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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-27 相關院校:蘭州大學
姓名:張帆宇 (Zhang Fanyu)
2000.09-2004.06 蘭州大學資源環境學院地質工程系,本科生,獲工學學士
2004.09-2007.06 蘭州大學土木工程與力學學院巖土工程專業,碩士研究生,獲工學碩士
2007.09-2011.12 蘭州大學土木工程與力學學院地質工程專業,博士研究生,獲工學博士
2009.09-2011.09 日本京都大學防災研究所滑坡研究中心,博士研究生
2012.03-2014.5 蘭州大學土木工程與力學學院 講師
2014.5-- 蘭州大學土木工程與力學學院 副教授
2013.05-2013.06 日本京都大學共同研究者
2014.05-2014.08 日本京都大學長期共同研究者
1.張帆宇,王功輝,楊峻,William Schulz,等,Comparison study on the coseismic fluidized landslides in Chinese loess area and Japanese pyroclastic area, and hazard mitigation,日本京都大學長期共同研究項目,200萬日元,2014.3-2014.8
6.張帆宇,諶文武,梁收運,等.西部綠色城鎮建設關鍵技術研究—城鎮化建設中地質災害風險評價和早期預警綜合研究 (子課題2),蘭州大學中央高;究蒲袠I務費專項資金重大需求培育項目,24萬元,2013.01-2014.12
1.Fanyu Zhang*, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Wenwu Chen. Effect of pore-water chemistry on undrained shear behaviour of saturated loess, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2014,47, 201-210. (SCI/EI)
2.Guanghui Dong*, Fanyu Zhang*, Minmin Ma, Yuxin Fan, Jiawu Zhang, Zongli Wang, Fahu Chen. Ancient landslide-dam events in the Jishi Gorge, Guanting Basin, upper Yellow River valley, China, Quaternary Research, 2014, 81, 445-451 (SCI)
3.Fanyu Zhang*, Xiangjun Pei, Wenwu Chen, Gao Liu, Shouyun Liang. Spatial variation in geotechnical properties and topographic attributes on the different type of shallow landslides in a loess catchment, China. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2014, 18(4), 470-488. (SCI)
4.Gonghui Wang, Akira Suemine, Fanyu Zhang, Yoshiya Hata, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Toshitaka Kamai. Some fluidized landslides triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan. Geomorphology, 2014, 208, 11-21. (SCI)
5.Fanyu Zhang, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Wenwu Chen, Dexun Zhang, Jun Yang, Undrained shear behavior of saturated loess at different concentrations of sodium chlorate solution. Engineering Geology, 2013, 155, 69-79. (SCI/EI)
6.Fanyu Zhang, Wenwu Chen, Gao Liu, Shouyun Liang, Chao Kang, Faguo He. Relationships between landslide types and topographic attributes in a loess catchment, China, Journal of Mountain Science, 2012, 9(6), 742-75. (SCI)
7.Dexuan Zhang, Gonghui Wang, Tianjun Yang, Mingchu Zhang, Shihai Chen, Fanyu Zhang. Satellite remote sensing-based detection of the deformation of a reservoir bank slope in Laxiwa Hydropower Station, China. Landslides, 2013, 10(2), 231-238. (SCI/EI)
8.Gonghui Wang, Runqiu Huang, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang. The internal structure of a rockslide dam induced by the 2008 Wenchuan (Mw7.9) earthquake, China, Engineering Geology, 2013, 156, 28-36. (SCI/EI)
9.Fanyu Zhang, Gao Liu, Wenwu Chen, Shouyun Liang, Ranshen Chen. Human-induced landslide on a high cut slope: a case of repeated failures due to multi-excavation, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 4(4), 367-374.
10.Gonghui Wang, Runqiu Huang, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang, On the internal structure and stability of a landslide dam formed by long traveling landslide: a case study on Tianchi landslide dam triggered by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Japan Landslide Society. 2012, 49(4): 186-195.
11.Jin Liu, Wang Gonghui, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang, Jun Yang, Bin Shi, Static liquefaction behavior of saturated fiber-reinforced sand in undrained ring-shear tests. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2011, 29(5), 462-471. (SCI/EI)
12.Fawu Wang, Muhammad Wafid A.N., Fanyu Zhang, Atsuo Takeuchi, Tandikek and Malalak flowslides triggered by West Sumatra earthquake 2009 (M7.6) in Indonesia. Journal of the Japan Landslide Society. 2011, 48(4), 215-220.
13.Fanyu Zhang, Gao Liu, Wenwu Chen, Wenfeng Han, Shibiao Bai, Engineering geology and stability of the Jishixia landslide, Yellow River, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology Environment. 2010, 69(1): 99-103. (SCI/EI)
14.Fawu Wang, Muhammad Wafid A.N., Fanyu Zhang, Takeuchi Tandikek and Malalak flowslides triggered by 2009.9.30 M7.6 Sumatra earthquake during rainfall in Indonesia. Geoscience Rept. Shimane University. 2010, 29, 1-10.
1.嚴旭德, 張帆宇*, 梁收運, 吳萬炯, 張嘉軒. 石灰固化黃土的比表面積和離子交換能力研究. 中山大學學報(自然科學版), 2014, 53(5), 1-6.
