Unit One Body Language
1. Understanding the Basics of Body Language (Part I)
2. Understanding the Basics of Body Language (Part II)
3. The Magic of Smiles and Laughter
Unit Two The New Testament
1. Introduction
2. The Gospel According to Matthew (Matthew)
On Forgiveness, Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 38-48)
The Ascetic Ideal (Matthew 6: 25-33) i
The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)
Salvation and Damnation Linked to Deeds (Matthew 7:13-23)
3. The Letter of Paul to the Romans (Romans)
Salvation by Faith (Romans 3:21-28 )
4. The Revelation to John (Revelation)
The Last Judgment (Revelation 20:11-21:4)
Unit Three Pearl Buck and the Good Earth
1. Book Review: 'Pearl Buck in China
2. The Good Earth
Unit Four Technology and Innovation
1. Apple: More than a Pretty Face
2. Sweden Puts Its Bets on Green Tech
3. Solar Plant Yields Water and Crops from the Desert
4. Robot Wars: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Unit Five Susan Glaspell and Trifles
1. Biographical Influences on Glaspell's Trifles
2. Trifles
Unit Six Education
1. The Chinese Mother
2. New Class(room) War: Teacher vs. Technology
3. A Matter of Degrees
4. Universities and Their Function
Unit Seven Silent Spring
1. A1 Gore's Introduction to Silent Spring
2. A Fable for Tomorrow
3. The Obligation to Endure
Unit Eight China's Rise
1. Beijing Tries to Push beyond 'Made in China' Status to Find
2. My Year without 'Made in China
3. Rising China Bests a Shrinking Japan
4. China Is Eager to Bring High-speed Rail Expertiseto the
Unit Nine World History III
1. Italian Renaissance (I 330-1550)
2. The Enlightenment (1650-1800)
Unit Ten Sightseeing ,
1. The Palace of Versailles
2. The Moscow Kremlin
3. The Old City
Key to the Exercises
Appendix 1 New Testament Timeline
Appendix 2 Timeline of World History (II)
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