蘇暐光,副研究員,博士,化學工程專業碩導,主要從事低碳烴類選擇氧化、低階煤提質關鍵方法與技術以及新型功能碳材料制備與應用等研究。現主持國家自然科學基金和寧夏高校重點項目各一項,總經費60萬元,主持完成一項寧夏自然科學基金項目。以第一作者和通訊作者在Journal of Catalysis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Applied Surface Science,高等學校化學學報等國內外知名期刊上發表學術論文11篇,其中SCI收錄6篇,被他人引用130余次。2015年獲得自治區優秀論文三等獎一項。
1.Weiguang Su, Jing Zhang, Zhaochi Feng, Tao Chen, Pinliang Ying, Can Li*. Surface phases of TiO2nanoparticles studied by UV Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112 (20), 7710-7716. (IF 4.835,被他人引用97次)
2.Weiguang Su, Shouguo Wang, Pinliang Ying, Zhaochi Feng, Can Li*. A molecular insight into propylene epoxidation on Cu/SiO2catalysts using O2as oxidant, J. Catal., 2009, 268 (1), 165-174. (IF 6.921,被他人引用36次)
3.Weiguang Su, Pinliang Ying, Zhaochi Feng, Can Li*.FTIR spectroscopy study on quantum size effect of CuOxnanoparticles in CuOx/SiO2, Chem. J. Chin. Universities, 2010, 31 (5), 1014-1018.
4. Ping Xue,Weiguang Su*, Weijing Ye, Tiansheng Zhao, Xiaoyong Lai. Pseudomonas cepacia Lipase Immobilized onto Chitosan-Coated Activated Carbon: An Efficient Catalyst for Transesterification Enantiomer Resolution of (R,S)-1-Phenyl-3- buten-1-ol, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 26 (17), 5619-5622.
5. Ping Xue,Weiguang Su*, Yaohua Gu, Haifeng Liu, Julan Wang. Hydrophilic porous magnetic poly (GMA-MBAA-NVP) composite microspheres containing oxirane groups: An efficient carrier for immobilizing penicillin G acylase, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015, 378, 306-312.
6. Ping Xue, Yaohua Gu,Weiguang Su*, Huihui Shuai, Julan Wang. In-situ one-pot preparation of superparamagnetic hydrophilic porous microspheres for covalently immobilizing penicillin G acylase to synthesize amoxicillin, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 362, 427-433. (IF 2.711)