- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)哥爾德斯密斯 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787500129622
- 出版日期:2011-4-1
Chapter 1 The description of the family of Wakefield;
in which a kindred likeness prevails as
well of minds as of persons
Chapter 2 Family misfortunes. The loss Of fortune only
servesto increase the pride of the worthy
Chapter 3 A migration. The fortunate circumstances
of our lives are generally found at last to
be of our own procuring
Chapter 4 A proofthat even the humblest fortune
may grant happiness, which depends
not on circumstance, but constitution
Chapter 5 A new and great acquaintance introduced.
What we place mosthopes upon,
generally proves most fatal
Chapter 6 The happiness of a country;fire-side
Chapter 7 A town wit described. The dullest fellows
may learn to be comical for a night or two
Chapter 8 An amour, which promises little good
fortune, yet may be productive of much
Chapter 9 Two ladies of great distinction introduced.
Superior finery ever seems to confer
superior breeding
Chapter 10 The family endeavours to cope with their
betters. The miseries of the poor when
they attempt to appear above their
Chapter 11 The family still resolve to hold up their
Chapter 12 Fortune seems resolved to humble the
fami!y of Wakefield. Mortifications are
often more painful than real calamities
Chapter 13 Mr Burchell is found to be an enemy; for
he has the confidence to give disagreeable
Chapter 14 Fresh mortifications, or a demonstration that
seeming calamities may be real blessings
Chapter 15 All Mr Burchell's villainy at once detected.
The folly of being-over-wise
Chapter 16 The family use art, which is opposed with
still greater
Chapter 17 Scarce any virtue found to resist the power
of long and pleasing temptation
Chapter 18 The pursuit of a father to reclaim a lost
child to virtue
Chapter 19 The description of a person discontented
with thepresent government,, and
apprehensive: of the loss of our liberties
Chapter 20 The history of a philosophic vagabond,
pursuing novelty, but losing content
Chapter 21 The short continuance of friendship amongst
the vicious, which is coeval only with
mutual satisfaction
Chapter 22 Offences are easily pardoned where there
is love at bottom
Chapter 23 None but the guilty can be long and completely
Chapter 24 Fresh calamities
Chapter 25 No situation, however wretched it seems,
but has some sort of comfort attending it
Chapter 26 A reformation in the gaol. To make laws
complete, they should reward as well
as punish
Chapter 27 The same subject continued
Chapter 28 Happiness and misery rather the result of
prudence than of virtue in this life. Temporal
evils or felicities being regarded by heaven as
things merely in themselves trifling and
unworthy its care in the distribution
Chapter 29 The equal dealings of providence demonstrated
with regard to the happy and the miserable
here below. That from the nature of pleasure
and pain, the wretched must be repaid the
balance of their sufferings in the life
Chapter 30 Happier prospects begin to appear. Let us
be inflexible, and fortune will at last change
in our favour
Chapter 31 Former benevolence now repaidwith
unexpected interest
Chapter 32 The conclusion
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