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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-08-20 相關院校:北京工業大學
近幾年來的研究結果主要發表在physical review B,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Advanced Materials, Journal of Power Source, Solid State Ionics和Solid State Communication等學術刊物上。
1.First-principles study of the phase transition of HgS from cinnabar to rocksalt structure,Shaorui Sun and Yuhui Dong, Physical Review B, 72, 174101 (2005)
2.Electronic structures and metallization of HgS under high pressure, Shaorui Sun and Yuhui Dong,Physical Review B, 73,113201 (2006)
3.The optical properties of HgS under high pressures, Shaorui Sun and Yuhui Dong, Solid State Communication, 138, 476 (2006)
4.An ab-initio calculation study on the super ionic conductors α-AgI and Ag2X (X = S, Se) with BCC structure; Shao-rui Sun, Ding-guo Xia; Solid State Ionics 179,2330–2334 (2008)
5.The theoretical study of the cationic conductivity of AgBr; Shaorui Sun, Ding-guo Xia; Solid State Ionics 180, 663 (2009)
6.Theoretical Study of a New Cathode Material of Li-Battery: Iron Hydroxyl-phosphate;Shao-rui Sun, Zhongli Wang, Ding-guo Xia;Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 587-592 (2010)
7.Investigation of Electronic Conductivity and Occupancy Sites of Mo Doped into LiFePO4 by ab Initio Calculation and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy,Zhongli Wang, Shaorui Sun, Dingguo Xia, Wangsheng Chu, Shuo Zhang, and Ziyu Wu,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 , 17450-17455 (2008)
8.Synthesises, characterizations and electrochemical properties of spherical-like LiFePO4 by hydrothermal method, Zhongli Wang, Shaorui Sun, Chunyang Yu, Yu Chen, Dingguo Xia; Journal of Power Sources 184, 633–636 (2008)
9.單酞菁分子開關電子輸運性質的理論研究, 蔣寧,孫少瑞,夏定國; 高等學�;瘜W學報;30 增刊,37-41 (2009)
10.Protein-Mediated Synthesis of Nanostructured Titania with Different Polymorphs at Room Temperature, Ge Chen, Min Li, Fan Li, Shaorui Sun, Dingguo Xia, Advanced Materials , 22,1258 (2010)
11.Stability, Electrochemical Behaviors and Electronic Structures of Iron Hydroxyl-Phosphate, Zhongli Wang, Shaorui Sun, Fan Li, Ge Chen, Dingguo Xia ‚Ting Zhao, Wangsheng Chu, Ziyu Wu; Materials Chemistry and Physics, Accepted