- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(加)李寧玉 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787508513584
- 出版日期:2008-10-1
Julia Ningyu Li, PhD in Educational Sociology, used to teach at Nanjing Normal University. In 1992 she attended Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,the University of Toronto and the City University of New York respectively as a visiting Scholar and Researcher. In 1998,she directed and produced the eight-part television documentary series Canadian Steel, Chinese Grit which was premiered both in Parliament Hill of Canada and the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China. She compiled and edited the photo-illustrated companion album Canadian Steels, Chinese Grit and the book about the history of Canadian Chinese which is named A Brief History of Heady Tax. These two books were published in 2000 and 2005 respectively.She currently resides in Toronto Canada.
China cannot separate herself from the world community in her development, nor can the world segregate China for its stability and prosperity. We do welcome teachers with "China dreams" come to us from all parts of the world, and, with joint efforts, we all can realize "One dream."It took Leslie Jeanneret, a specialist in education, half a century to get her China dream realized; it was 11 years before Prof. Ruth Hayhoe, a well-known educator who began her teaching career in Hong Kong in 1967, set her foot on mainland China in 1978; And, Elissa McRae, who had never thought she would go to China, realized her dream to teach in a Chinese classroom within 6 months... Today, the way to the realization of dream is no more that long. We sincerely wish all the foreign teachers get dreams realized in a quicker, nicer and better way!