Top in the Ph.D.qualifying exam in Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,2008.
Freshman Scholarship,Hosogoe Scholarship, Canon Scholarship, Outstanding Student Award, PekingUniversity, 2002-2006.
1. , Lee, K.-M., Liu, W. andWang, B., 2014. “Vibration sensing design criteria based modal analysis forthin-wall plate machining,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2014.2360371.
2. Guo, J.3. , Lee, K. M., Zhu, D., Yi,X. and Wang, Y., 2012. “Large-deformation analysis and experimental validationof a flexure-based mobile sensor node,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics,17(4), 606-616.
3. Lee, K.-M. and 2010.“Kinematic and dynamic analysis of an anatomically-based knee joint.” J. ofBiomechanics, 43(7), 1231-1236.