2.周建基, 梁收運, 張帆宇*, 吳萬炯, 嚴旭德. 石灰改良黃土的工程特性試驗研究. 鐵道建筑, 2014, 9, 105-108.
3.張媛, 李文彥, 宋丙輝, 張帆宇. 甘肅東鄉大型填土黃土滑坡失穩機制. 蘭州大學自然科學版本, 2014, 50(4), 484-489.
4.張帆宇, 劉高, 邵宗平, 諶文武, 韓文峰. 提升路基沉降預測能力的方法. 煤炭學報, 2013, 38, 88-92. (EI)
5.張帆宇, 劉高, 諶文武, 沈云霞, 韓文峰. 基于多變量統計方法的大型滑坡敏感性評價—以汶川地震影響的隴南地區為例. 中南大學學報(自然科學版). 2012, 43(9): 3595-3600. (EI)
6.江耀, 諶文武, 孫冠平, 劉小偉, 張帆宇. 深埋隧洞飽和原狀Q2黃土三軸剪切特性試驗. 蘭州大學學報, 2012, 48(3): 23-28.
7.江耀, 諶文武, 孫冠平, 張帆宇, 宋丙輝. FX和MK模型在細粒土土-水特征曲線中的應用. 煤炭學報, 2012, 37(S2): 330-335. (EI)
8.康超, 諶文武, 張帆宇, 和法國, 宋丙輝. 確定性模型在黃土溝壑區斜坡穩定性預測中的應用. 巖土力學. 2010, 32(1): 207-211. (EI)
9.康超, 諶文武, 張帆宇. 基于DEM的分布式斜坡穩定性模型在黃土溝壑區淺層滑坡中的應用. 中南大學學報(自然科學版). 2010, 41(5): 1987-1992. (EI)
10.張帆宇, 劉高, 諶文武, 梁收運, 韓文峰. 袁家灣滑坡在切坡開挖過程中的演化機理. 巖土工程學報. 2009, 31(8): 1248-1254. (EI)
11.張帆宇, 白世彪, 劉高, 諶文武, 韓文峰. 人為活動下的滑坡演化過程研究—以蘭臨高速公路袁家灣滑坡為例. 工程地質學報. 2009, 17(1): 81-86.
12.張帆宇, 劉高, 諶文武, 梁收運, 韓文峰. 基于要素分析和二元統計模型的區域滑坡危險等級制圖—以國道212線隴南段為例. 地球科學進展. 2008, 23(10): 47-53.
13.達世德, 劉高, 張帆宇. 大坪滑坡成因分析和穩定性評價. 公路交通科技. 2008, (3): 75-77.
14.張帆宇, 劉高, 鄧建麗, 李新召, 王有林. 甘肅G212石閼子滑坡特征與演化機制. 中國地質災害與防治學報. 2007, 18(3): 39-43.
15.張帆宇, 劉高. 國道212線福津河段滑坡發育特征及成因分析. 地質災害與環境保護. 2005, 16(2): 130-134.
16.劉高, 張帆宇, 李新召. 木寨嶺隧道大變形及機理分析. 巖石力學與工程學報. 2005, 24(S2): 5521-5526. (EI)
1.Wanjiong Wu, Shouyun Liang, Fanyu Zhang, Xude Yan, Jianji Zhou, Feasibility analysis of loess slope improved by lime pile. Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment. Springer International Publishing, Beijing, China, 2014.
2.Fanyu Zhang, Wenwu Chen, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Shouyun Liang, Effect of pore water chemistry on undrained shear behavior of saturated loess in ring shear test, First International Symposium: New Techniques for Geohazards Research and Management, Lanzhou, China, 2012.
3.William H. Schulz, Gonghui Wang, Fanyu Zhang, Coseismic landslide reactivation characteristics determined from dynamic ring-shear testing, 2012GAS Annual Meeting & Exposition, Paper No. 30553-208480, Charlotte, USA, 2012.
4.Shibiao Bai, Jian Wang, Fanyu Zhang, A Pozdnoukhov, M. Kanevski, Prediction of landslide susceptibility using logistic regression: A case study in Bailongjiang River Basin, China. Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Jinan, China, 2008.
5.Shibiao Bai, Pinggeng Zhou, Jian Wang, Shengshan Hou, Guonian Lu, Fanyu Zhang, GIS-based susceptibility mapping with comparisons of results from analytical hierarchy process versus logistic regression in the Three Gorges Area, China. The 10th international symposium on landslides and engineered slopes. Xi’an, China, 2008.
6.Shibiao Bai, Pinggeng Zhou, Jian Wang, Shengshan Hou, Guonian Lu, Fanyu Zhang, GIS-based susceptibility mapping with comparisons of results from data-driven bivariate versus logistic regression in the Three Gorges Area, China. 12th Conference of Int. Association for Mathematical Geology. Beijing, China, August 26-31, 2007.
7.劉高, 張帆宇, 李新召, 鄧建麗, 付清勝. 鳳安山滑坡地質過程研究. 第二屆全國巖土與工程學術大會論文集. 北京, 科學出版社, 2006.