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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-12 相關院校:華中農業大學
基本信息姓名: 朱龍付 出生年月: 1976.1
性別: 男 碩/博導: 博導
民族: 漢族 開設課程: 基礎生物化學、植物生理生化實驗
職稱: 教授 研究方向: (1)棉花與黃萎病菌互作分子機制研究(2)植物基礎免疫系統與調控(3)棉花早熟多抗育種
學位: 農學博士
聯系方式 辦公電話:027-87283955
棉花黃萎病是當前影響我國棉花生產的主要真菌病害,具有發病廣、影響周期長和危害重等特點。目前生產沒有高抗黃萎病的陸地棉品種應用導致該病蔓延,每年在我國各棉區均有發生并在部分年份大面積暴發而導致棉花減產嚴重。在海島棉及其他植物物種,如番茄,中存在高抗黃萎病的種質材料。 我們以棉花、擬南芥、番茄和煙草為材料通過研究植物抗病基因及信號路徑與黃萎病菌效應子的互作機制,理解植物抗病和黃萎病菌致病機理可為抗黃萎病種質資源創制提供理論基礎。通過遺傳轉化或分子聚合可為棉花生產創制抗病材料與品種。目前利用cDNA文庫構建、大規模表達譜和轉錄組比較測序,已分離獲得了一批參與海島棉抗黃萎病 反應的基因,并有數十個基因被克隆和功能鑒定中。棉花黃萎病菌與番茄黃萎病菌在進化與致病力分化上的差異也是研究關注的重點。
1. 棉花雜種優勢機理研究與應用,863,2011-2015 (子課題)
2. SSN基因家族調控棉花抗黃萎病反應的功能解析,國家自然科學基金,2013-2016 (主持)
3. 抗黃萎病棉花種質創新與育種應用,轉基因專項,2014-2016 (主持)
4. 基于GbWRKY1與GhPHO2研究磷穩態調控棉花生長發育與多抗的分子機制,國家自然科學基金,2015-2018(主持)
1. 棉花抗黃萎病基因表達譜分析及抗病基因的克隆,國家自然科學基金, 2006-2008
2. 赤霉素調控棉花纖維發育的信號轉導及相關基因的克隆與鑒定,國家自然科學基金, 2007-2009
3. GbEIN2與GbERF1在棉花與黃萎病菌互作中的功能鑒定,國家自然科學基金,2010-2012
4. 棉花黃萎病減災技術體系研究,“公益性行業(農業)科研專項”,2007-2010
5. 棉花纖維發育的代謝調控,863, 2008-2010
6. 轉基因耐旱耐鹽堿棉花新品種培育,轉基因專項,2008-2012
7. 長江流域轉基因棉花中試與產業化基地建設,轉基因專項
1. 張獻龍,聶以春、朱龍付,郭小平,盧懷玉,劉立清,林忠旭,涂禮莉,楊國正,金雙俠. 棉花種質創新與強優勢雜交棉新品種培育與應用. 國家科技進步二等獎,2013
2. 張獻龍,聶以春,朱龍付,林忠旭,郭小平,盧懷玉,楊國正,余宏章,涂禮莉. 強優勢多抗雜交棉新品種“華雜棉 H318”的選育與應用. 湖北省科技進步一等獎,2012
3. 張獻龍,林忠旭,朱龍付,涂禮莉,金雙俠,郭小平. 棉花分子育種技術體系建立與應用. 湖北省技術發明二等獎,2008
1. 華中農業大學第10屆青年教師講課競賽二等獎,2011年
2. 華中農業大學教學質量優秀二等獎,2011年
1、張獻龍,朱龍付,涂禮莉,聶以春,郭小平,曾范昌,劉迪秋. 從棉花組織中抽提RNA的方法. 專利號: ZL 2004 1 0060637.6
2、張獻龍,朱龍付,閔玲. 一種棉花酪蛋白激酶基因及其應用. 專利申請號:201110231724.3
3、張獻龍,朱龍付,徐理. 一種棉花WRKY類轉錄因子及應用. 專利申請號:201110432296.0
4、張獻龍,朱龍付,孫龍清. 一種棉花細胞色素P450基因及應用. 專利號:ZL 201210084887.8 申請日 20120328 授權公告20150304
5、朱龍付,高巍,龍璐,張獻龍,聶以春,袁道軍. 棉花硬脂酰去飽和化酶GbSSI2基因及應用. 專利號:ZL 201310019959.5 申請日 20130118 授權公告20150304
6、張獻龍,朱龍付,閔玲,胡琴. 介導棉花廣譜抗性的棉花Lac1基因及應用. 專利號:ZL 201310109621.9 申請日 20130329 授權公告20150401
7、朱龍付,張獻龍,高巍,龍璐. 棉花同源結構域轉錄因子基因GbHDTF1及應用. 專利號:ZL 201310345168.1 申請日 20130809 授權公告20150422
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1. Yanqin Wang, Shuangxia Jin, Ling Min, Xin He, Yaoyao Li, Yi Zhu, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang, Longfu Zhu*. The H+-PPase gene SaVP1 from Sophora alopecuroid confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Report, Accepted doi:10.1007/s11105-014-0801-6 2014 IF 2.374 (通訊作者)
1. Longqing Sun, Longfu Zhu, Li Xu, Daojun Yuan, Ling Min & Xianlong Zhang*. Cotton cytochrome P450 CYP82D regulates systemic cell death by modulating the octadecanoid pathway. Nature Communication, 2014,5:5372. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6372 2014 IF: 10.742
2. Chao Li, Xin He, Xiangyin Luo, Li Xu, Linlin Liu, Ling Min, Li Jin, Longfu Zhu*, Xianlong Zhang. Cotton WRKY1 Mediates the Plant Defense-to-Development Transition during Infection of Cotton by Verticillium dahliae by Activating JASMONATE ZIM-DOMAIN1 Expression. Plant Physiology, 2014, 166(4): 2179-2194 doi:10.1104/pp.114.246694 2014 IF 7.394 (通訊作者)
