品牌:圖書詳情 商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 商品名稱: 信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論(英文版) 作者: (西班牙)帕洛馬 市場價: 118元 文軒網價: 94.4元【80折】 ISBN號: 9787030354303 出版社: 科學出版社 商品類型: 圖書
其他參考信息(以實物為準) 裝幀:平裝 開本:16開 語種:英語 出版時間:2013-01-01 版次:1 頁數:510 印刷時間:2013-01-01 印次:1 字數:640.00千字
主編推薦 《國外信息科學與技術優秀圖書系列·電子學與通信技術:信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論(英文版)》結合當前信號處理和通信應用中的多種不同熱點需求,分別自成體系地介紹了凸優化的最新應用發展情況。通過這本書,讀者可以看到凸優化在信號處理和通信中的廣泛應用,了解這些領域的當前最近進展,學習凸優化問題的建模方法、技巧與解法,掌握將非凸優化問題轉化或近似為凸優化問題的思路等。本書適合信號處理、通信等領域的研究人員和高年級研究生閱讀。由于主要面向應用,所以假設讀者已經了有一定的凸優化理論基礎。本書也可以作為凸優化數學理論教學的一本反映最新工程應用的參考書。相信本書可以使更多的學者和工程師掌握這些基本數學方法并應用到工程實踐中。
內容簡介 凸優化理論是信號處理領域具有重要應用價值的理論分析工具,最近二十年一大批的信號處理問題都基于凸優化理論取得了突破進展。帕洛馬等編寫的這本《信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論》以通信與信號處理中的經典與前沿問題為脈絡,深入淺出地介紹了各類凸優化分析的建模方法與基本理論。內容包括圖模型理論、基于梯度的信號重建算法、半定松弛(SDP)算法、基于SDP的雷達信號設計、圖像處理中的盲信源分離、現代抽樣理論,特別是寬帶移動通信中的MIMO信號檢測、認知無線電中的波束成形理論、分布式多目標優化理論與博弈論等。
目錄 List of contributors
1 Automatic code generation for real.time convex optimization
Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Solvers and specification languages
1.3 Examples
1.4 Algorithm considerations
1.5 Code generation
1.6 CVXMOD: a preliminary implementation
1.7 Numerical examples
1.8 Summary, conclusions, and implications
2 Gradient-based algorithms with applications to signal-recovery problems
Arnir Beck and Marc Teboulle
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The general optimization model
2.3 Building gradient-based schemes
2.4 Convergence results tor the proximal-gradient method
2.5 A fast proximal-gradient method
2.6 Algorithms for It-based regularization problems
2.7 TV-based restoration problems
2.8 The source-localization problem
2.9 Bibliographic notes
3 Graphical models of autoregressive processes
Jitkomut Songsiri, Joachim Dahl, and Lieven Vandenberghe
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Autoregressive processes
3.3 Autoregressive graphical models
3.4 Numerical examples
3.5 Conclusion
4 SDP relaxation of homogeneous quadratic optimization: approximation bounds and applications Zhi-Quan Luo and Tsung-Hui Chang
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Nonconvex QCQPs and SDP relaxation
4.3 SDP relaxation for separable homogeneous QCQPs
4.4 SDP relaxation for maximization homogeneous QCQPs
4.5 SDP relaxation for fractional QCQPs
4.6 More applications of SDP relaxation
4.7 Summary and discussion
5 ProbabilisUc analysis of semidefinite relaxation detectors for multiple-input,multiple-output systems
Anthony Man-Cho So and Yinyu Ye
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Problem formulation
5.3 Analysis of the SDR detector for the MPSK constellations
5.4 Extension to the QAM constellations
5.5 Concluding remarks
6 Semidefinite programming, matrix decomposition, and radar code design
Yongwei Huang, Antonio De Maio, and Shuzhong Zhang
6.1 Introduction and notation
6.2 Matrix rank- 1 decomposition
6.3 Semidefinite programming
6.4 Quadratically constrained quadratic programming and its SDP relaxation
6.5 Polynomially solvable QCQP problems
6.6 The radar code-design problem
6.7 Performance measures for code design
6.8 Optimal code design
6.9 Performance analysis
6.10 Conclusions
7 Convex analysis for non-negative blind source separation with application in imaging
Wing-Kin Ma, Tsung-Han Chan, Chong-Yung Chi, and Yue Wang
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Problem statement
7.3 Review of some concepts in convex analysis
7.4 Non-negative, blind source-separation criterion via CAMNS
7.5 Systematic linear-programming method for CAMNS
7.6 Alternating volume-maximization heuristics for CAMNS
7.7 Numerical results
7.8 Summary and discussion
