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齊煉文,男,1982年生,博士,教授、博導,一直致力于中藥學教學與科研,現任中國藥科大學中藥學院副院長,天然藥物活性組分與藥效國家重點實驗室課題組長。兼任Scientific Reports、American Journal of Chinese Medicines、《中國藥科大學學報》等雜志編委。入選“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才、科技部“中青年科技創新領軍人才”、國家首批“優秀青年科學基金”、教育部新世紀優秀人才、全國百篇優秀博士學位論文、“江蘇省十大杰出青年”。
主持國家自然科學基金、教育部科研重大項目等省部級以上課題8項。在Natural Product Reports(IF=10.1)、Green Chemistry(IF=8.0)、Scientific Reports(IF=5.6)、Biochemical Pharmacology(IF=5.0)、Journal of Chromatography A(IF=4.2)等國際雜志發表SCI論文102篇,其中IF≥5的8篇,4<IF<5的19篇,SCI他引2000次,H指數為33。擔任大會執行主席,2012年、2013年分別舉辦中國科協第254次、第266次青年科學家論壇;受邀在國際中藥學術會議作主旨報告6次。獲授權發明專利5項,部分已實施轉化。獲2013年教育部自然科學一等獎(排名第2)、2009年國家科技進步二等獎(排名第4)。
(1) Lai CJS, Tan T, Zeng SL, Xu LR, Qi LW*, Liu EH*, Li P*. A enzyme protocol for absolute quantification of analogues: application to specific protopanoxadiol-type ginsenosides, Green Chemistry, 2015, 17, 2580-2586。
(2)Alolga RN, Fan Y, Zhang G, Kalila JL, Chen Y*, Li P*, Qi LW*. Pharmacokinetics of a multicomponent herbal preparation in healthy Chinese and African volunteers, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 12961.
(3) Quan K, Liu Q, Wan JY, Zhao YJ, Guo RZ, Alolga RN, Li P*, Qi LW*. Rapid preparation of rare ginsenosides by acid transformation and their structure-activity relationships against cancer cells, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 8598.
(4) Liu P, Yang H, Long F, Hao HP, Xu XJ, Liu Y, Shi XW, Zhang DD, Zheng HC, Wen QY, Li WW, Ji H, Jiang XJ, Zhang BL, Qi LW*, Li P*. Bioactive Equivalence of Combinatorial Components Identified in Screening of an Herbal Medicine, Pharmaceutical Research,2014, 31, 1788-1800.
(5) Wan JY, Liu P, Wang HY, Qi LW*, Wang CZ, Li P*, Yuan CS*. Biotransformation and metabolic profile of American ginseng saponins with human intestinal microflora by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A,2013, 1286, 83-92.
(6) Chen J, Cao J, Gao W, Qi LW*, Li P*. Environmentally friendly ionic liquid-in-water microemulsions for extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic components from Flos Chrysanthemi, Analyst, 2013, 138, 5933-5941.
(7) Liu Y, Shi XW, Liu EH, Sheng LS, Qi LW*, Li P*. More accurate matrix-matched quantification using standard superposition method for herbal medicines, Journal of Chromatography A,2012, 1254, 43-50.
(8) Cheng XL, Wan JY, Li P*, Qi LW*. Ultrasonic/microwave assisted extraction and diagnostic ion filtering strategy by liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry for rapid characterization of flavonoids in Spatholobus suberectus. Journal of Chromatography A, 2011, 1218, 5774-86.
(9) Qi LW*, Wang CZ, Yuan CS*. Isolation and analysis of ginseng: advances and challenges. Natural Product Reports, 2011, 28, 467-495.
(10) Sun S, Qi LW*, Du GJ, Mehendale SR, Wang CZ, Yuan CS. Red notoginseng: higher ginsenoside content and stronger anticancer potential than Asian and American ginseng. Food Chemistry, 2011, 125, 1299-1305.