- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
邱東林,杜方圓,李曉娟 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787309087680
- 出版日期:2012-3-1
1 用聽母語的方式聽二語
Listening to a Second Language through the Ea of a FitAnne Cutler
2 聽力理解策略概述
Listening Compreheion Strategies: A Review of the LiteratureJane
E. Berne
3 動機、元認知意識和二語聽力熟練程度在二語聽力中的關系
Relatiohips among Motivation Orientatio, Metacognitive Awareness
and Proficiency in L2 ListeningLarry Vandergrift
4 聽力理解:學習者的角度
Listening Compreheion: The Learne? Pepective Suzanne Graham
5 詞匯知識與高級英語聽力理解
Vocabulary Knowledge and Advanced Listening Compreheion in
English as a Foreign LanguageLa S. Stahr
6 語言學習者聽力理解難點的認知研究
A Cognitive Pepective on Language Learne? Listening Compreheion
ProblemsChristine C.M.Goh
7 究竟是“自下而上”,還是“自上而下”——二語學習者聽力問題之研究
An Iight into Listene? Problems: Too Much Bottom?up or Too Much
Top?down? John Field
8 二語詞語邊界感知研究
The Perception of Word Boundaries in a Second LanguageEvelyn P.
9 選擇性聽力
Selective ListeningGillian Brown
10 修正語流分割假設——本族語與非本族語聽力的異同
Revising Segmentation Hypotheses in Fit and Second Language
Listening John Field
11 二語學習者在聽力中依靠的是哪類詞:實詞還是虛詞?
Bricks or Mortar: Which Parts of the Input does a Second Language
Listener Rely On?John Field
12 英語詞匯重音感知的跨語言研究
A Cross?language Study of Perception of Lexical Stress in
EnglishVickie Y. Yu & Jean E. Andruski
13 探究聽力考試中的焦慮
Seeing Through Listening Compreheion Exam Anxiety Jane Arnold
14 理解英語聽力中的隱含意義
Comprehending Implied Meaning in English as a Foreign
LanguageNaoko Taguchi
15 考試焦慮對聽力成績的影響
The Effects of Test Anxiety on Listening Test PerformanceYo
16 外語聽力焦慮的原因、影響以及對策——使教師成為更好的英語學習者
Helping Teache Become Better English Students: Causes, Effects,
and Coping Strategies for Foreign Language Listening Anxiety
Nilüfer Bekleyen
17 提高二語聽者的元認知意識:從社會文化理論角度
Raising L2 Listene? Metacognitive Awareness: A Sociocultural
Theory PepectiveJeremy Cross
18 “學著聽”還是“聽中學”
Learning to Listen or Listening to Learn? Larry Vandergrift
19 實驗研究:第二語言語法能否通過聽力習得?
Can Second Language Grammar Be Learned through Listening? An
Experimental StudyNel De Jong
20 聽力教學再思考
Second Thoughts on Teaching ListeningJack C. Richards
21 從英語詞匯分割的角度來看教授音位結構學的效果
The Effect of Teaching English Phonotactics on the Lexical
Segmentation of English as a Foreign LanguageFaisal Al?jasser
22 “聽—讀”和 “單純聽”短篇故事對二語學習者聽力的影響
Gai to L2 Listene from Reading while Listening vs. Listening Only
in Comprehending Short StoriesAnna Ching?Shyang Chang
23 實證研究:教授二語學習者如何聽確實有成效
Teaching L2 Learne How to Listen Does Make a Difference: An
Empirical Study Larry Vandergrift & Marzieh H. Tafaghodtari
24 探究聽力理解技能及其互動模式
Exploring Listening Compreheion Tactics and Their Interaction
PatterChristine C. M. Goh
25 發展學生在二語聽力中的元認知能力
“It Was Nice to See that Our Predictio Were Right”: Developing
Metacognition in L2 Listening CompreheionLarry Vandergrift
26 法語學習者聽力接收策略使用之研究
The Use of Reception Strategies by Learne of French as a Foreign
Language Thomas S. C. Farrell & Christophe Mallard
27 聽力元認知策略調查表的設計與效度
The Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire:
Development and ValidationLarry Vandergrift
28 策略知識和策略使用:新加坡學生的聽說策略意識
Strategy Knowledge and Perceived Strategy Use: Singaporean
Students? Awareness of Listening and Speaking Donglan Zhang &
Christine C. M. Goh
29 詞匯準備對聽力理解、信心與策略使用的影響
The Impact of Vocabulary Preparation on L2 Listening Compreheion,
Confidence and Strategy UseAnna Ching?Shyang Chang
30 二語聽力策略:受年齡和母語的影響?
