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姓名(中文/漢語拼音)黃 田
職務 職稱教授、博導
辦公室電話+86(0)22 27405280
傳真+86(0)22 27405280
1978.03-1981.12 天津大學機械制造專業,本科生,獲工學學士
1982.02-1984.12 天津大學機械制造專業,研究生,獲工學碩士
1987.02-1990.10 天津大學機械制造專業,在職研究生,獲工學博士
1985.02-至今 天津大學機械工程學院機械工程系,助教(1985.2)、講師(1987.12)、副教授(1990.12)、教授(1992.6)、博士生導師(1993.12)
1985.08-1986.08 美國Purdue大學機械系,訪問學者
1995.04-1996.04 英國Warwick大學,訪問教授
2000.09-至今 國家教育部"長江學者獎勵計劃"特聘教授
2000.01-至今 英國Warwick大學Part-time教授
2002.01-2009.09 天津大學機械工程學院院長
1. 制造裝備與系統
2. 機器人學
3. 機械動力學
1. Fundamentals of Robotics(研究生必修雙語 32學時)
國際生產工程學會(CIRP )通訊會員(2000-2011), 會士(Fellow) (2011-)
國際機構學與機器科學聯合會(IFToMM)執行委員會委員(1999-2003), 副主席(2004-2007) , 提名委員會委員(2008-2011),憲章委員會委員(2011-)
Mechanism and Machine Theory編委(2005-)
(2003-2007), 生產工程分會常務理事 (1999-)
1990 國家教委科技進步二等獎
1992 國家教委自然科學三等獎
1998 國家人事部"百千萬人才工程"第一、二層次人選
1998 天津市科技進步二等獎
1999 中國高校技術發明二等獎
2000 教育部"長江學者"特聘教授
2001 天津市勞動模范
2001 中國高校科技進步二等獎
2001 天津市技術發明二等獎
2002 全國教育工會"師德先進個人"
2003 教育部、人事部等6部委"留學回國人員成就獎", 天津市杰出留學回國人員
2006 天津市技術發明一等獎
2009 IFToMM服務貢獻獎
2010 中國專利優秀獎
2011 教育部高校科研成果(自然科學)一等獎
2011 首屆上銀優秀機械博士銅獎指導教師
2012 中國僑聯創新成果獎
2013 中國機械工業科學技術(技術發明)一等獎
2014 天津市技術發明一等獎
1. 新一代并聯加工平臺關鍵技術研究與原型開發,國家“863”高技術發展計劃,1996.06-1997.12,(與清華大學合作)。
2. 3-HSS型并聯機床關鍵技術與產品開發,天津市“九五”重點科技攻關項目,1998.10-1999.12
3. 高速噴漆渦輪故障診斷與修復技術,天津汽車夏利股份有限公司,1997.12-1999.12。
4. 基于并聯機構的多功能制造單元關鍵技術與原型開發,天津大學“211”工程標志性成果管理項目,80萬元,1998.10 -1999.12。
5. 虛軸機床工作空間分析與綜合,國家自然科學基金,1998.1-2000.12。
6. 基于球面并聯機構的數控回轉工作臺關鍵技術與原型開發,國家863高技術發展計劃,1999.01-2000.12。
7. 基于多坐標并聯機構主模塊的快速可重構制造裝備關鍵技術與產品開發,天津市科委“十五”重大科技攻關,200萬,2000.07-2003.07。
9. 并聯機床精度設計與誤差補償技術基礎,天津市自然科學基金重點項目,2001.01-2003.12。
10. 高速、輕型、低成本混聯機械手及其示范工程,國家863高技術發展計劃,2001.10-2003.10。
11. 并聯機床精度設計與運動學標定技術基礎,國家自然科學基金,2001.01-2003.12。
12. Diamond 混聯機械手研制, 英國Warwick大學國際合作項目,12002.04-2003.10。
13. 并聯運動學機器精度綜合與誤差補償,英國皇家學會-國家自然科學基金國際合作項目,2002.04-2005.04。
14. 新型2-3自由度主動手腕創新設計與原型樣機建造,教育部博士點專項基金,2003.01-2005.12,第一完成人。
15. 高速、高精度并聯機械手動態設計與控制技術, 國家自然科學基金,2004.01-2006.12。
16. 面向MEMS加工的精密定位技術的研究,國家“863”微機電系統(MEMS)重大專項,2003.09-2005.09)。
17. 制造系統與制造模式,國家杰出青年基金(B類),2004.01-2006.12,中方合作者(與胡仕新教授合作)。
18. 新型5自由度可重構混聯機械手關鍵技術及示范工程,天津市重點科技攻關項目(裝備制造業現代化專項),2004.09-2006.06。
19. 可重構制造裝備與系統關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目,2005.01-2007.12,(與清華大學、Warwick大學、Michigan大學合作)。
20. 自行車創新平臺建設,天津市科技發展項目,2005.01-2006.06。
21. 高性能鋰離子電池自動分選成套裝備,國家863高技術發展計劃, 2005.05-2005.12,。
22. 國際濰柴網絡與物流管理系統研究與開發,濰柴動力股份公司, 2006.01-2006.12。
23. 現代機構創新與機械系統動態設計理論與方法,國家自然科學基金重點項目, 2006.01-2008.12, (與東北大學、哈爾濱工業大學合作)。
24. 新型三坐標動力頭關鍵技術,國家科技支撐計劃,2007.01-2009.12 (與北京機電院合作)。
25. 復雜地質掘進過程的界面行為, 國家"973"子課題, 2007.08-2011.08,(與浙江大學等合作)。
26. 少自由度并聯機構設計的若干理論問題研究, 國家自然科學基金, 2008.01-2010.12。
27. 精密數控機床綜合誤差補償技術, 國家NC重大專項, 2009.06-2010.12。 ,
28. 少自由度并聯機構創新設計與系統集成, 國家自然科學基金重點項目, 2012.01-2016.12。
29. 航空疊層復合材料制孔工藝及裝備技術基礎, 國家自然科學基金重點國際合作項目, 2015.01-2019.12。
1. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., The use of graph theory to formulate the linear dynamic characteristics of rigid body systems, Proceedings of Royal Society, Series A, 463(1961): 1299-1310, 1997
2. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., Wang, J., Local dexterity, optimal architecture and design criteria of parallel machine tools, Annals of CIRP, 47(1): 347-351,1998
3. Huang, T., Wang, J., Whitehouse, D.J., Closed form solution to the workspace of hexapod-based virtual axis machine tools, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 121(1): 26-31, 1999
4. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., Cutting force formulation of taper end-mills using differential geometry, ASPE Journal of Precision Engineering, 23(3): 196-203, 1999
5. Huang, T., Wang, J., Gosselin, C. M., Whitehouse, D. J., Closed form solution to the 2D orientation workspace of Gough-Stewart parallel manipulators, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(6): 1121-1125, 1999
6. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J. A simple yet effective approach for error compensation of a tripod-based parallel kinematic machine, Annals of CIRP, 49(1), 297-301, 2000