8 Optimization techniques in modern sampling theory
Tomer Michaeli and Yonina C. Eldar
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Notation and mathematical preliminaries
8.3 Sampling and reconstruction setup
8.4 Optimization methods
8.5 Subspace priors
8.6 Smoothness priors
8.7 Comparison of the various scenarios
8.8 Sampling with noise
8.9 Conclusions
9 Robust broadband adaptive beamforming using convex optimization
Michael Riibsamen, Amr EI-Keyi, Alex B. Gershman, and Thia Kirubarajan
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Background
9.3 Robust broadband beamformers
9.4 Simulations
9.5 Conclusions
10 Cooperative distributed multi-agent optimization
Angelia Nedic and Asuman Ozdaglar
10.1 Introduction and motivation
10.2 Distributed-optimization methods using dual decomposition
10.3 Distributed-optimization methods using consensus algorithms
10.4 Extensions
10.5 Future work
10.6 Conclusions
10.7 Problems
11 Competitive optimization of cognitive radio MIMO systems via game theory
Gesualso Scutari, Daniel P. Palomar, and Sergio Barbarossa
11.1 Introduction and motivation
11.2 Strategic non-cooperative games: basic solution concepts and algorithms
11.3 Opportunistic communications over unlicensed bands
11.4 Opportunistic communications under individual-interference constraints
11.5 Opportunistic communications under global-interference constraints
21.6 Conclusions
12 Nash equilibria: the variational approach
Francisco Facchinei and Jong-Shi Pang
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Nash-equilibrium problem
12.3 Existence theory
12.4 Uniqueness theory
12.5 Sensitivity analysis
12.6 Iterative algorithms
12.7 A communication game
商品基本信息,請以下列介紹為準 | |
商品名稱: | 信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論(英文版) |
作者: | (西班牙)帕洛馬 |
市場價: | 118元 |
文軒網價: | 94.4元【80折】 |
ISBN號: | 9787030354303 |
出版社: | 科學出版社 |
商品類型: | 圖書 |
其他參考信息(以實物為準) | ||
裝幀:平裝 | 開本:16開 | 語種:英語 |
出版時間:2013-01-01 | 版次:1 | 頁數:510 |
印刷時間:2013-01-01 | 印次:1 | 字數:640.00千字 |
主編推薦 | |
《國外信息科學與技術優秀圖書系列·電子學與通信技術:信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論(英文版)》結合當前信號處理和通信應用中的多種不同熱點需求,分別自成體系地介紹了凸優化的最新應用發展情況。通過這本書,讀者可以看到凸優化在信號處理和通信中的廣泛應用,了解這些領域的當前最近進展,學習凸優化問題的建模方法、技巧與解法,掌握將非凸優化問題轉化或近似為凸優化問題的思路等。本書適合信號處理、通信等領域的研究人員和高年級研究生閱讀。由于主要面向應用,所以假設讀者已經了有一定的凸優化理論基礎。本書也可以作為凸優化數學理論教學的一本反映最新工程應用的參考書。相信本書可以使更多的學者和工程師掌握這些基本數學方法并應用到工程實踐中。 |
內容簡介 | |
凸優化理論是信號處理領域具有重要應用價值的理論分析工具,最近二十年一大批的信號處理問題都基于凸優化理論取得了突破進展。帕洛馬等編寫的這本《信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論》以通信與信號處理中的經典與前沿問題為脈絡,深入淺出地介紹了各類凸優化分析的建模方法與基本理論。內容包括圖模型理論、基于梯度的信號重建算法、半定松弛(SDP)算法、基于SDP的雷達信號設計、圖像處理中的盲信源分離、現代抽樣理論,特別是寬帶移動通信中的MIMO信號檢測、認知無線電中的波束成形理論、分布式多目標優化理論與博弈論等。 《信號處理與通信中的凸優化理論》可作為電子與通信工程等相關領域科研人員、工程技術人員的參考書,也可供相關專業高年級本科生、研究生閱讀。 |
目錄 | |
List of contributors Preface 1 Automatic code generation for real.time convex optimization Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Solvers and specification languages 1.3 Examples 1.4 Algorithm considerations 1.5 Code generation 1.6 CVXMOD: a preliminary implementation 1.7 Numerical examples 1.8 Summary, conclusions, and implications Acknowledgments References 2 Gradient-based algorithms with applications to signal-recovery problems Arnir Beck and Marc Teboulle 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The general optimization model 2.3 Building gradient-based schemes 2.4 Convergence results tor the proximal-gradient method 2.5 A fast proximal-gradient method 2.6 Algorithms for It-based regularization problems 2.7 TV-based restoration problems 2.8 The source-localization problem 2.9 Bibliographic notes References 3 Graphical models of autoregressive processes Jitkomut Songsiri, Joachim Dahl, and Lieven Vandenberghe 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Autoregressive processes 3.3 