Listening Strategies in ESL: Do Age and L1 Make a Difference?
Birgit Harley
31 含有字幕的視頻與二語聽力中詞語識別
Captioned Videotapes and Second?language Listening Word
RecognitionPaul Markham
32 課堂環境中數字影音資料對語言習得的作用
Language Acquisition in the Classroom: The Role of Digital
VideoErwin Tschirner
33 雙重輸入模式對顯性和隱性記憶的影響:字幕信息對聽力學習的調查研究
The Effect of Bimodal Input on Implicit and Explicit Memory: An
Investigation into the Benefits of Within?language
SubtitlingStephen A. Bird & John N. Williams
34 幫助選項和多媒體聽力:學生對字幕和文本的使用
Help Optio and Multimedia Listening: Students? Use of Subtitles
and the TracriptMaja Grgurovie & Volker Hegelheimer
35 多模態對二語學習者的影響以及對CALL的啟示
The Effects of Multimodality on L2 Learne: Implication for CALL
Resource Design Nicolas Guichon & Sinead McLornan
36 視頻對二語聽力測試的作用
The Effect of the Use of Video Texts on ESL Listening Test?taker
PerformanceElvis Wagner
37 含字幕的視頻在外語聽力中的作用
The Effects of Captioning Videos Used for Foreign Language
Listening ActivitiesPaula Winke, Susan Gass & Tetyana Sydorenko
38 語言加工的聯結主義模型與在多媒體軟件協助下的聽力技能訓練
Connectionist Models of Language Processing and the Training of
Listening Skills with the Aid of Multimedia Software Jan H.
39 課堂中CALL的應用:學生在真實課堂上人機互動關系分析
Using CALL in the Classroom: Analyzing Student Interaction in an
Authentic ClassroomVolker Hegelheimer & Dustin Tower
40 在線學術講座對ESL聽力理解、伴隨性詞匯習得和策略使用的作用
Effects of Online Academic Lectures on ESL Listening Compreheion,
Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition, and Strategy Use Esther Smidt
& Volker Hegelheimer
41 使用多媒體故事來提高聽力理解——以西班牙英語學習者為例
Using Digital Stories to Improve Listening Compreheion with
Spanish Young Learne of EnglishDolores Ramirez Verdugo
42 網絡為基礎的聽力教學法:以關系從句的習得為例
A Web?based Listening Methodology for Studying Relative Clause
AcquisitionKenneth Romeo
43 二語聽力評估中的任務難度研究
Exploring Task Difficulty in ESL Listening AssessmentGeoff
Brindley &Helen Slatyer
44 互動輸入在學術英語聽力評估中的應用
The Use of Interactive Input in EAP Listening Assessment John
45 英語聽力能力的評估:多項選擇題與開放式問題的比較
A Comparison of Multiple?choice and Open?ended Respoe Formats for
the Assessment of Listening Proficiency in EnglishHsiao?fang Cheng
46 地域性、種族性和國際性英語方言對聽力理解的影響
Testing the Effects of Regional, Ethnic and International
Dialects of English on Listening CompreheionRoy C. Major, Susan M.
