unit one daily reception
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit two opening an account
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit three handling deposits
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit four handling withdrawals
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit five check
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit six transfer and remittance
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit seven credit cards
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit eight foreign exchange
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit nine traveler’s check
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit ten reporting a loss
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit eleven personal loans
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit twelve phone banking
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit thirteen internet banking
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit fourteen corporate credit
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
unit fifteen letter of credit
part a background information
part b dialogues
part c useful words and sentences
part d exercises
part e reading
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信用證英語 | 翟步習 編.. | 對外經濟貿易大學.. | ¥35.00¥28.00 |
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