7. Huang, T., Zhao, X.Y., Whitehouse, D.J., Stiffness estimation of a tripod-based parallel kinematic machine, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(1): 50-58, 2002
8. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D. J., Chetwynd, D. G., A unified error model for tolerance design, assembly and error compensation of 3-DOF parallel kinematic machines with parallelogram struts, CIRP Annals, 51(1): 297-301, 2002
9. Huang, T., Gosselin, C. M., Whitehouse, D. J., Chetwynd, D.G., Analytic approach for optimal design of a type of spherical parallel manipulators using dexterous performance indices, IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 217(2): 407-415, 2003
10. Huang, T., Tang, G. B., Li, S.W., Chetwynd, D. G., Kinematic calibration of a class of parallel kinematic machines (PKM) with fewer than six degrees of freedom, Science in China (E), 46(5): 515-526, 2003
11. Huang, T., Li, M., Li, Z. X., Chetwynd, D. G., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis of a novel 2-DOF translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(3): 449-455, 2004
12. Huang, T., Li, Z.X., Li, M., Chetwynd, D. G., Whitehouse, D.J., Optimal kinematic design of 2-DOF parallel manipulators with well shaped workspace bounded by a specified conditioning index, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(3): 538-543, 2004
13. Wang, Y., Huang T, Gosselin, C.M., Interpolation error prediction of a 3-DOF parallel kinematic machine, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(5): 932-937, 2004
14. Huang, T., Chetwynd, D. G., Whitehouse, D. J., Wang, J. S., A general and novel approach for parameter identification of 6-DOF parallel kinematic machines using a minimum set of pose error data, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(2): 219-239, 2005
15. Li, M., Huang, T., Zhao, X. M., Hu, S. J., Chetwynd, D. G., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis of a reconfigurable hybrid robot, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127(3): 647-653, 2005
16. Huang, T., Li, M., Zhao, X. M., Mei, J. P., Chetwynd, D. G., Hu, S. J., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis for a 3-DOF module of the TriVariant---a novel 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(3): 449-456, 2005
17. Huang, T., Mei, J.P, Li, Z.X., Zhao, X.M., Chetwynd, D. G., A method for estimating servomotor parameters of a parallel robot for rapid pick-and-place operations, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(4): 596-601, 2005
18. Li, M., Huang, T., Mei, J. P., Zhao, X. M, Chetwynd, D.G., Hu, S. J., Dynamic formulation and performance comparison of the 3-DOF modules of two reconfigurable PKMs---- The Tricept and The TriVariant, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(6): 1129-1136, 2005
19. Ko, J., Hu, S. J., Huang, T, Reusability assessment for manufacturing systems, CIRP Annals, 52 (1): 113-116, 2005
20. Li, M., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Hu, S. J., Forward position analysis of the 3-DOF module of the TriVariant----a 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid robot, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(1): 319-322, 2006
21. Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G, Mei, J. P., Tolerance design of a 2-DOF over-constrained translational parallel robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(1): 167-172, 2006
22. Liu, H. T, Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X.M, Chetwynd, D.G., Kinematic design of a 5-DOF hybrid robot with large workspace/limb-stroke ratio, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(5): 530-538, 2007
23. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X. M., Chetwynd, D.G., Time minimum trajectory planning of a 2-DOF translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations, CIRP Annals, 56(1): 365-368, 2007