Fitzmaurice, Ferenc Bunta & Chandrika Balasubramanian
47 聽力多項選擇題顯示題干和選項與否的比較
To Show or Not to Show: The Effects of Item Stems and Awer Optio
on Performance on a Multiple?choice Listening Compreheion TestKozo
Yanagawa & Anthony Green
48 考試形式對閱讀和聽力成績影響的元分析:以多項選擇題和開放式問題為例
A Meta?analysis of Test Format Effects on Reading and Listening
Test Performance: Focus on Multiple?choice and Open?ended FormatsYo
In?nami &Rie Koizumi
一、聽力概述 1 用聽母語的方式聽二語 Listening to a Second Language through the Ea of a FitAnne Cutler 2 聽力理解策略概述 Listening Compreheion Strategies: A Review of the LiteratureJane E. Berne 3 動機、元認知意識和二語聽力熟練程度在二語聽力中的關系 Relatiohips among Motivation Orientatio, Metacognitive Awareness and Proficiency in L2 ListeningLarry Vandergrift 4 聽力理解:學習者的角度 Listening Compreheion: The Learne? Pepective Suzanne Graham 5 詞匯知識與高級英語聽力理解 Vocabulary Knowledge and Advanced Listening Compreheion in English as a Foreign LanguageLa S. Stahr 二、聽力的認知因素 6 語言學習者聽力理解難點的認知研究 A Cognitive Pepective on Language Learne? Listening Compreheion ProblemsChristine C.M.Goh 7 究竟是“自下而上”,還是“自上而下”——二語學習者聽力問題之研究 An Iight into Listene? Problems: Too Much Bottom?up or Too Much Top?down? John Field 8 二語詞語邊界感知研究 The Perception of Word Boundaries in a Second LanguageEvelyn P. Altenberg 9 選擇性聽力 Selective ListeningGillian Brown 10 修正語流分割假設——本族語與非本族語聽力的異同 Revising Segmentation Hypotheses in Fit and Second Language Listening John Field 11 二語學習者在聽力中依靠的是哪類詞:實詞還是虛詞? Bricks or Mortar: Which Parts of the Input does a Second Language Listener Rely On?John Field 12 英語詞匯重音感知的跨語言研究 A Cross?language Study of Perception of Lexical Stress in EnglishVickie Y. Yu & Jean E. Andruski 三、聽力的語用和情感因素 13 探究聽力考試中的焦慮 Seeing Through Listening Compreheion Exam Anxiety Jane Arnold 14 理解英語聽力中的隱含意義 Comprehending Implied Meaning in English as a Foreign LanguageNaoko Taguchi 15 考試焦慮對聽力成績的影響 The Effects of Test Anxiety on Listening Test PerformanceYo In?nami 16 外語聽力焦慮的原因、影響以及對策——使教師成為更好的英語學習者 Helping Teache Become Better English Students: Causes, Effects, and Coping Strategies for Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Nilüfer Bekleyen 17 提高二語聽者的元認知意識:從社會文化理論角度 Raising L2 Listene? Metacognitive Awareness: A Sociocultural Theory PepectiveJeremy Cross 四、聽力教學 18 “學著聽”還是“聽中學” Learning to Listen or Listening to Learn? Larry Vandergrift 19 實驗研究:第二語言語法能否通過聽力習得? Can Second Language Grammar Be Learned through Listening? An Experimental StudyNel De Jong 20 聽力教學再思考 Second Thoughts on Teaching ListeningJack C. Richards 21 從英語詞匯分割的角度來看教授音位結構學的效果 The Effect of Teaching English Phonotactics on the Lexical Segmentation of English as a Foreign LanguageFaisal Al?jasser 22 “聽—讀”和 “單純聽”短篇故事對二語學習者聽力的影響 Gai to L2 Listene from Reading while Listening vs. Listening Only in Comprehending Short StoriesAnna Ching?Shyang Chang 23 實證研究:教授二語學習者如何聽確實有成效 Teaching L2 Learne How to Listen Does Make a Difference: An Empirical Study Larry Vandergrift & Marzieh H. Tafaghodtari 五、聽力策略 24 探究聽力理解技能及其互動模式 Exploring Listening Compreheion Tactics and Their Interaction PatterChristine C. M. Goh 25 發展學生在二語聽力中的元認知能力 “It Was Nice to See that Our Predictio Were Right”: Developing Metacognition in L2 Listening CompreheionLarry Vandergrift 26 法語學習者聽力接收策略使用之研究 The Use of Reception Strategies by Learne of French as a Foreign Language Thomas