經濟學專業英語教程(第三版.上)/教育部推薦教材.大學專業英語系 宋利芳 張勇先 ..
- 所屬分類:
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- ISBN:9787300162089
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品牌:圖書詳情 商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 商品名稱: 經濟學專業英語教程(第三版.上)/教育部推薦教材.大學專業英語系 作者: 宋利芳 張勇先 高宏存 市場價: 36元 文軒網價: 30.6元【85折】 ISBN號: 9787300162089 出版社: 中國人民大學出版社 商品類型: 圖書
其他參考信息(以實物為準) 裝幀:簡裝 開本:其他 語種:中文 出版時間:2013-02-01 版次:3 頁數: 印刷時間:0002-12-01 印次:1 字數: 溫馨提示:出版時間超過3年的圖書,因長時間儲存可能會產生紙張缺陷,敬請諒解!
內容簡介 《經濟學專業英語教程》(第三版)共分上、下兩冊。上冊共設計14單元,每一單元包括主課文和副課文,系統介紹了經濟學方面的基礎知識和基本理論,具有較強的系統性和完整性,涵蓋了微觀經濟學和宏觀經濟學的主要內容。本次是在經濟學專業英語教程(第二版)的基礎上進行的一次修訂,是內容更加符合當前教學需要,貼近教學實際。
目錄 Unit One
Text: What Is Economics?
Additional Text: The Economic Problem
Unit Two
Text: Demand and Supply
Additional Text: Utility and Consumer Choice
Unit Three
Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Additional Text: The Factors Influencing the Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply
Unit Four
Text: Cost of Production
Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Unit Five
Text: Monopoly
Additional Text: Perfect Competition
Unit Six
Text: Oligopoly
Additional Text: Monopolistic Competition
Unit Seven
Text: Gross Domestic Product
Additional Text: Two Alternative Approaches of Measuring GDP
Unit Eight
Text: Economic Growth
Additional Text: Sources of Economic Development
Unit Nine
Text: Inflation
Additional Text: Unemployment
Unit Ten
Text: Money and Banking
Additional Text: The U.S. Central Bank: The Federal Reserve System
Unit Eleven
Text: Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate
Additional Text: The Effects of Exchange Rates on the Economy
Unit Twelve
Text: The Balance of Payments
Additional Text: International Monetary Systems
Unit Thirteen
Text: Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Additional Text: Lags in the Economy's Response to Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Unit Fourteen
Text: Role of Government in the Economy
Additional Text: Government's Policies Toward Externalities
Appendix Ⅰ Answers to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Translation of the Texts
商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 | |
商品名稱: | 經濟學專業英語教程(第三版.上)/教育部推薦教材.大學專業英語系 |
作者: | 宋利芳 張勇先 高宏存 |
市場價: | 36元 |
文軒網價: | 30.6元【85折】 |
ISBN號: | 9787300162089 |
出版社: | 中國人民大學出版社 |
商品類型: | 圖書 |
其他參考信息(以實物為準) | ||
裝幀:簡裝 | 開本:其他 | 語種:中文 |
出版時間:2013-02-01 | 版次:3 | 頁數: |
印刷時間:0002-12-01 | 印次:1 | 字數: |
溫馨提示:出版時間超過3年的圖書,因長時間儲存可能會產生紙張缺陷,敬請諒解! |
內容簡介 | |
《經濟學專業英語教程》(第三版)共分上、下兩冊。上冊共設計14單元,每一單元包括主課文和副課文,系統介紹了經濟學方面的基礎知識和基本理論,具有較強的系統性和完整性,涵蓋了微觀經濟學和宏觀經濟學的主要內容。本次是在經濟學專業英語教程(第二版)的基礎上進行的一次修訂,是內容更加符合當前教學需要,貼近教學實際。 |
目錄 | |
Unit One Text: What Is Economics? Additional Text: The Economic Problem Unit Two Text: Demand and Supply Additional Text: Utility and Consumer Choice Unit Three Text: Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply Additional Text: The Factors Influencing the Price Elasticities of Demand and Supply Unit Four Text: Cost of Production Additional Text: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale Unit Five Text: Monopoly Additional Text: Perfect Competition Unit Six Text: Oligopoly Additional Text: Monopolistic Competition Unit Seven Text: Gross Domestic Product Additional Text: Two Alternative Approaches of Measuring GDP Unit Eight Text: Economic Growth Additional Text: Sources of Economic Development Unit Nine Text: Inflation Additional Text: Unemployment Unit Ten Text: Money and Banking Additional Text: The U.S. Central Bank: The Federal Reserve System Unit Eleven Text: Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate Additional Text: The Effects of Exchange Rates on the Economy Unit Twelve Text: The Balance of Payments Additional Text: International Monetary Systems Unit Thirteen Text: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Additional Text: Lags in the Economy's Response to Monetary and Fiscal Policy Unit Fourteen Text: Role of Government in the Economy Additional Text: Government's Policies Toward Externalities Appendix Ⅰ Answers to Exercises Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Translation of the Texts |
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