Autoregressive graphical models 3.4 Numerical examples 3.5 Conclusion Acknowledgments References 4 SDP relaxation of homogeneous quadratic optimization: approximation bounds and applications Zhi-Quan Luo and Tsung-Hui Chang 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Nonconvex QCQPs and SDP relaxation 4.3 SDP relaxation for separable homogeneous QCQPs 4.4 SDP relaxation for maximization homogeneous QCQPs 4.5 SDP relaxation for fractional QCQPs 4.6 More applications of SDP relaxation 4.7 Summary and discussion Acknowledgments References 5 ProbabilisUc analysis of semidefinite relaxation detectors for multiple-input,multiple-output systems Anthony Man-Cho So and Yinyu Ye 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Problem formulation 5.3 Analysis of the SDR detector for the MPSK constellations 5.4 Extension to the QAM constellations 5.5 Concluding remarks Acknowledgments References 6 Semidefinite programming, matrix decomposition, and radar code design Yongwei Huang, Antonio De Maio, and Shuzhong Zhang 6.1 Introduction and notation 6.2 Matrix rank- 1 decomposition 6.3 Semidefinite programming 6.4 Quadratically constrained quadratic programming and its SDP relaxation 6.5 Polynomially solvable QCQP problems 6.6 The radar code-design problem 6.7 Performance measures for code design 6.8 Optimal code design 6.9 Performance analysis 6.10 Conclusions References 7 Convex analysis for non-negative blind source separation with application in imaging Wing-Kin Ma, Tsung-Han Chan, Chong-Yung Chi, and Yue Wang 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Problem statement 7.3 Review of some concepts in convex analysis 7.4 Non-negative, blind source-separation criterion via CAMNS 7.5 Systematic linear-programming method for CAMNS 7.6 Alternating volume-maximization heuristics for CAMNS 7.7 Numerical results 7.8 Summary and discussion Acknowledgments References 8 Optimization techniques in modern sampling theory Tomer Michaeli and Yonina C. Eldar 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Notation and mathematical preliminaries 8.3 Sampling and reconstruction setup 8.4 Optimization methods 8.5 Subspace priors 8.6 Smoothness priors 8.7 Comparison of the various scenarios 8.8 Sampling with noise 8.9 Conclusions Acknowledgments References 9 Robust broadband adaptive beamforming using convex optimization Michael Riibsamen, Amr EI-Keyi, Alex B. Gershman, and Thia Kirubarajan 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Background 9.3 Robust broadband beamformers 9.4 Simulations 9.5 Conclusions Acknowledgments References 10 Cooperative distributed multi-agent optimization Angelia Nedic and Asuman Ozdaglar 10.1 Introduction and motivation 10.2 Distributed-optimization methods using dual decomposition 10.3 Distributed-optimization methods using consensus algorithms 10.4 Extensions 10.5 Future work 10.6 Conclusions 10.7 Problems References 11 Competitive optimization of cognitive radio MIMO systems via game theory Gesualso Scutari, Daniel P. Palomar, and Sergio Barbarossa 11.1 Introduction and motivation 11.2 Strategic non-cooperative games: basic solution concepts and algorithms 11.3 Opportunistic communications over unlicensed bands 11.4 Opportunistic communications under individual-interference constraints 11.5 Opportunistic communications under global-interference constraints 21.6 Conclusions Acknowledgments References 12 Nash equilibria: the variational approach Francisco Facchinei and Jong-Shi Pang 12.1 Introduction 12.2 The Nash-equilibrium problem 12.3 Existence theory 12.4 Uniqueness theory 12.5 Sensitivity analysis 12.6 Iterative algorithms 12.7 A communication game Acknowledgments References Afierword Index |
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