- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
國曉立,周樹玲 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787810789493
- 出版日期:2007-9-1
本書為商務英語閱讀下冊,共16個單元,內容主要涉及國際貿易、金融、營銷、物流、人力資源管理、跨文化交際、知識產權等。每個單元包括主課文和兩篇快速閱讀:主課文內容翔實,讓讀者對本單元話題作整體了解,掌握本領域的專業詞匯;快速閱讀在訓練讀者閱讀能力的同時讓讀者了解此領域的發展新動態。 本書適用于高職高專商務英語專業學生,也可作為國際貿易、工商管理等其他專業的學生和從事國際商務的人士及英語愛好者的英語自學用書。
Unit 1 Team Spirit: Cultivate the Culture
Fast ReadingⅠ Does Team Spirit Make Economic Sense?
Fast ReadingⅡ Team Building: Fostering the Team Spirit
Unit 2 Performance Evaluation
Fast ReadingⅠ Alive Hospice Uses Performance Evaluation in Employee Survey
and Sees Benefits
Fast ReadingⅡ Microsofi's Performance Evaluation System Roils Coders
Unit 3 Uncovering a Company's Corporate Culture -- a Critical Task forJob-seekers
Fast ReadingⅠ Fostering New Ideology and Creating Yueda Brand
Fast ReadingⅡ What Does an Organization's Culture Reveal?
Unit 4 Why Should We Go for Six Sigma?
Fast ReadingⅠ Six Sigma -- the Soul of Effectiveness
Fast ReadingⅡ Six Sigma Implementation at Siemens
Unit 5 General Introduction to Logistics
Fast ReadingⅠ Lowering Logistics' Costs
Fast ReadingⅡ International Trade, Transport & Logistics
Unit 6 Challenges Facing Chinese Logistics Industry
Fast ReadingⅠ Logistics Firms Face Challenge
Fast ReadingⅡ China's Third-Party Logistics Market Report 2006
Unit 7 Just-in-time
Fast ReadingⅠ Focus on Public Transportation
Fast ReadingⅡ Linyi Focuses on Trade and Logistics
Unit 8 Universal Parcel Service
Fast ReadingⅠ Foreign Express Giant Invests in China
Fast ReadingⅡ Corporate Culture of UPS
Unit 9 General Introduction to Insurance
Fast ReadingⅠ Executive: Anbang Plans to Move into Life Insurance Sector
Fast ReadingⅡ ABC Puts Emotionally Involved Reporter on Hurricane InsuranceStory
Unit 10 IPR and Economic Growth
Fast ReadingⅠ Jordan Benefits from Intellectual Property Reforms
Fast ReadingⅡ Strategic Moves
Unit 11 Human Relationship in the 21st Century
Fast ReadingⅠ How to Deal With Misunderstanding
Fast ReadingⅡ The Most Beautiful Heart
Unit 12 Cross-cultural Communication
Fast ReadingⅠ Breaking the Barriers of Intercultural Communication
Fast ReadingⅡ Christmas Celebrations Around the World
Unit 13 Business Etiquette
Fast ReadingⅠ Business Culture in China
Fast ReadingⅡ Helpful Negotiation Tips
Unit 14 Interview Skills
Fast ReadingⅠ On-campus Interviewing
Fast ReadingⅡ Worst Interview Experiences
Unit 15 The Future of World Economy
Fast ReadingⅠ Developing Countries Shaping the Future of World AgricultureTrade
Fast ReadingⅡ IMF Predicts Energetic World Economy for 2007 -2008
Unit 16 Sustainable Development
Fast ReadingⅠ Attracting Talents
Fast ReadingⅡ Ending Poverty
Key to Exercises
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機械專業英語圖解教程 | 朱派龍 主.. | 北京大學出版社 | ¥22.00¥17.20 |
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