3D打印(3D Printing)技術和應用:包括基于光掃描或空間光調制的微米光固化3D打印技術(Micro-Stereolithography)、基于微液滴噴射的生物細胞打印。
成像和光譜(Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy):包括基于壓縮感知(Compressive Sensing)的成像和光譜測量、太赫茲光源、探測器、表面等離子(Surface Plasmon)技術及應用。
1、Z. Wang, T. Nakajima, S. Matsuda and S. Komiyama, “New Scheme of Sensitive Detection of Terahertz Photons”,Nanotechnology, Vol. 24, 025205 (2013)
2、Z. Wang, K. Ishibashi, S. Komiyama, N. Nagai, K. Hirakawa, “Integrating a Plasmonic Coupler to Photo Detector of Terahertz Frequency”, Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 101, 091114 (2012)
3、Z. Wang, Y. P. Chen, H. Zhu, L. W. Engel, D. C. Tsui, E. Tutuc, and M. Shayegan, “Unequal layer densities in bilayer Wigner crystal at high magnetic fields”, Physical Review B, Vol. 85, 195408 (2012)
4、Z. Wang, S. Komiyama, T. Ueda, M. Patrashin, and I. Hosako, “Charge Sensitive Infrared Phototransistor for 45 μm Wavelength”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 107, 094508 (2010)
5、Z. Wang, S. Komiyama, T. Ueda,and N. Nagai, “A Modified Scheme of Charge Sensitive Infrared Phototransistor”, Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 95, 022112 (2009)
6、Z. Wang, Y. P. Chen, L. W. Engel, D. C. Tsui, E. Tutuc, and M. Shayegan, “Pinning modes and interlayer correlation in high-magnetic-field bilayer Wigner solids”, Physical Review Letter, Vol. 99, 136804 (2007)