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高蓓,女,1982年10月生,博士,華東理工大學生物工程學院碩士生導師。長期致力于合成生物學、分子生物學、生物催化與生物轉化等領域相關研究工作。作為負責人先后主持國家科技部“863”計劃、國家自然科學基金、上海市自然科學基金、中央高校基本科研業務費探索基金等多項國家及省部級課題,并與恒瑞醫藥股份有限公司、漢康豆類食品有限公司等多家企業進行合作。在“Scientific Reports”、“Catalysis Science and Technology”、“FEBS Journal”、“Journal of Biotechnology”等本領域重點期刊上發表論文多篇,授權專利多項。
2005-2010 華東理工大學博士
2001-2005 燕山大學學士
1.Min Jiang, Lujia Zhang, Fengqing Wang, Jie Zhang, Guosong Liu, Bei Gao, Dongzhi Wei. Novel application of magnetic protein: convenient one-step purification and immobilization of proteins. Scientific Reports. 2017, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-13648-x.
2.BeiGao, Shuiqin Jiang, Liuzhu Wang, Lujia Zhang, Dongzhi Wei. Energy and conformation determine the enantioselectivity of enzyme. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 106-112.
3.Lei He, Youzhi Mao, Lujia Zhang, Hualei Wang, SitiAisyah Alias, Bei Gao, Dongzhi Wei. Functional expression of a novel α-amylase from Antarctic psychrotolerant fungus forbaking industry and its magneticimmobilization. BMC Biotechnology. 2017, 17:22.
4.Shuiqin Jiang, Lujia Zhang, Zhiqiang Yao, Bei Gao, Hualei Wang, Dongzhi Wei. Switching a nitrilase from Syechocystis sp. PCC6803 to a nitrile hydratase by rationally regulating reaction pathways<!--[if !supportNestedAnchors]-->. Catalysis Science and Technology. 2017, 7(5):1122-1128.
5.Shuiqin Jiang, Lujia Zhang, Dongbin Cui, Zhiqiang Yao, Bei Gao, Jinping Lin, Dongzhi Wei. The important role of halogenbond in substrate selectivity ofenzymatic catalysis. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6: 34750.
6.Zhiqiang Yao, Lujia Zhang, Bei Gao, Dongbing Cui, Fengqing Wang, Xiao He, Dongzhi Wei. A semiautomated structure-based method to predict substrates of enzymes via molecular docking: a case study with Candida antarctica lipase B. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2016, 56: 1979-1994.
7.Wenyuan Gao, Kai Wu, Lifeng Chen, Haiyang Fan, Zhiqiang Zhao, Bei Gao, Hualei Wang, Dongzhi Wei. A novel esterase from a marine mud metagenomics library for biocatalytic synthesis of short chain flavor esters. Microbial Cell Factories. 2016, 15: 41-52
8.BeiGao, Youzhi Mao, Lujia Zhang, Lei He, Dongzhi Wei. A novel saccharifying α-amylase of Antarctic psychrotolerant fungi Geomycespannorum: Gene cloning, functional expression, and characterization.Starch/Stärke. 2015, 67(1): 1-9.
9.Youzhi Mao, Yanchen Yin, Lujia Zhang, SitiAisyah Alias, Bei Gao , Dongzhi Wei. Development of a novel Aspergillus uracil deficient expression systemand its application in expressing a cold-adapted α-amylase gene fromAntarctic fungi Geomycespannorum. Process Biochemistry. 2015, 50: 1581-1590
10.Yanchen Yin, Youzhi Mao, Xiaolie Yin, BeiGao, Dongzhi Wei. Construction of a shuttle vector for heterologous expression of a novel fungal α-amylase gene in Aspergillus oryzae.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015,25(7):988-998.
11.Dongbing Cui,Lujia Zhang, Shuiqin Jiang,Zhiqiang Yao,Bei Gao,Jinping Lin,Y. Adam Yuan,Dongzhi Wei. A computational strategy for altering an enzyme in its cofactor preference to NAD(H) and/or NADP(H). FEBS Journal. 2015, 282(12): 2339-2351.
12.Zhenggui He, Lujia Zhang, Youzhi Mao, JingchaoGu, Qi Pan, Sixing Zhou, Bei Gao,Dongzhi Wei. Cloning of a novel thermostable glucoamylasefrom thermophilic fungus Rhizomucorpusillus andhigh-level co-expression withα-amylase in Pichiapastoris. BMC Biotechnology. 2014, 14:114
13.Zhenggui He, Yanchen Yin, Youzhi Mao, Sixing Zhou, Qi Pan, Dongzhi Wei, Bei Gao. Cloning and high-level expression of thermostable α-amylase gene from Rhizomucorpusillus. Journal of Southern Agriculture. 2014, 45(2): 165-172
14.Lujia Zhang,Xiaomang Tang,Dongbing Cui, Zhiqiang Yao,Bei Gao,Shuiqin Jiang,Bo Yin,Y. Adam Yuan,Dongzhi Wei. A method to rationally increase protein stability based on the charge-charge interaction, with application to lipase LipK107. Protein Science. 2014, 23:110-116.