24. Liu, H.T., Huang, T, Zhao, X.M., Mei, J.P.,Chetwynd, D.G., Optimal design of the TriVariant robot to achieve a nearly
axial symmetry of kinematic performance, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(12): 1643-1652, 2007
25. Wang, Y. Y., Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X.M., A semi-analytic approach for stiffness modeling of PKM by considering flexibility of machine frame, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(3): 364-372, 2008
26. Wang, Y. Y., Liiu, H.T., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Stiffness modeling of the Tricept robot using the overall Jacobian matrix, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2): 021002-1-8, 2009
27. Li, Y.G., Liu, H.T., Zhao, X.M., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a novel 3-DOF PKM module for large structure component machining, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(6):941-954, 2010.
28. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Zhao, X.M., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a 4-DOF hybrid PKM module for large structural component assembly, CIRP Annals ,59(1): 159-162, 2010.
29. Huang, T., Liu H.T., Chetwynd, D.G, Generalized Jacobian analysis of lower mobility manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory,46(6): 833-841, 2011
30. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., A method to formulate a dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian of parallel manipulators, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 27(1):150-156, 2011
31. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., An approach for acceleration analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 3(1):011013.1-011013.8, 2011
32. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., A general approach for geometric error modeling of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 3(2): 021013.1-021013.13, 2012
33. Liu, S.T., Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, Z.M., Chetwynd, D. G., Optimal design of a 4-DOF SCARA type parallel robot using dynamic performance indices and angular constraints, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(3): 031005.1-031005.10, 2012
34. Huang, T. Wang, M.X., Yang, S.F., Sun, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Force/Motion transmissibility analysis of six degree of freedom parallel mechanisms, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(3), 010.1-0101.5,2014
35. Liu, H.T., Huang, T., Kecskeméthy,A.,Chetwynd,D.G., A generalized approach for computing the transmission index of parallel mechanisms, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 74, 245-256, 2014.
36. Li Y.H., Ma, Y., Liu, S.T., Luo Z. J., Mei, J. P., Huang, T., Chetwynd D.G. Integrated design of a 4-DOF high-speed pick-and-place parallel robot, CIRP Annals, 63(1):185-188, 2014
37. Tian, W.J., Gao, W.G., Zhang, D.W., Huang,T. A general approach for error modeling of machine tools, Machine Tool and Manufacture, 79,17-23, 2014.
38. Huang, T., Yang, S.F., Wang, M.X. Sun, T., Chetwynd, D. G., An approach to determining the unknown twist/wrench subspaces of lower mobility serial kinematic chains, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(3), 031003-1-031003-9, 2015.
39. Liu, H.T, Wang, M.X.,Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kecskemethy, A., A dual space approach for force/Motion transmissibility analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(8), 034504-1-034504-7, 2015.
40.Wang, M.X.,Liu, H.T.,Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Compliance analysis of a 3-SPR parallel mechanism with consideration of gravity, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 84: 99-112, 2015.
41. Bai, P.J.,Mei, J.P., Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kinematic calibration of Delta robot using distance measurements, IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, online available.