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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-14 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
2006.04-2007.03 Development of Micro-scale Analysis System for Cutting,University of WOllongong,主要完成人
3.1 Refereed Journal Papers (from 2003)
1.Wei LI, Ichiro HAGIWARA, T.Yasui, Huawei CHEN, A method of generating scratched look calligraphy characters using mathematical morphology, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.159, p.85-90, 2003.
2.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Dawei ZHANG, Tian HUANG, Parallel molecular dynamics simulation on thin-film formation process, Journal of crystal growth, Vol.276/1-2, p.281-288, 2005.
3.Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Yasuhiro MOHRI, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Development of a Novel 3-DOF Positioning Stage for Ultra-precision Grinding (1st report) –Simple model and experiment --, Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.71, No.9, p.1109-1114, 2005.
4.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Tian HUANG, Dawei ZHANG, Theoretical Study on Thin-film Formation by Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Synthetic Metals, Vol. 155, No. 3, p. 652-656, 2005.
5.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Dawei ZHANG, Tian HUANG, Parallel molecular dynamics simulation on nanometric grinding, Transaction of JSCES, Vol.7, p.207-213, 2005.
6.Huawei CHEN, Susumu NAKADA, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Evaluation of Parallel Processing of Eigenvalue Analysis with Hybrid Description, Transactions of JSCES, Vol.7, p.23-28, 2005.
7.Dawei ZHANG, Yanling TIAN, Huawei CHEN, Modeling of Precision Grinding Process Based on Micro-positioning Table and Error Compensation Technology, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering , Vol.41, No.4, p.168-173, 2005.
8.Yanling TIAN, Dawei ZHANG, Huawei CHEN, Dynamic Modeling of a Novel 3-DOF Micropositioning Table for Surface Grinding Control, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.304-305, p.507-511, 2006.
9.Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Diagnosis of Motion Errors of the Rotary Axes in 5-axis Machining Center (1st report) --The Procedure for Diagnosis of Angular Error Sources--, Journal of CJME, Vol.19, pp.276-281, 2006.
10.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Tian HUANG, Dawei ZHANG, Quantitative Evaluation about Property of Thin-film Formation, Applied Surface Science, Vol.252/10, p.3553-3560,2006.
11.Y.L. Tian, D.W. Zhang, H.W. Chen, Design of a Micro-positioning Table for Active Grinding Control, Solid State Phenomena, Vol.121-123, pp.603-606, 2007.
12.H.W. Chen, I. Hagiwara, A.K. Tieu, et. al., Theoretical investigation about secondary deposition of thin film formation by molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.303 No.2, pp. 530-536, 2007 (May).
13.Huawei Chen, I. Hagiwara, A.K. Tieu, Development of a total reconstruction technique for a Digital Image with Various Wounds, Transactions of JSME C, Vol.73 No.729, pp.1291-1298, 2007 (May).
14. Huawei CHEN, A.K. Tieu, et. al., Molecular Dynamics Simulation about Porous Thin-film Growth in Secondary Deposition, Applied Surface Science, Vol.253 No.18, pp.7471-7477, 2007 (July).
15. Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Yoshiaki KAKINO, Diagnosis of Motion Errors of the Rotary Axes in multi-axis Machining Center (1st report) --The Procedure for Diagnosis of Angular Error Sources--, submitted to ASME, Journal of Dynamic systems, Measurement and Control, 15 Aug., 2006.
Refereed Conference Papers
1.Huawei CHEN, Ziye LI, Hitoshi KINO, Sadao KAWAMURA, Effect of internal force on stiffness of antagonized rotation drive mechanism, International conference on advanced manufacturing systems and manufacturing automation, 2000, pp.241-245.
2.Wei Li, Huawei CHEN, et. al., The Generation of Calligraphy Characters with Patchy Look Using Mathematical Morphology, Program of The Sixth Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN, 5 - 9 August, 2002.
3.Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoscale Grinding, p.163, Proceedings of the 4th euspen International Conference-Glasgow, 2004.
4.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, et. al., Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Thin-film Formation Process, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, Wollongong-Australia, 2004.
5.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro Hagiwara, Image Reconstruction Based on Combination of Wavelet Decomposition, Inpainting and Texture Synthesis, Proceeding of the 14-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Czech Republic, 2006.
6.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Quantitative Evaluation about Thin-film Formation Based on Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation, proceedings of the 12th conference of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (Kanto Branch), Toyo University, 2006.
7.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, et. al., Development of Image Reconstruction System for Total Defects, NICOGRAPH 06.
8.Huawei CHEN, Yabo HU, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Quantitative Evaluation about Property of Thin-film Formation, proceeding of 2005 Conference of JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering), 2005.
9.Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nano-grinding, proceedings of the 53rd National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, pp.175-176, 2004.
10.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation about Hydrogen Storage of Carbon Nanotube, proceedings of the 17th Computational Mechanics Conference, 2004.
11.Huawei CHEN, Dawei ZHANG, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Wei Li, A study on ultra-precision cutting based on molecular dynamics, The 16th computational mechanics conference, pp.1003-1004, 2003.
12.Huawei CHEN, et. al., the Study about Calculation Efficiency of OpenMP+MPI Hybrid Description, proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp.304-305, 2003.
13.Ichiro HAGIWARA, Huawei CHEN, Current Status and Problem on Vibration and Noise Analysis of PC Cluster, proceedings of the 15th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.703-704, 2002.
14.Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Stable Construction of Substructure Synthesis Method on PC Cluster, proceedings of the 15th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.507-508, 2002.
15.Huawei CHEN, Susumu NAKADA, et. al., the Improvement of Parallel Computational Library PARCEL on Shared-distributed Memory Architecture, Proceedings of 2002 Annual Conference of Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, p.65, 2002.
16.Huawei CHEN, Ziye LI, et. al., A Study on Diagnosis of Motion Error in Rotary Axes of 5-axis Control Machine (1st report) –A procedure for Diagnosis of Motion Error--, Proceeding of 2002’s Spring Conference of the Japanese Society for Precision Engineering, p.352.
17.Huawei CHEN, Ziye LI, et. al., A Study on Diagnosis of Motion Error in Rotary Axes of 5-axis Control Machine (2nd report) –Case Study--, Proceeding of 2002’s Spring Conference of the Japanese Society for Precision Engineering, p.353.
18.Huawei CHEN, Ziye LI, et. al., Analysis of High-Speed Rotary Driving System, Proceeding of 13th Japanese Society of Technology Conference, HOKURIKU, p.29, 11/1999.
19.Huawei CHEN, Ziye LI, et. al., A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Unicycle, Proceeding of 13th Japanese Society of Technology Education Conference, HOKURIKU, p.30, 11/1999.
20.Ziye LI, Huawei CHEN, et. al., Design of Arm-Wrestling Robot, Proceeding of 42nd national meeting of the Japanese Society of Technology Education, p.48, 7/1999.
21.Ziye LI, Huawei CHEN, et. al., Development of Lathe Simulation System, Proceeding of 42nd national meeting of the Japanese Society of Technology Education, p.46, 7/1999.
Huawei CHEN, Ichiro HAGIWARA, Integrated Image Reconstruction System for Diverse Defects in Digital Image, 特原2005-344812
3.3 獲獎情況
2005 2004年度國家優秀自費留學生•國家留學基金委頒發