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劉峰斌,男,副教授 中國.北京 100144 北方工業大學機械與材料工程學院 Tel: 88802892 E-mail: fbliu@ncut.edu.cn |
1992年考入河北科技大學學習,1996年獲工學學士學位;1999年考入大連理工大學學習,2002獲得工學碩士學位; 2002年起清華大學摩擦學國家重點實驗室博士,博士后; 2009年至今北方工業大學機械與材料工程學院講師,副教授。 1、Materials Chemistry and Physics期刊 審稿人 2、Diamond and related materials期刊 審稿人 3、“物理學報”期刊 審稿人 4、“Chinese Physics B”期刊 審稿人 |
《材料表面科學與工程》,研究生課程《材料科學基礎》,本科生課程 |
1、MEMS/NEMS 2、功能薄膜材料制備與表征 3、表界面理論與控制技術 4、表面工程 |
1.F. B. Liu*, B. Jing, Y. Cui, J. J. Di, M. Qu, Voltammetric and impedance behaviours of surface-treated nano-crystalline diamond film electrodes, AIP Adv., 2015, 5: 041306-1-041306-6
2.Fengbin Liu*, Yan Cui, Min Qu, Jiejian Di, Effects of hydrogen atoms on surface conductivity of diamond film, AIP Adv., 2015, 5: 041307-1-041307-6
3. 劉峰斌*,李慧萍,崔巖,趙全亮,劉波,景寶,Cr離子注入鎳鈦合金的表面組織結構,中國表面工程,2014, 27: 31-37
4.Bao Jing, Fengbin Liu*, Preparation of TiO2 nanotube by anodic oxidation method and its wetting applications, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 563: 66-70
5.:412-418Liu Fengbin, Fu Guohao, Cui Yan, Sun Qiguo, Qu Min, Sun Yi.Tribological properties and surface structures of ion implanted 9Cr18Mo stainless steels.Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B., 2013. 307
6. 劉峰斌*,李景林,金杰,周剛,邱維維,卿濤,氮離子注入9Cr18Mo 不銹鋼的表面結構與力學性能,稀有金屬材料與工程, 2013,42(9):1838-1843
7.:19:4425Yan Dayun, Wang Jiadao, Liu Fengbin, Chen Darong. The generation of nano sandwich sheets in ring area around cavitation erosion pit on the surface of carbon steel. Wear. 2013. 303
8.Jiang, L. Liu, FB. Chen, HS. Wang, JD. Chen, DR. Frequency spectrum of the noise emitted by two interacting cavitation bubbles in strong acoustic fields, Phys. Rev. E. 2012, 85: 036312
9.Fengbin Liu, Guangping He and Ming Zhao. Cyclic Voltammograms of Chlorophenol Oxidation on Boron-doped Diamond Electrode. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 150-151: 956
10.Liu Fengbin, He Guangping, Zhao Ming, Qu Min, Huang Lingjiao. Electrochemical behaviors of chlorophenol aqueous solutions at boron-doped diamond electrode. Open Materials Science Journal. 2011, 5: 35-39
11.Fengbin Liu, Guangping He, Ming Zhao, Lingjiao Huang and Min Qu. Study on the wastewater disinfection at the boron-doped diamond film electrode. ICEE 2011, 178-181
12.Fengbin Liu, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen, Ming Zhao, Yanji Xu. The cavitation erosion of the 45# carbon steels implanted with titanium and nitrogen, tribo. trans. 2010, 53: 239-243
13.Fengbin Liu, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen. Field emission property of hydrogenated chemical vapor deposited diamond films studied by scanning probe microscopy, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010, 10: 7319-7323
14. 劉峰斌,汪家道,陳大融,趙明,何廣平,不同密度氫吸附金剛石(100)表面的微觀結構,物理學報, 2010,59:6556-6562
15.Liu Fengbin, Wang Jiadao, Chen Darong, Xu Yanji and Zhaoming. The Cavitation Erosion of the Mild Carbon Steels Implanted with Titanium and Nitrogen. Advanced Tribology. 2009. 780-781
16.Wang Jiadao, Liu Fengbin and Chen Darong. The water wettability of the hydrogenated and oxygenated diamond films. Advanced Tribology. 2009. 785-786
17.Fengbin Liu, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen. Ab initio study of hydrogen-boron interactions in diamond films. J. NanoSci. Nanotech. 2009, 9(2): 727-730
18.Fengbin Liu, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen, Dayun Yan. Electronic properties of the hydrogen- and oxygen-terminated diamond surfaces after exposure to the air. Chin. Phys. B. 2009, 18(5): 2041-2047
