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辦公電話:+86-010-51688453 電子郵件: hjcao@bjtu.edu.cn
通訊地址:北京市海淀區上園村3號,北京交通大學理學院數學系 郵編:100044
1. 1981年9月至1985年7月,云南大學數學系數學專業;
2. 1985年7月至1995年7月,在云南楚雄師范?茖W校(現云南楚雄師范學院)數學系工作;
3. 1995年9月至1998年7月,云南大學數學系數學專業碩士研究生,獲理學碩士;
4. 1998年7月至2001年7月,中國科學院數學研究所博士研究生,動態系統分岔及混沌方向,獲理學博士;
5. 2001年8月至2003年7月,在中國科學院軟件研究所做博士后研究,從事并行計算及并行軟件的研究;
6. 2003年8月起,在北京交通大學理學院數學系工作;
7. 2004年1月至4月,在香港城市大學電子工程系訪問;
8. 2005年12月至2007年7月,在西班牙馬德里國王大學數學與物理系做博士后,從事神經元科學的研究;
9. 2009年2月至3月, 在日本東京大學生產技術研究所Aihara實驗室訪問;
10. 2009年10月,北京交通大學,教授,博士生導師;
11. 2010年7月至9月,在香港城市大學電子工程系 Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks訪問;
12. 2011年2月至3月, 在日本東京大學生產技術研究所Aihara實驗室訪問;
13. 2011年12月至2012年6月,美國馬里蘭大學數學系訪問學者;
14. 2013年1月至2014年3月,香港理工大學電子及資訊工程學系訪問學者.
1. 本科生課程: 常微分方程;復變函數與積分變換;計算方法;數學研究方法.
2. 碩士生及博士生課程:微分方程基礎;非線性動態系統的分岔與混沌;分岔和混沌的數值計算及軟件;神經元網絡,常用數學軟件及應用.
1. Chunyan Zuo, Hongjun Cao. One of signatures of a memristor. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 30, Issues 1–3, Pages 128–138, January 2016.
2. Dongpo Hu, Hongjun Cao. Stability and synchronization of coupled Rulkov map-based neurons with chemical synapses. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 35, Pages 105-122, June 2016.
3. Caixia Wang,Hongjun Cao. Stability and chaos of Rulkov map-based neuron. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20:536-545, 2015.
4. Yang Yu, Hongjun Cao. Intergral step size makes a difference to bifurcations. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 25(2):1550029-1550046, 2015.
5. Dongpo Hu, Hongjun Cao. Bifurcation and chaos in a discrete-time predator-prey system of Holling and Leslie type. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 22,1-3, 702-715,2015.
6. Caixia Wang, Hongjun Cao. Parameter space of the Rulkov chaotic neuron model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.19, 2060–2070, 2014.
7. Hongjun Cao, Yanguo Wu. Bursting types and stable domains of Rulkov neuron network with mean field coupling. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 23, No. 12, 2013, 1330041-1330061.
8. Meixiang Cai, Hongjun Cao. Bifurcations of periodic orbits in Duffing equation with periodic damping and external excitations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, Volume 70. Issue 1, 453-462.
9. Hongjun Cao and Borja Ibarz. Hybrid Discrete-Time Neural Networks. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 368, 2010, 5071–5086.
10. Borja Ibarz, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Bursting regimes in map-based neuron models coupled through fast threshold modulation, Physical Review E. 2008, 77, 051918.
11. Hongjun Cao, Caixia Wang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Effect of the Step Size on Bifurcations and Chaos of a Map-based BVP Oscillator. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos,2010, 12, 20(6).
12. Hongjun Cao, Miguel A.F.Sanjuan.A mechanism for elliptic-like bursting and synchronization of bursts in a map-based neuron network. Cognitive Processing, 2009, 12, Vol.1(No. 10).
13. Hongjun Cao, Jesus M. Seoane,Miguel A.F. Sanjuan.Symmetry-breaking analysis for the general Helmholtz-Duffing oscillator. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2007, 12,34.
14. M. Siewe Siewe, Hongjun Cao, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, Effect of nonlinear dissipation on the basin boundaries of a driven two-well Rayleigh–Duffing oscillator, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 39, 2009, 1092–1099.
15. Huijing Sun, Hongjun Cao, Chaos control and synchronization of a modified chaotic system, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 37, Issue 5, September 2008, 1442-1455.
16. Huijing Sun, Hongjun Cao, Bifurcations and chaos of a delayed ecological model, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 33, Issue 4, August 2007, 1383-1393.
17. Hongjun Cao, Yaozheng Jiang, and Yulin Shan, Primary resonant optimal control for nested homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations in single-dof nonlinear oscillators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 289, Issues 1-2, 3 January 2006, 229-244.
18. Peipei Zhou, Hongjun Cao, The effect of symmetry-breaking on the parameterically excited pendulum, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 38, Issue 2, October, 2008, 590-597.
19. Hongjun Cao. Primary resonant optimal control for homoclinic bifurcations in singie-degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators. CHAOS SOLITONS &FRACTALS,2005, 12, 24.
20. Hongjun Cao, Guanrong Chen. Global and local contral of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2005, 12, 15(8).
21. Hongjun Cao, Guanrong Chen,Xuebin Chi.Suppressing or inducing chaos in amodel of robot arms and mechanical manipulators. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 12.
22. Hongjun Cao, Guanrong Chen,Xuebin Chi.Suppressing or inducing chaos by Weak Resonant Excitations in an Externally-Forced Froude Pendulum. International Journal of Bofurcation and Chaos, 2004, 12, 14(3).
23. Hongjun Cao, Zhengrong Liu, and Zhujun Jing, Bifurcations set and distribution of limit cycles for a class of cubic Hamiltonian system with higher-order perturbed terms, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 14, 2000, 2293-2304.
24. Hongjun Cao, Guihua Shan and Xuebin Chi, Parallel computing for the Lyapunov exponents of continuous parameter-dependent ordinary differential equations, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2002), Beijing, Oct. 23-25, 2002, 430-433.
25. Zhujun Jing, and Hongjun Cao, Bifurcations of periodicorbits in Josephson equation with phase shifts, Int. J.Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 12, No. 7, 2002, 1515-1530.
26. Hongjun Cao, and Zhujun Jing, Chaotic dynamics of Josephson equation driven by ac and dc current forcings, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 12, No. 10, 2001, 1887-1895.
美國數學會Mathematical Review評論人,多家國內外專業雜志審稿人。