3. Lian Xu, Wenwen Zhang, Xin He, Min Liu, Kun Zhang, Muhammad Shaban, Longqing Sun, Jiachen Zhu, Yijing Luo, Daojun Yuan, Xianlong Zhang, and Longfu Zhu*. Functional characterization of cotton genes responsive to Verticillium dahliae through bioinformatics and reverse genetics strategies. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(22):6679-6692 doi:10.1093/jxb/eru393 2014 IF: 5.794 (通訊作者)
4. 劉琳琳, 張文文, 周易, 苗玉煥,許蓮,劉敏,張坤,張獻龍,朱龍付*. 棉花與番茄抗棉花黃萎病不依賴于 Ve1. 中國科學: 生命科學, 2014, 44: 803-814 (通訊作者)
Liu L L, Zhang W W, Zhou Y, Miao Y H, Xu L, Liu M, Zhang K, Zhang X L, Zhu L F*. The resistance of cotton and tomato to Verticillium dahliae from cotton is independent on Ve1. SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae, 2014, 44: 803–814, doi: 10.1360/052014-90
5. Ling Min, Yaoyao Li, Qin Hu, Longfu Zhu, Wenhui Gao, Yuanlong Wu, Yuanhao Ding, Shiming Liu, Xiyan Yang, and Xianlong Zhang*. Sugar and auxin signaling pathways respond to high temperature stress during anther development as revealed by transcript profiling analysis in cotton. Plant Physiology, 2014, 164(3): 1293-1308 doi: 10.1104/pp.113.232314 2014 IF:7.394
6. Guanze Liu, Xuelin Li, Shuangxia Jin, Xuyan Liu, Longfu Zhu, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang. Overexpression of Rice NAC Gene SNAC1 Improves Drought and Salt Tolerance by Enhancing Root Development and Reducing Transpiration Rate in Transgenic Cotton. PLoS One. 2014, 9(1):e86895. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0086895
7. Lu Long, Wei Gao, Li Xu, Min Liu, Xiangyin Luo, Xin He, Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang and Longfu Zhu*. GbMPK3, a mitogen-activated protein kinase from cotton, enhances drought and oxidative stress tolerance in tobacco. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2014, 116(2): 153-162 DOI: 10.1007/s11240-013-0392-1 2014 IF:2.612 (通訊作者)
1. Wei Gao, Lu Long, Longfu Zhu*, Li Xu, Wenhui Gao, Longqing Sun, Linlin Liu and Xianlong Zhang*. Proteomic and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) analyses reveal that Gossypol, Brassinosteroids and Jasmonic acid contribute to the resistance of cotton to Verticillium dahliae. Molecular Cellular Proteomics, 2013, 12: 3690-3703 doi: 10.1074/mcp.M113.031013 2013 IF:7.251 (共同通訊作者)
2. Ling Min, Longfu Zhu*,Lili Tu,Fenglin Deng,Daojun Yuan,Xianlong Zhang*. Cotton GhCKI disrupts normal male reproduction by delaying tapetum programmed cell death via inactivating starch synthase. The Plant Journal, 2013, 75: 823–835. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12245 2013 IF:6.582 (共同通訊作者)
3. Wang Y, Jin S, Wang M, Zhu L*, Zhang X (2013) Isolation and Characterization of a Conserved Domain in the Eremophyte H+-PPase Family. PLoS ONE 8(7): e70099. 2013 IF:3.73 (通訊作者)
4. Lian Xu, Kashif Rafiq Zahid, Liangrong He, Wenwen Zhang, Xin He, Xianlong Zhang, Xiyan Yang and Longfu Zhu*. GhCAX3, a novel Ca2+/H+ exchanger from cotton, confers regulation of cold response and ABA induced signal transduction. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6): e66303. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066303 2013 IF:3.73 (通訊作者)
