楊華,女,博士,講師,碩士研究生導師,生藥學藥用植物學教研室副主任,天然藥物活性組分與藥效國家重點實驗室主任助理。中醫藥規范研究學會Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association)秘書,世界中聯中藥分析委員會/中藥鑒定委員會會員,J Sep Sci, Biomed Chromatogr, Anal Methods-UK等國際雜志特邀審稿人。“十二五”普通高校國家級規劃教材《生藥學》編委。2008年7月畢業于中國藥科大學中藥學專業,獲得學士學位;2013年6月畢業于中國藥科大學生藥學專業,獲得博士學位,同年7月留校工作;于2009年9月至2011年2月在香港浸會大學從事訪問學者工作。
1、Song HP, Chen J, Hong JY, Hao H, Qi LW, Lu J, Fu Y, Wu B, Yang H*, Li P*. A strategy for screening of high-quality enzyme inhibitors from herbal medicines based on ultrafiltration LC-MS and in silico molecular docking. Chem Commun (Camb), 2015, 51(8):1494-7. [IF=6.834]
2、Liu XG, Qi LW, Fan ZY, Dong X, Guo RZ, Lou FC, Fanali S, Li P*, Yang H*. Accurate analysis of ginkgolides and their hydrolyzed metabolites by analytical supercritical fluid chromatography hybrid tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 2015, 1388:251-8. [IF=4.169]
3、Fan ZY, Liu XG, Guo RZ, Dong X, Gao W, Li P*, Yang H*. Pharmacokinetic studies of ginkgolide K in rat plasma and tissues after intravenous administration using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 2015, 988:1-7. [IF=2.729]
4、Yang H, Liu L, Gao W, Liu K, Qi LW*, Li P*. Direct and comprehensive analysis of ginsenosides and diterpenealkaloids in Shenfu injection by combinatory liquidchromatography–mass spectrometrictechniques. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2014, 92:13-21. [IF=2.979]
5、Yang H, Ding Y, Cao J*, Li P*. Twenty-one years of microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (1991-2012): A powerful analytical tool. Electrophoresis, 2013, 34:1273-1294. [IF=3.028](封面文章)