1. Liu Q, Induction Healing of Porous Asphalt Concrete. ISBN: 978-94-6186-050-7.
2. Liu Q, Wu SP, Schlangen E. Induction healing of asphalt mastic for crack control. Construction and Building Materials, 41(2013): 345-351.
3. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M. Characterization of the material from the induction healing porous asphalt concrete trial section. Materials and Structures, 46(5), 2013: pp 831-839.
4. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M. Induction healing of porous asphalt concrete beams on an elastic foundation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25(7), 2013:880-885.
5. Liu Q,Wu S, Schlangen E, van de Ven M, Poot M. Modeling of Thermal Transfer within Porous Asphalt Pavement after Induction Heating. Submitted to Construction and Building Materials.
6. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M. Evaluation of the induction healing effect of porous asphalt concrete through four-point bending fatigue test. Construction and Building Materials 29(2012):403-409.
7. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M. Induction healing of porous asphalt concrete.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2305(2012):95-101.
8. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M, García A. Induction healing of asphalt mastic and porous asphalt concrete. Construction and Building Materials 25(2011):3746-3752.
9. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M, García A. Induction heating of electrically conductive porous asphalt concrete. Construction and Building Materials 24(2010):1207-13.
10. Liu Q, Schlangen E, van de Ven M, García A. Healing of porous asphalt concrete via induction heating. Road Materials and Pavement Design 11 (2010):527-542.