Many people formulate a strategy for the game rock, paper, scissors, which they believe is sure to beat the competition.
But a new study reveals players actually don't stick to a plan, rather they become irrational when making their next move - including using the same item that was once a winner.
Researchers suggest that if you want to be victorious, choose paper because most people tend to go for rock.
Even if participants had a set plan for their next move, their emotions would make the act irrational.
Each of the three items carries equal status, which means the only rational method is to use each one an equal number of times – any other approach is irrational, said researchers.
The study revealed that participants followed a 'win-stay, lose-shift' strategy in how they played the game, which means when they won a round they kept repeating their winning item.
'Rock, paper, scissors (RPS) is a game where predictions of human rational decision-making can be compared with actual performance,' reads the study published in the journal Scientific Reports.
'Playing a computerized opponent adopting a mixed-strategy equilibrium, participants revealed a non-significant tendency to over-select rock.'
'It's worrying that people tended to make more irrational decisions following a loss,' said Dr. Ben Dyson, lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sussex.
'This could have more serious implications in higher-stake scenarios where people are competing to out maneuver one another – in economics or politics, for example.'