- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)穆爾,(英)坎寧安 編著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560067834
- 出版日期:2007-7-1
《朗文當代英語教程》(Cutting Edge)是一套在世界各地廣泛使用的英語教材,以其國際化的選材、綜合全面的語言技能培養、實用的教學大綱,以及豐富的教學資源受到各國英語學習者和教師的青睞。
Grammar terms
Module 1
Question forms: Word order
Question words
Subject and object questions
Present Simple:
Short answers
Frequency: Adverbs
Vocabulary booster: sports
Vocabulary: Phrases with go and play
Pronunciation: The lal sound
Improve your writing: Punctuation
Module 2
Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs
Negatives and affirmatives
did, was or were in questions and answers
Time phrases often used in the past: ago
in, at, on
Vocabulary: Words to describe feelings
Listen and read
Spelling: -ed endings
Pronunciation: -ed endings
Linkers: but, so, because, then
Module 3
can I can't
have to I don't have to
can I can't I have to I don't have to
should I shouldn't
Short answers with modal verbs can, should, have to
Vocabulary booster: things in a school
Vocabulary: Word building
Pronunciation: How to pronounce the letter 'a'
Improve your writing: Writing a paragraph
Spelling: Finding mistakes
Module 4
Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
State and action verbs
Present Continuous for future arrangements
Vocabulary booster: special occasions
Vocabulary: Things people do on special occasions
Listen and read
Improve your writing: A letter of invitation
Spelling: -ing forms
Module 5
Comparatives and superlatives: Comparative forms
Superlative forms
Prepositions in comparative phrases:
as, than, from, like, in, to
Describing what people look like:
Questions about appearance
is or has got?
Vocabulary: Describing appearances
Vocabulary booster: parts of the face and body
Improve your writing: Writing a description
Different ways of pronouncing the letter 'o
Spelling: Double letters
Module 6
Intentions and wishes: going to and planning to
going to, planning to, would like to, would prefer to
Predictions: will and won't
Short answers with will, won't and going to
Pronunciation:.'ll. will and won't
Vocabulary: Holidays
Listen and read
Vocabulary booster: things you take on holiday
Improve your writing: More postcards
Spelling: Words with -ed and -ing
Module 7
Present Perfect: Positive, negative and question forms
Present Perfect and Past Simple with for
Present Perfect: short answers
Present Perfect with just, yet, already and never
Present Perfect and Past Simple with time phrases
been or gone
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Past Participles Wordsearch
Vocabulary: Ambitions and dreams
Pronunciation: The sounds/a~/and/A/
Improve your writing: A mini-biography
Module 8
Articles: Zero for general statements
For general and specific statements
With geographical features
Phrases with the: location
Phrases with the: time
Other phrases with and without the
Vocabulary: Geographical features
Vocabulary booster: things you find in cities
Spelling: Plural nouns
Listen and read
Improve your writing: Formal letters and informal notes
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Module 16
Answer Key
Pronunciation table
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