solute sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49(1): 16-31
[17]Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Non-unique convection in a three-dimensional slot-vented cavity with opposed jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 53(5-6): 1044-1056
[18]Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Yuguo Li, Man Yeong Ha, Interaction between discrete heat sources in horizontal natural convection enclosures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002, 45( 26): 5117-5132
[19]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Natural convection in an enclosure with localized heating and salting from below. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 51( 11-12): 2889-2904
[20]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Inverse determination of boundary heat fluxes in a porous enclosure dynamically coupled with thermal transport. Chemical Engineering Science, 2009,64(7): 1390-1403
[21]Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Modeling and experimental investigation of looped separate heat pipe as waste heat recovery facility. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(17-18): 2433-2441
[22]Min Tu, Cheng-Qin Ren, Guang-Fa Tang, Zhen-Sheng Zhao, Performance comparison between two novel configurations of liquid desiccant air-conditioning system. Building and Environment, 2010, 45(12): 2808-2816
[23]Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for conjugate natural convection/heat conduction by streamline and heatline. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002, 45(11): 2373-2385
[24]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Resonant response of fluid flow subjected to discrete heating elements. Energy Conversion and Management, 2007,48(9): 2461-2472
[25]Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for mixed convective heat transfer by streamline and heatline. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002, 45(11): 2387-2396
[26]Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang , Multiple steady fluid flows in a slot-ventilated enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2008, 29(5): 1295-1308
[27]Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Numerical analysis of two contaminants removal from a three-dimensional cavity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 51(1-2): 378-382
[28]Li Tang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang, Combined heat and moisture convective transport in a partial enclosure with multiple free ports. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(8-9): 977-990
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