1 論文名稱:Quasi-particle properties in Copper using GW approximation 刊物名:Chin. Phys. Lett. SCI
2 論文名稱:Quasi-particle Band Structures and Optical Properties of Magnesium Fluorine,刊物名:J. Phys. Condens. Matter,級別:SCI
3 論文名稱:Si Donors at the GaAs(110) Surface: A First Princeples Study,刊物名:J. Phys. Chem. C,級別:
4 論文名稱:Quasi-partilce band-structures and lifetimes in noble metals using localized Gaussian orbital basis set,刊物名:Phys. Rev. B,級別:SCI
5 論文名稱:First-principles study on the electronic structures and absorption spectra for Th4+: PbWO4 Crystal,刊物名:Solid State Communications,級別:SCI
6 論文名稱:Study on the Electronic Structures of Sheelite andSheelite-like Structure PbWO4,刊物名:phys.stat.sol.(b),級別:SCI
7 論文名稱:First-principles study on the origin of optical transitions to be associated with F colour centers for PbWO4 crystals,刊物名:J Electron Spectrosc. Related Phenom.,級別:SCI
8 論文名稱:Quasiparticle electronic structure and optical absorption of diamond nanoparticles from ab initio many-body perturbation theory,刊物名:J. Chem. Phys.,級別:SCI
9 論文名稱:First principles studies of the self trapped hole and the fluorine adsorption on the SrF2(111) surface,刊物名:Commat. Mater. Sci.,級別:SCI