15.Lujia Zhang, Bei Gao, Zuanning Yuan, Xiao He, Y. Adam Yuan, John Z.H. Zhang,Dongzhi Wei. Structure,mechanism, and enantioselectivity shifting of lipase LipK107 with a simple way.BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa (BBA) -Proteins and Proteomics. 2014, 1844:1183-1192.
16.Xiangping Wu, Pengyong You, Erzheng Su, Jingjing Xu, BeiGao,Dongzhi Wei. In vivo functional expression of a screenedP. aeruginosachaperone-dependent lipase in E. coli.BMC Biotechnology, 2012, 12: 58-64.
17.Bei Gao, Tao Xu, Jinping Lin, Lujia Zhang, Zhengbing Jiang, Dongzhi Wei. Improving the catalytic activity of lipase LipK107 from Proteus sp. by site-directed mutagenesis in the lid domain based on computer simulation. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2011, 68: 286–291.
18.Huiting Song, Lichao Zhou, Lujia Zhang, Bei Gao,Dongzhi Wei, Yaling Shen, Rui Wang, Catherine Madzak, Zhengbing Jiang, Construction of a whole-cell catalyst displaying a fungal lipase for effectivetreatment of oily wastewaters. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic.2011, 71:166-170.
19.Tao Xu, Bei Gao, Lujia Zhang, Jingpin Lin, Xuedong Wang, Dongzhi Wei. Template-based modeling of a psychrophilic lipase: conformational changes, novel structural features and its application in predicting the enantioselectivity of lipase catalyzed transesterification of secondary alcohols. BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa(BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 2010, 1804: 2183-2190.
20.BeiGao, Erzheng Su, Jinping Lin, Dongzhi Wei. Development of recombinant Escherichia coli whole-cell biocatalyst expressing a novel alkaline lipase-coding gene from Proteus sp. for biodiesel production.Journal of Biotechnology, 2009, 139(2):169-175.
21.Zhengbing Jiang, Bei Gao,Ren Ren, Dongzhi Wei.Efficient display of active lipase LipB52 with a Pichia pastoris cell surface display system and comparision with the LipB52 displayed on Saccharomyces cereisiae cell surface.BMC Biotechnology, 2008, 8:4: 1-7.
1、2018-2021 國家自然科學基金面上項目 基于底物選擇性機制解析的脂肪酶理性設計及ω-3多不飽和脂肪酸甘油酯的定向合成(31772007)直接經費60萬元,課題負責人。
2、2016-2019 上海市自然科學基金基于結構認知和理論計算的酶分子理性設計策略研究(16ZR1449500)20萬元,課題負責人。
3、2013-2017 國家高技術發展(863)計劃 啤酒用新酶創制與低碳制造關鍵技術研究 (2013AA102109)80萬元,子課題負責人。
4、2015-2017 浙江省近岸水域生物資源開發與保護重點實驗室開放基金項目 可口革囊星蟲降血壓肽的分子機制(J2015001)3萬元,課題負責人。
5、2013-2015 國家自然科學基金青年項目基于結構生物學及分子模擬方法的脂肪酶理性設計與改造(31201296)23萬元,課題負責人。
6、2015-2016 中央直屬高;究蒲袠I務費專項基金探索研究基金 基于量化計算的酶催化體系反應過程分析新方法、新策略研究(WF1414038)16萬元,課題負責人。
7、2012-2013 中央直屬高;究蒲袠I務費專項基金探索研究基金 脂肪酶的理性設計與改造(WF1114022)12萬元,課題負責人。
9、2016-2019 國家自然科學基金面上項目基于Pgrac啟動子突變文庫篩選及元件組裝的芽孢桿菌精細調控表達系統的研究(31570795)77.5萬元,主要參與人。
10、2012-2015 國家高技術發展(863)計劃酶分子規;脑煊嬎阍O計關鍵技術研究及應用 (2012AA020403)主要參與人。
11、2009-2012 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)計劃 新一代生物催化和生物轉化的科學基礎 (2009CB724703)主要參與人。
12、2012-2016 華東理工大學交叉學科與重大項目培育基金葡萄糖衍生物生物合成系統的元件解析與系統創建,主要參與人。
通訊地址:生物工程學院 生物反應器國家重點實驗室18樓707室
上海市徐匯區 梅隴路130號 華東理工大學