- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
梅仁毅 主編,滕繼萌 等編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560098814
- 出版日期:2010-8-1
The United States
Chapter 1 Land and History
I. Geography
II. The Population and Immigration
III. History
Chapter 2 Government and Politics
I. The Constitution and the Federal Government
II. History of Foreign Relations
Chapter 3 National Economy
I. Brief History of American Economy
II. Government Involvement
III. The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Service Industries
IV. Wall Street and Entrepreneurship
Chapter 4 Social Life and Culture
I. Religion
II. Festivals and Sports
IH. Media
IV. Popular Culture
V. Literature
Chapter 5 Education
I. An Overview
II. Developments and Problems
III. American Higher Education
The United Kingdom
Chapter 6 Land and History
I. Physical Features
II. History
Chapter 7 Government and Politics
I. Political Institutions
II. Party Politics
III. Foreign Policy
Chapter 8 National Economy
I. The First Industrial Nation of the World
II. Science and Modem Industries
III. Trade
IV. Financial Services
Chapter 9 Social Life
I. Everyday Life
II. Mobility
III. Pastimes
IV. Religion
V. Mass Media
Chapter 10 Arts and Education
I. Arts
II. Education
Chapter 11 A Nation from Sea to Sea
I. The Land
II. Brief History
Chapter 12 Politics and National Economy
I. Politics
II. National Economy
Chapter 13 Social Life and Culture
I. The Canadian Mosaic
II. Religious Life
III. Education
IV. Literature, Arts and Popular Culture
Chapter 14 The Country Down Under
I. The Land Down Under
II. Geography
III. National Symbols of Australia
IV. Australian Political System
V. Australia and the World
Chapter 15 Nation-building from a Convict Settlement
I. Introduction
II. Events and People That Made a Nation
Chapter 16 Celebrating a Multicultural Australia
I. Australian Multiculturalism
II. Indigenous Australians
III. Australian Culture
IV. Sports in Australia
V. Famous Australians
Chapter 17 Land, History and People
I. Key Questions
II. Prehistoric Ireland
III. The Celts (c. 600 BC)
IV. The Coming of Christianity (c. 432)
V. Invasions and Assimilations
VI. Revolt and Conquest (1536-1690)
VII. Protestant Ascendancy (1691-1801)
Chapter 18 The Making of Modern Ireland
I. Revolt and Reform
II. The Great Hunger (1845-1849)
III. Seeking Independence
IV. Remaking Ireland
V. "A Nation Once Again"
VI. A Divided Island (1971-1998)
VII. The Emergence of Modern Ireland
VIII. Ireland Through Three Generations (1920 to today)
IX. Reinventing Ireland: Once Again
X. Ireland's New Role in the World
New Zealand
Chapter 19 Land and History
I. Natural Environment
II. History and People
Chapter 20 The Government and the Nation
I. Becoming a Nation
II. System of Government
III. The Electoral System
IV. The State Sector and Crown Entities
V. The Legal System
VI. New Zealand in the World
Chapter 21 National Economy
I. The New Zealand Economy
II. Agriculture and Other Primary Production
III. Secondary Production
IV. Tertiary Production
V. External Trade and Trade Partners
VI. The Economy in the Early 21st Century
Chapter 22 New Zealand Society
I. Population
II. Families and Marriage
III. Sex and Gender
IV. Health Care
V. Education
VI. Religion
VII. Modem Society
Key to Exercises
Photo Credits
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