S. C. Farrell & Christophe Mallard 27 聽力元認知策略調查表的設計與效度 The Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire: Development and ValidationLarry Vandergrift 28 策略知識和策略使用:新加坡學生的聽說策略意識 Strategy Knowledge and Perceived Strategy Use: Singaporean Students? Awareness of Listening and Speaking Donglan Zhang & Christine C. M. Goh 29 詞匯準備對聽力理解、信心與策略使用的影響 The Impact of Vocabulary Preparation on L2 Listening Compreheion, Confidence and Strategy UseAnna Ching?Shyang Chang 30 二語聽力策略:受年齡和母語的影響? Listening Strategies in ESL: Do Age and L1 Make a Difference? Birgit Harley 六、多媒體與聽力 31 含有字幕的視頻與二語聽力中詞語識別 Captioned Videotapes and Second?language Listening Word RecognitionPaul Markham 32 課堂環境中數字影音資料對語言習得的作用 Language Acquisition in the Classroom: The Role of Digital VideoErwin Tschirner 33 雙重輸入模式對顯性和隱性記憶的影響:字幕信息對聽力學習的調查研究 The Effect of Bimodal Input on Implicit and Explicit Memory: An Investigation into the Benefits of Within?language SubtitlingStephen A. Bird & John N. Williams 34 幫助選項和多媒體聽力:學生對字幕和文本的使用 Help Optio and Multimedia Listening: Students? Use of Subtitles and the TracriptMaja Grgurovie & Volker Hegelheimer 35 多模態對二語學習者的影響以及對CALL的啟示 The Effects of Multimodality on L2 Learne: Implication for CALL Resource Design Nicolas Guichon & Sinead McLornan 36 視頻對二語聽力測試的作用 The Effect of the Use of Video Texts on ESL Listening Test?taker PerformanceElvis Wagner 37 含字幕的視頻在外語聽力中的作用 The Effects of Captioning Videos Used for Foreign Language Listening ActivitiesPaula Winke, Susan Gass & Tetyana Sydorenko 七、CALL與聽力 38 語言加工的聯結主義模型與在多媒體軟件協助下的聽力技能訓練 Connectionist Models of Language Processing and the Training of Listening Skills with the Aid of Multimedia Software Jan H. Hulstijn 39 課堂中CALL的應用:學生在真實課堂上人機互動關系分析 Using CALL in the Classroom: Analyzing Student Interaction in an Authentic ClassroomVolker Hegelheimer & Dustin Tower 40 在線學術講座對ESL聽力理解、伴隨性詞匯習得和策略使用的作用 Effects of Online Academic Lectures on ESL Listening Compreheion, Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition, and Strategy Use Esther Smidt & Volker Hegelheimer 41 使用多媒體故事來提高聽力理解——以西班牙英語學習者為例 Using Digital Stories to Improve Listening Compreheion with Spanish Young Learne of EnglishDolores Ramirez Verdugo 42 網絡為基礎的聽力教學法:以關系從句的習得為例 A Web?based Listening Methodology for Studying Relative Clause AcquisitionKenneth Romeo 八、聽力評價 43 二語聽力評估中的任務難度研究 Exploring Task Difficulty in ESL Listening AssessmentGeoff Brindley &Helen Slatyer 44 互動輸入在學術英語聽力評估中的應用 The Use of Interactive Input in EAP Listening Assessment John Read 45 英語聽力能力的評估:多項選擇題與開放式問題的比較 A Comparison of Multiple?choice and Open?ended Respoe Formats for the Assessment of Listening Proficiency in EnglishHsiao?fang Cheng 46 地域性、種族性和國際性英語方言對聽力理解的影響 Testing the Effects of Regional, Ethnic and International Dialects of English on Listening CompreheionRoy C. Major, Susan M. Fitzmaurice, Ferenc Bunta & Chandrika Balasubramanian 47 聽力多項選擇題顯示題干和選項與否的比較 To Show or Not to Show: The Effects of Item Stems and Awer Optio on Performance on a Multiple?choice Listening Compreheion TestKozo Yanagawa & Anthony Green 48 考試形式對閱讀和聽力成績影響的元分析:以多項選擇題和開放式問題為例 A Meta?analysis of Test Format Effects on Reading and Listening Test Performance: Focus on Multiple?choice and Open?ended FormatsYo In?nami &Rie Koizumi
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