主要從事流體傳動與控制、海洋機電裝備、水下發射技術等方面的研究工作。在國際國內重要期刊與學術會議發表論文10余篇,其中在Energy Conversion and Management、Flow Measurement and Instrument、ASME等國際著名期刊發表SCI檢索論文3篇,獲授權發明專利6項,已受理發明專利8項。
1. Baoren Li, LonglongGao*, Gang Yang. Evaluation and compensation of steady gas flow force onthe high-pressure electro-pneumatic servo valve direct-driven by voice coilmotor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013; 67:92-102. (SCI檢索, 5-Year IF:4.631,*:通訊作者).
2. Longlong Gao*, Gang Yang, Weijia Li, Baoren Li. Measurement ofmass flow rate and evaluation of heat transfer coefficient for high-pressurepneumatic components during charge and discharge process. Flowmeasurement and instrument, 2015, 45:391-403. (SCI檢索, 5-Year IF:1.229).
3. Li Baoren, Gao Longlong, Yang Gang. Modeling and control of a novel high-pressurepneumatic servo valve direct-driven by voice coil motor. ASME Journal ofDynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2013; 135(1):014507-1- 014507-5. (SCI檢索, 5-YearIF:1.182).
4. Gao Longlong, Xu Wentao, LiBaoren. Evaluation of the flow characteristics at null position of direct drivehigh-pressure electro-pneumatic servo valve[C], KSFC 2015 Autumn Conference onDrive & Control, 2015.