5. He L, Yang X*, Wang L, Zhu L, Zhou T, Deng J, Zhang X. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel cotton CBL-interacting protein kinase gene (GhCIPK6) reveals its involvement in multiple abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic plants. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2013, 31;435(2): 209-215 doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.04.080
1. Li Xu, Li Jin, Lu Long, Linlin Liu, Xin He, Wei Gao, Longfu Zhu*, Xianlong Zhang. Overexpression of GbWRKY1 positively regulates the Pi starvation response by alteration of auxin sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 2012, 31(12): 2177-2188, doi:10.1007/s00299-012-1328-7. 2012 IF:2.509 (通訊作者)
2. 徐理,朱龍付,張獻龍. 棉花抗黃萎病機制研究進展. 作物學報,2012,38 (09): 1553-1560 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.01553
XU Li, ZHU Long-Fu, ZHANG Xian-Long. Research on Resistance Mechanism of Cotton to Verticillium Wilt[J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2012, 38(09): 1553-1560.
3. Manoj Banjara, Longfu Zhu, Guoxin Shen, Paxton Payton and Hong Zhang. Expression of an Arabidopsis sodium/proton antiporter gene (AtNHX1) in peanut to improve salt tolerance. Plant Biotech. Rep., 2012, 6(1), 59-67 2012 IF:1.051
1. Xu, L., Zhu, L., Tu, L., Liu, L., Yuan, D., Jin, L., Long, L., and Zhang, X. Lignin metabolism has a central role in the resistance of cotton to the wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae as revealed by RNA-Seq-dependent transcriptional analysis and histochemistry. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(15): 5607-5621 (2012年湖北省自然科學優秀論文獎一等獎) 2011 IF:5.364
2. Xu, L., Zhu, L., Tu, L., Guo, X., Long, L., Sun, L., Gao, W., and Zhang, X. Differential Gene Expression in Cotton Defence Response to Verticillium dahliae by SSH. Journal of Phytopathology, 2011, 159: 606-615 2011 IF:0.937
3. ZHU Long-fu, HE Xin, YUAN Dao-jun, XU Lian, XU Li, TU Li-li, SHEN Guo-xin, ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Xian-long.Genome-Wide Identification of Genes Responsive to ABA and Cold/Salt Stresses in Gossypium hirsutum by Data-Mining and Expression Pattern Analysis. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10(4): 499-508 2011 IF:0.5
4. Vijaya Pasapula, Guoxin Shen, Sundaram Kuppu, Julio Paez-Valencia, Marisol Mendoza, Pei Hou, Jian Chen,Xiaoyun Qiu, Longfu Zhu, Xianlong Zhang, Dick Auld, Eduardo Blumwald, Hong Zhang, Roberto Gaxiola, and Paxton. Expression of an Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene (AVP1) in cotton improves drought- and salt-tolerance and increases fiber yield in the field conditions. Plant Biotechnology J, 2011, 9: 88-99 2011 IF:4.8
1. 宋俊喬, 孫培均, 張霞, 張獻龍, 聶以春, 郭小平, 朱龍付*.棉仁高油分材料篩選及其脂肪酸發育分析.棉花學報,2010,22(4):291-296 (華中農業大學大學生科技創新基金資助, 湖北省優秀學士學位論文二等獎)