1. Yanqin Gai, Jingbo Li, Shu-Shen Li, et al. Design of Narrow-Gap TiO2: A Passivated Codoping Approach for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Activity. Physics Review Letter, 2009, 102, 036402.
2. Yanqin Gai, Jingbo Li, Shu-Shen Li, et al., Design of shallow acceptors in ZnO through novel compensated donor-acceptor complexes: A density functional calculation. Physical Review B,2009, 80, 153201.
3. Yanqin Gai, Haowei Peng, and Jingbo Li, Electronic Properties of Nonstoichiometric PbSe Quantum Dots from First Principles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113 (52): 21506-21511.
4. Y. Q. Gai, B. Yao, Z. P. Wei, et al. Effect on nitrogen acceptor as Mg is alloyed into ZnO. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92, 062110.
5.Yanqin Gai, Jingbo Li, Bin Yao, and Jian-Bai Xia. The bipolar doping of ZnS via native defects and external dopants. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105, 113704.
6. Y. Q. Gai,B. Yao,Y. F. Li,et al, Inffuence of hydrostatic pressure on the native point defects in wurtzite ZnO: Ab initio calculation. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372 (30), 5077.
7. Y. Q. Gai,B. Yao, Y. M. Lu, et al. Electronic and optical properties of ZnO thin film under in-plane biaxial strains: Ab initio calculation. Physics Letters A, 2007, 372, Issue 1, 72.
8. Yanqin Gai, Jingbo Li, et al., Deep levels in high resistivity GaN detected by thermally stimulated luminescence and first-principles calculations. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2009, 42 155403.
9.Ping Ma, Yanqin Gai, Junxi Wang, et al. Enhanced electroluminescence intensity of InGaN/GaN Multi-quantum-wells based on Mg-doped GaN annealed in O2. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93,102112. 【本人為通訊作者】