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學科專業為凝聚態物理,研究方向為鐵電與光電物理,主要從事陶瓷、薄膜等材料的合成制備、性能表征及新物理效應的實驗研究工作,同時也從事第一性原理對材料鐵電、壓電和光學性能的理論研究工作。參與或主持國家自然科學基金、教育部支持計劃項目、國家重點實驗室開放基金等項目10項;發表學術論文40余篇, 其中SCI檢索收錄20余篇;出版專著教材3部;獲全國煤炭優秀教學成果、省自然科學優秀論文、江蘇省講課比賽等獎項5項,獲中國礦業大學教書育人先進個人、首屆中國礦業大學巾幗英雄等榮譽稱號。
Email: wyhxxll@163.com
1. 鈮酸鈣鋇CaxBa1-xNb2O6)材料鐵電與光學性能研究(項目編號:2010LKWL06),中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金,2010.9-2013.9,主持;
2. 摻雜鈮酸鈣鋇鐵電薄膜的設計、制備和性能(項目編號:2012-KF-10),武漢理工大學材料復合新技術國家重點實驗室開放基金,2012.1-2013.12,主持;
3. 太陽能電池制備及其光譜特性研究(項目編號:62501040216),裝備預研教育部支撐技術項目,2014.1-2015.12,參與
4. 凝聚態物質的結構及相關性能研究(項目編號:2013XK04),培育學科創新能力提升基金,2013.1-2015.12,參與
[1] Na Zhao, Yue-Hua Wang*, Qingxi Wang, Wenjing Hu, First-principles Calculations of the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of K1-xNaxTaO3 (x=0, 0.25 ,0.5, 0.75, 1),Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 194, 37-42, 2012. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[2] Zhao Xingyin, Yue-Hua Wang*, Chen Qiong, Zhang Min, Zhao Na, First principles calculations of structural, electronic and optical properties of BaHfrxTi1-xO3 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), Computational Materials Science, 54, 119-124, 2012. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[3] Sai Gong, Yue-Hua Wang*, Xingyin Zhao, Min Zhang, Na Zhao, Yi-Feng Duan, Ab inito study of structural, electronic and optical properties of BiAlxGa1-xO3 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), Chinese Physics Letters, 28(8), 087402, 2011. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[4] Zhao Na, Yue-Hua Wang *, Zhao Xingyin , Zhang Min, Gong Sai, Electronic structure and optical properties of SrBi2A2O9 (A=Nb, Ta), Chinese Physics Letters, 28(7), 077101, 2011. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[5] Zhao Xingyin, Yue-Hua Wang*, Zhang Min, Zhao Na, Gong Sai, Chen Qiong, First-principles calculations of the structural, electronic and optical properties of BaZrxTi1-xO3 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), Chinese Physics Letters, 28(6), 067101, 2011. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[6] Sai Gong, Yue-Hua Wang*, Na Zhao, Yi-Feng Duan, First-principles study of electronic and optical properties of Y1-xCaxTiO3 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), Chinese Physics Letters, 27(3), 037103, 2010. (指導的研究生,申請人為通訊作者).
[7] Yue-Hua Wang*, Min Zhang, Xin-Yin Zhao, Na Zhao, Prepared and optical properties of Ca0.25Ba0.75Nb2O6 thin films prepared by metal-organic solutions deposition, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 27(9), 821-825, 2011.
[8] Yue-Hua Wang*, Xin-Yin Zhao, Na Zhao, Min Zhang, Optical Properties of Neodymium Substituted Bismuth Titanate Thin Film Grown by Metal-organic Solution Deposition, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 26(11), 977-980, 2010.
[9] Yue-Hua Wang*, Na Zhao, Min Zhang, Xin-Yin Zhao, Optical Waveguide and Nonlinear Properties of Bi3NdTi3O12 Thin Films, J. Wuhan Univ. of Technol.: Mater. Sci. Ed., 25(5), 743-746, 2010.
[10] Yue-Hua Wang*, Sai Gong, Hong-Liang Pan, Preparation and waveguide properties of Bi3.15Nd0.75Ti3O12 thin films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41:105409, 2008.
[11] Yue-Hua Wang, Cheng-Ping Huang, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, Variable-temperature Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction studies of Bi3.25Nd0.75Ti3O12 ceramics, Solid State Communications, 138: 229-233, 2006.
[12] Yue-Hua Wang, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, Preparation and structural instability of the 0.1BiFeO3 -0.9Bi4Ti3O12 system, Applied Physics A, 81(6): 1317-1320, 2005.
[13] Yue-Hua Wang, Bing Gu, Guo-Ding Xu, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, Nonlinear optical properties of neodymium doped bismuth titanate thin films using Z-scan technique, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84(10): 1686-1688, 2004.
[14] Yue-Hua Wang, Guo-Ding Xu, Xue-Jin Zhang, Yan Feng, Wei-Shi Tang, Guang-Xu Cheng, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, Structural and optical properties of Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 thin films prepared by metal-organic solution deposition, Mater. Lett., 58: 813-816, 2004.
[15] Bing Gu, Yue-Hua Wang, Xian-Chu Peng, Jian-Ping Ding, Jing-Liang He, Hui-Tian Wang*, Giant optical nonlinearity of a Bi2Nd2Ti3O12 ferrielectric thin film, Appl. Phys. Lett., 85 (17): 3687-3689, 2004.
[16] Chengping Huang, Yuehua Wang, Yongyuan Zhu*, Effect of electro-optic modulation on coupled quasi-phase-matched frequency conversion, Applied optics, 44(23), 4980-4984, 2005.
[17] Guoding Xu, Yuehua Wang, Yongyuan Zhu*, Third-harmonic generation in a LiNbO3 channel waveguide with a quasi-periodic grating, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 21(1), 568-573, 2004.
[1] 薄膜光學與薄膜技術, 中國礦業大學出版社, 2009,獨著.
[2] 普通物理研討教程,中國礦業大學出版社,2009,副主編.