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分類:招生簡章 來源:中國考研網 2013-11-08 相關院校:香港大學
Master of Economics
香港大學2014-2015年經濟學碩士招生報名啟動, 具體申請辦法可通過港大網站進行了解。
Master of Economics(經濟學碩士)
Master of Economics Information Session for 2014-15
November 20, 2013 / December 2, 2013
Programme Mission
The HKU Master of Economics (MEcon) Programme aims at providing rigorous advanced training in economics with emphasis on real world applications.
The programme usually has its recruitment exercise from November to January every year.
Programme Details
Our curriculum is designed to help students master economic analysis, use it creatively to find solutions to problems, and develop confidence in analysing issues and answering questions relevant to their work.
Flexibility is a key character of the programme-students have a number of elective courses to choose from, and courses of varying blends of abstraction and applicability are available. In addition to courses offered by the MEcon Programme, students may also choose elective courses in the HKU Master of Finance (MFin) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programmes which are also offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), subject to availability and approval of the Programme Director.
Who Should Apply
The MEcon Programme is most suitable for three types of students: those who have some economics training and consider starting a career as a professional economist; those who want to acquire advanced economics knowledge that is useful for them in the workplace; and those who simply wish to gain a systemic tool kit to understand the economic problems around us.
Although an undergraduate degree in economics or related disciplines is not a pre-requisite, applicants should have good quantitative skills/possess knowledge of first-year college calculus.
Meeting Venue and Time
Meeting Venue: HKU Main campus on Pokfulam Road, Cyberport campus or Admiralty Town Centre.
Meeting Time: Weekday mornings/afternoons, or weekday evenings from 6:45pm to 9:45pm, or Saturday mornings/afternoons.
Duration of Study
The curriculum shall extend over a minimum of one academic year and a maximum of two academic years for full-time study, or a minimum of two academic years and a maximum of four academic years for part-time study. Full-time students at normal progress shall finish the programme in one academic year while part-time students shall do so in two academic years.
Other information
Message from Programme Director
香港大學是香港第一所也是歷史最悠久的大學,由1887年成立的香港西醫書院及香港官立技術專科學校合并 而成,于1911年在香港島正式創立,中華民國國父孫中山為香港西醫書院的前身首屆畢業生。
香港大學中文校訓為“明德格物”,對應拉丁文為Sapientia Et Virtus,立校以來一貫采用英語教學,在人文、法律、政治及生物與醫學等學術領域極為出色,亦為香港及亞洲區中最享盛名的學府之一。其采用的教學模式包括問題導向學習(problem-based learning),旨在培養學生的思考。香港大學是Universitas 21(大學的國際性協會)的創建成員之一,它在教學和科研方面都享有國際聲譽。
香港大學是香港其中一所學術排名最高的大學。根據《亞洲周刊》,香港大學在2000年于亞洲最佳大學的排名中位列第三。于《亞洲周刊》2000年亞洲最佳大學調查中香港大學商學院的工商管理碩士課程(MBA)于香港中文大學之后位列第二。香港大學于《英國泰晤士報》(Times Higher Education Supplement,「泰晤士報高等教育特刊」)2007年的大學排名中位列全球第十八位。在2008年10月8日公布的最新《〈泰晤士報〉高等教育——二零零八全球頂尖大學排行榜》中,香港大學排名第二十六名。