1. Hongfei Li,Xiaowei Yang, Xiaomin Wang* et al. Dense integration of graphene and sulfur through the soft approach for compact lithium/sulfur battery cathode, Nano Energy, 2015, 12, 468-475. (IF:12.343) (ESI高被引論文)
2. Hongfei Li, Xiaowei Yang, Xiaomin Wang * et al. A dual-spatially-confined reservoir by packing micropores within dense graphene for long-life lithium/sulfur batteries, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 2395-2402. (IF:7.367)
3. Rui Zhou, Chengjie Han, Xiaomin Wang* et al. Hierarchical MoS2-coated three-dimensional graphene network for enhanced supercapacitor performances, Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 352, 99-110. (IF:6.395)