機工.大學英語六級詞匯 根源記憶法 ..

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    • ISBN:9787111433965
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    • 出版社: 機械工業出版社; 第2版 (2013年8月9日)
    • 平裝: 238頁
    • 語種: 英語
    • 開本: 16
    • ISBN: 9787111433965
    • 條形碼: 9787111433965
    • 商品尺寸: 23.2 x 16.8 x 1 cm
    • 商品重量: 522 g
    • 品牌: 機械工業出版社








    Part 1 動詞詞源
    List 01 to praise 表揚/2
    List 02 to fold 折疊/2
    List 03 to point out 指出/3
    List 04 to stand 站立/4
    List 05 to fill, pour 填充,傾倒/8
    List 06 to change, exchange 改變,交換/10
    List 07 to measure 調節/10
    List 08 to fasten 固定/11
    List 09 to think 思考/13
    List 10 to lean 傾斜/14
    List 11 to watch, see, look, know看,看見,知道,了解/15
    List 12 to live 活/20
    List 13 to beg, ask 乞求,要求/21
    List 14 to be able, have power 能,有動力/22
    List 15 to produce, to be born 產生,出生/23
    List 16 to strike, beat, pound 打,擊,重擊/24
    List 17 to bear, carry, bring 支撐,攜帶,帶來/27
    List 18 to try 試驗/30
    List 19 to break, divide, tear, split打破,分開,撕扯,裂開/30
    List 20 to be strong 強壯/34
    List 21 to taste, pleasing to taste, to hear品嘗,味道好,聽/35
    List 22 to notice, heed 注意,聽從/36
    List 23 to protect, guard 保護/37
    List 24 to cover 蓋/38
    List 25 to lie 躺/39
    List 26 to push, shove, push away 推,推走/39
    List 27 to sit 坐/41
    List 28 to make equal 使相等/42
    List 29 to hew, cut 砍,切/43
    List 30 to gather, collect 搜集,收集/49
    List 31 to have, take, allot, receive擁有,拿,取,分配,接收/51
    List 32 to expand, stretch, extend 擴張,伸展/53
    List 33 to set in motion, put in motion, move forward 使動,前移/56
    List 34 to lay, put, place 放/58
    List 35 to bind 綁縛/63
    List 36 to keep straight 使直/64
    List 37 to choose 選擇/66
    List 38 to join, fit, build 連接,加入,適合,建筑/67
    List 39 to stick 粘/70
    List 40 to twist, sew, spin, weave捻,縫,紡紗,編織/71
    List 41 to use 使用/73
    List 42 to do, work, drive 做,工作,驅使/74
    List 43 to give, throw, allot, assign, send給,扔,分配,送/77
    List 44 to hold 握/80
    List 45 to go, step, come, stretch out走,移步,來,大踏步走/81
    List 46 to wash, wet, be wet, moisten, drip洗,濕,弄濕,滴下/89
    List 47 to touch 觸/89
    List 48 to seize, grasp, lay hold of, grab 抓,抓住/90
    List 49 to enclose, wrap 圍繞,包裝/94
    List 50 to clench, make round 握緊,使成圓形/95
    List 51 to draw, pull, hang 拉回,拉,掛/96
    List 52 to increase, grow, be增加,生長,是,存在/99
    List 53 to blink, shine, gleam, glow閃亮,照耀,閃爍,發光/102
    List 54 to follow 跟隨/105
    List 55 to fall, let fall, hang down落下,放下,垂下/106
    List 56 to run, fly, flow, roll, whirl跑,飛,流,滾動,旋轉/109
    List 57 to leap 跳/112
    List 58 to bend, turn, twist 彎曲,轉變,扭曲/113
    List 59 to measure 測量/120
    List 60 to scrape, scratch, rub, rub off, rub away刮,擦,勾抹,磨掉,擦掉/121
    List 61 to blow, blow up, swell, be turbid吹,充氣,膨脹,混亂/124
    List 62 to shout, scream, call, speak, pledge喊,尖叫,叫,說,保證/126