19.Jiadao Wang, Fengbin Liu, Haosheng Chen, Darong Chen. The electron transfer behavior of the hydrogen-terminated boron-doped diamond film electrode. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2009, 115: 590-598
20.Wang JD, Liu FB, Chen DR, Chen HS. Superhydrophobic behavior achieved from hydrophilic surfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95(8): 084104
21. 劉峰斌,汪家道,陳大融,氫、氧終端摻硼金剛石薄膜的電子結構,物理學報. 2008, 57: 1171-1176
22.F.B. Liu, J.D. Wang, B. Liu, X.M. Li, D.R. Chen, Effect of electronic structures on electrochemical behaviors of surface-terminated boron-doped diamond film electrodes, Diamond Relat. Mater. 2007, 16(3): 454-460
23.Liu Feng-Bin, Wang Jia-Dao, Chen Da-Rong, Liu Bing, Ab initio study of hydrogen desorption from hydrogenated diamond (100) surface, Solid State Phenom. 2007, 121-123: 1119-1123
24.LIU Fengbin, LI Xuemin, WANG Jiadao, LIU Bing, CHEN Darong. Effect of the surface-adsorption of boron-doped diamond electrode on its electrochemical behaviors. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2006, 51(15): 1903-1908
25.LIU Fengbin, WANG Jiadao, LIU Bing, LI Xuemin, CHEN Darong. Electronic structures of the oxygenated diamond (100) surfaces. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2006, 51(20): 2437-2443
26.Fengbin Liu, Jiadao Wang, Bing Liu, Xuemin Li, Darong Chen. Effect of surface-termination on the electronic structure of the nano-crystalline diamond film electrode. 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineer and Molecular Systems. 2006 1-3: 639-643
27.Wei Zhao, Jiadao Wang, Fengbin Liu, Darong Chen. First principles study of water monomer adsorption on charged Fe(110) surface. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2009, 9(2): 1229-1333
28.Chen Haosheng, Li Jiang, Liu Fengbin, Chen Darong, Wang Jiadao. Experimental study of cavitation damage on hydrogen-terminated and oxygen-terminated diamond film surfaces. Wear, 2008, 264: 146-151
29.Li Jiang; Chen Haosheng; Liu Fengbin. Long range interactions between micro spheres and alloy surfaces in water changed by ion implantation. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2011, 258: 474-477
30.Wei Zhao, Jiadao Wang, Fengbin Liu, Darong Chen. First principles study of water monomer adsorption on charged Fe(110) surface. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2009, 9(2): 1229-1333
31.Wei ZHAO, Jiadao WANG, Fengbin LIU, Darong CHEN, Equilibrium geometric structure and electronic properties of Cl and H2O co-adsorption on Fe (100) surface. Chin. Sci. Bull.2009, 54: 1295-1301
32.W ZHAO, Jd WANG, Fb LIU and Dr CHEN, First principles investigation of water adsorption on Fe(100) crystal surface containing N., Advanced Tribology,2009,654
33. 趙巍,汪家道,劉峰斌,陳大融,H2O分子在Fe (100), Fe (110), Fe (111)表面吸附的第一性原理研究,物理學報.2009,58(5):3352-3358
34. 劉峰斌,汪家道,劉兵,李學敏,陳大融. 摻硼金剛石薄膜的電化學性能,功能材料與器件學報,2005, 11: 295-298
2013年獲得“北京市青年拔尖人才”2010~2012年學校“創先爭優優秀共產黨員” 2010年第九屆“科園杯”大學生科技活動三等獎 2010年校青年教師教學基本功大賽二等獎 2008年獲得“清華大學摩擦學國家重點實驗室學術貢獻一等獎” 科研項目、學術成果 |
何廣平,趙明,趙全亮,劉峰斌. 動態微機電系統——理論與應用,科學出版社,2012 |
1、抑制空蝕破壞的材料表面電子結構研究,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號:51075004),2011~2013 2、基于場發射器件應用的金剛石薄膜表面氫化研究,項目負責人,北京市青年拔尖人才培育計劃(項目編號:CIT&TCD201304005),2013-2015 3、氫終端金剛石薄膜的電子結構及場發射機理,項目負責人,中國博士后科學基金項目(項目編號:20070410515),2007-2009 4、軸承離子注入改性檢測分析,項目負責人,橫向課題,2011-2012 5、高壓空化腔表面耐空蝕薄膜的制備,項目負責人,橫向課題,2009-2011 6、摻硼金剛石薄膜電極電化學污水處理技術及其應用研究,項目負責人,校青年重點科研基金項目,2010-2012 |