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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-15 相關院校:華中農業大學
地點:湖北省武漢市華中農業大學園藝林學學院, 430070
聯系方式:liuyongzhong@mail.hzau.edu.cn; QQ:373631558
(1) 柑橘果實發育與糖、酸和Vc品質因子的形成與調控機制
(2) 礦質元素與柑橘果實糖、酸品質因子的形成與調控機制
(3) 柑橘成熟期的地表覆膜對果實糖酸的影響機制
(4) 修剪措施(如環剝)對柑橘果實糖、酸和Vc品質因子的影響機制
(5) 柑橘化渣性研究
(6) 逆境(水分)脅迫下柑橘砧木對礦質元素吸收性能評價
1. Xiao-Yan Yang, Jin-Xia Xie, Fang-Fang Wang, Jing Zhong, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Guo-Huai Li, Shu-Ang Peng.Comparison of ascorbate metabolism in fruits of two citrus species with obvious difference in ascorbate content in pulp. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011,168: 2196-2205
2. Ying Lei, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Qing-Qing Gu, Xiao-Yan Yang, Xiu-Xin Deng, Jin-Yin Chen. Comparison of cell wall metabolism in the pulp of three cultivars of ‘Nanfeng’ tangerine differing in mastication trait. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2011, DOI 10.1002/jsfa.4554
3. Sorkina A, Bardosh G, Liu YZ, Fridman I, Schlizerman L, Zur N, Or E, Goldschmidt EE, Blumwald E and Sadka A. Isolation of a citrus promoter specific for reproductive organs and its functional analysis in isolated juice sacs and tomato. Plant Cell Reports.2011, 30:1627–1640
4. Xiao-Yan Yang, Jin-Xia Xie, Xiao-Peng Lu, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Shu-Ang Peng.Isolation of a citrus ethylene-responsive element binding factor gene and its expression in response to abiotic stress, girdling and shading.Scientia Horticulturae 127 (2011) 275–281
5. Ying Lei, Yong-Zhong Liu*, Wen-Fang Zeng, Xiu-Xin Deng.Physiochemical and molecular analysis of cell wall metabolism between two navel oranges (Citrus sinensis) with different mastication trait.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90(9): 1479-1484
6. Yong-Zhong Liu, Tao Dong, Ying Lei, Xiu-Xin Deng, Qing-Qing Gu.Isolation of a polygalacturonase gene from Citrus sinensis fruit and its expression relative to fruit mastication trait, fruit development, and calcium or boron treatments.Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2011,29:51–59
7. Yong-Zhong Liu, Baig M.N.R.,Rui Fan,Jun-Li Ye,Yin-Chuan Cao,Xiu-Xin Deng.Identification and expression pattern of a novel NAM, ATAF, and CUC-like gene from Citrus sinensis Osbeck.Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2009,27(3):292-297
8. 馮超,雷瑩,劉永忠*.柑橘L-半乳糖-1,4-內酯脫氫酶基因的克隆.華中農業大學學報 2009,28(6):731-735
9. Liu Yongzhong, Liu Qing, Xiong Jinjin, Deng Xiuxin. Difference of a citrus late-ripening mutant (Citrus sinensis) from its parental line in sugar and acid metabolism at fruit ripening stage. Science in China Ser.C Life Sciences, 2007, 50(4):511-517
10. Yong-Zhong Liu, An-Dan Zhu, Ying Lei, Xiu-Xin Deng(2009).Identifying Differently Expressed Transcripts between a Novel Late-Ripening Citrus sinensis Mutant and its Wild Variety during Fruit Ripening using cDNA-AFLP.In: Tennant P, Benkeblia N (Eds) Citrus III. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 3 (Special Issue 2), 5-11
11. Liu Yongzhong, Liu Qing, Tao Nengguo, Deng Xiuxin. Efficient isolation of RNA from fruit peel and pulp of ripening navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck). J Huazhong Agri Uni,2006; 25 (3): 300-304
12. 劉永忠,何國富,黎強,吉繼雍. 國慶1號溫州蜜柑轉化酶和糖分積累特性研究. 華中農業大學學報,2005, 24(2):213-216
13. 劉永忠,馬湘濤,張紅艷,彭抒昂,鄧秀新.我國椪柑品質現狀及主要產區的果實品質比較. 園藝學報,2004, 31(5):584-588
14. 劉永忠,李道高.柑橘果實糖積累與蔗糖代謝酶活性的研究. 園藝學報,2003, 30(4):457-459
15. Liu Qing, Xu Juan, Liu Yongzhong, Zhao Xiaolong, Deng Xiuxin, GuoLinlin, Gu Jianqin. A novel bud mutation that confers abnormal patterns of 5 lycopene accumulation in sweet orange fruit (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58:4161-4171
16. Tao NG,Wei J,Liu YZ(劉永忠),Cheng YJ and Deng XX. Copia-like retrotransposons in a precocious mutant of trifoliate orange[Poncirus trifoliate].The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,2006,81(6):1038-1042
17. 鮑江峰,夏仁學,鄧秀新,彭抒昂,劉永忠,馬湘濤,張紅艷. 用主成分分析法選擇紐荷爾臍橙品質的評價因素. 華中農業大學學報.2004,23(6):663-666
18. 鮑江峰,夏仁學,鄧秀新,彭抒昂,劉永忠,馬湘濤,張紅艷.中國紐荷爾臍橙主要食味品質的系統聚類分析. 中國農業科學.2004,37(5):724-727
19. 洪柳,劉永忠,鄧秀新. 椪柑成熟種子胚培養獲得四倍體植株. 園藝學報,2005, 32(4): 688-690
20. 劉永忠. 臍橙窯藏后品質變化研究. 西南園藝,1997,4:10-13
21. 劉永忠. 柑桔果實酸代謝研究進展. 西南園藝,1997,4:17-19