    List 63 to boil forth, cook, burn 沸騰,煮,燃燒/131
    List 64 to thicken 變粗,變濃,變厚/132
    List 65 to smile 微笑/132
    List 66 to shake, tremble 顫動,搖動,顫抖/133
    List 67 to make sound, make echoic sound發聲,發擬聲/133
    List 68 to pierce, prick 刺戳/135
    List 69 to love, like, be concerned愛,喜歡,關心/135
    List 70 to squeeze together, press together擠在一起/136
    List 71 to creep, climb 爬行,攀登/137
    List 72 to be visible 可見/137
    List 73 to dig 挖/138
    List 74 to feed 喂養/138
    List 75 to sing 唱歌/138
    List 76 to breathe 呼吸/139
    List 77 to project 突出/139
    List 78 to leave 離開/140
    List 79 to peel off 去皮/141
    List 80 to be active 活躍/141
    List 81 to sprinkle, scatter 噴灑,分散/142
    List 82 to trust 信任/142
    List 83 to cleanse 使清潔/143
    List 84 other origins 其他詞源/143
    Part 2 名詞詞源
    List 01 force, power 力,力量/154
    List 02 stranger, guest 陌生人,客人/155
    List 03 foot 腳/155
    List 04 amber 琥珀/156
    List 05 hook, peg for hanging 鉤子,掛鉤/157
    List 06 hand 手/158
    List 07 earth, land 土,地球,陸地/159
    List 08 settlement 定居點/160
    List 09 darkness 黑暗/160
    List 10 sea 海/160
    List 11 fire 火/161
    List 12 linen thread, cloth 亞麻線,布/161
    List 13 heart 心,精神/162
    List 14 crowd 群,觀眾/163
    List 15 pole, post, beam 桿,棒,柱,橫梁/163
    List 16 body, form 體,形式/164
    List 17 root, ray 根,光線/165
    List 18 sun 太陽/166
    List 19 cow, ox 牛/166
    List 20 border, edge, boundary 邊,邊界/167
    List 21 point 點/167
    List 22 letter 文字/169
    List 23 outside 外面/169
    List 24 table 桌/169
    List 25 hair, wool 毛發,羊毛/170
    List 26 paper 紙/170
    List 27 heat 熱/171
    List 28 other origins 其他詞源/171
    Part 3 形容詞、副詞詞源
    List 01 sharp, pointed 尖的/182
    List 02 one, together 同樣的,一起/182
    List 03 no, not 不/183
    List 04 flat 平的/184
    List 05 sated 心滿意足的/186
    List 06 deep 深的/186
    List 07 new 新的/187
    List 08 high 高的/187
    List 09 whole, sound 完整的,純粹的,健康的/188
    List 10 apart 分離的/189
    List 11 upper 上面的/189
    List 12 long 長的/190
    List 13 cold 冷的/191
    List 14 equal 相等的/191
    List 15 small, little 小的/192
    List 16 great, large, thick, fat 大的,濃的,胖的/193
    List 17 short 短的/194
    List 18 loose 松的/195
    List 19 rigid, hard, stiff 硬的/195
    List 20 echoic 擬聲的/197
    List 21 other origins 其他詞源/198
    Part 4 介詞詞源
    List 01 beyond 那邊,超過/204
    List 02 from side to side 從一邊到一邊/204
    List 03 in 內/205
    List 04 efore, near 前,附近/205
    List 05 up from under 從下向上/206
    List 06 in comparison 表示比較/206
    List 07 on 在……上/207
    List 08 between 之間/207
    List 09 up away 向上遠離/207
    Part 5 數詞詞源
    List 01 thousand 千/210
    List 02 two 兩個/210
    List 03 four 四/210
    List 04 ten 十/211
    Part 6 代詞詞源
    List 01 this 這個/214
    List 02 that 那個/214
    List 03 who 誰/215
    List 04 all 所有人/216
    Part 7 其他六級詞匯



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