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研究方向: 管理、經濟及金融動力系統分析及其應用;混沌經濟及金融時間序列重構及其預測技術;復雜供應鏈建模技術及其應用。 工程碩士研究方向: 供應鏈建模及其應用(采用復雜系統理論);企業集團管控、效益評價及其應用(采用復雜系統理論); 管理、經濟及金融系統分析及其應用。
馬軍海 天津大學管理經濟學部 教授,管理科學與工程、系統科學與工程博士生導師,國務院政府特殊津貼專家,天津市首屆131人才工程第一層次人選。
研究領域: 管理科學與工程、系統科學與工程
代表論文: 自2000年開始在國際頂級近二十余種(SCI)源刊:Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications;Applied Mathematical Modelling,Chaos,Solitions and Fractals; Applied Mathematics and Computation;Nonlinear Dynamics ;Chaos ;International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos;International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications;Entropy;International Journal of Production Research;等發表SCI檢索論文近85篇,其中超過半數為一區和二區期刊非開源論文; SSCI檢索 論文二十六篇(部分論文和SCI檢索重復計算,其中Q1論文 七篇,Q2 論文六篇,Q3論文十一篇,Q4論文一篇) 是國內較早的從事管理、經濟和金融復雜系統分析研究工作者之一; 是國內較早從事經濟、金融混沌時間序列重構的研究者之一, 已發表的多篇SCI源刊論文被SCI期刊引用超過510次(截止2017年一月底),三篇最高被SCI引用論文分別引用次數為57次,47次和45次; 主持國家項目5項,教育部項目兩項;重大企業課題3項,一般企業課題10余項。 培養已畢業博士生50余名,其中一人獲2014年天津市優秀博士論文。
[1]Junhai Ma, Yanqin Liu.Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker_Planck equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2010(11)515-521。SCI,JCR-1,Impact Factor 1.381
[2]Junahi Ma ,HongWu Wang.Complexity analysis of dynamic noncooperative game models for closed-loop supply chain with product recovery. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014(12)38:5562-5572. SCI檢索號:AU6OK. SCI-2影響因子2.251
[3]Junhai Ma,Xiaogang Ma.Measure of the bullwhip effect considering the market competition between two retailers [J].International Journal of Production Research ,2017(55) 2 : 313-326 .
[4]Junhai Ma,Lei Xie.The comparison and complex analysis on dual-channel supply chain under different channel power structures and uncertain demand[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2016,83 (3):1379-1393.SCI2區.
[5]Junhai Ma Hongliang Tu.Analysis of the stability and Hopf bifurcation of money supply delay in complex macroeconomic models. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014(76)497-508 SCI2區 : AE8LN
[6]Junhai Ma,zhanbing,Guo.The parameter basin and complex of dynamic game with estimation and two-stage consideration, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2014(248)131-142 SCI2區:AT7NP
[7]Junhai Ma,Wenbo Ren.Complexity and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a kind of fractional-order IS-LM macroeconomic system[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (11):1-11.SCI2區.
[8]Junhai Ma,Wenfeng Xie.Application and research on the complex dynamics behavior under price-discount promotion policy in inventory control system[J].International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications,2016,19 (6):520-536.SSCI3區
[9]Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang . Price Game and Chaos Control among Three Oligarchs with Different Rationalities in Property Insurance Market.Chaos (2012)(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor2.081)
[10]Junhai Ma , Wei-Zhuo Ji. Complexity of repeated game model in electric power triopoly Chaos, Solitons and Fractals . 2009(40)1735-1740(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315)
[11]Lijian Sun,Junhai Ma.Study and Simulation on Dynamics of a Risk-Averse Supply Chain Pricing Model with Dual-Channel and Incomplete Information[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (9).1650146 SCI2區
[12]Junhai Ma,Lei Xie.Study on the complexity pricing game and coordination of the duopoly air conditioner market with disturbance demand[J].Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2016,32:99-113.SSCI 1區
[13]Zhanbing Guo,Junhai Ma.The influence of information acquisition on the complex dynamics of market competition[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (1). 1650008,SSCI2區
[14]Wu, Fang; Ma, Junhai.The complex dynamics of a multi-product mixed duopoly model with partial privatization and cross-ownership.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2015( 80)5: 1391-1401 SCI2區
[15]Junhai Ma,Fang Wu. The application and complexity analysis about a high-dimension discrete dynamical system basedon heterogeneous triopoly game with multi-product. Nonlinear Dyn (2014) 77:781–792 SCI2區 : AL7WW .
[16]Wu fangJunhai Ma. The Chaos Dynamic of Multiproduct Cournot Duopoly Game with Managerial Delegation. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY. 2014(206961) SCI-4區:SSCI檢索 AI0PP.
[17]Ting Li.Junhai Ma .Complexity analysis of the dual-channel supply chain model with delay decision. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2014(78)4: 2617-2626 . SCI-2區 SSCI檢索 : AT6DO
[18]Junhai Ma, Tao Sun , Lixia Liu.The inherent complexity in nonlinear business cycle model in resonance. Chaos,Solitions and Fractals,37(2008) 1104-1112 ( SCIE:301IS,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315 )
[19]unhai Ma, Ya Qiang Cui , Lixia Liu.A study on the complexity of a business cycle model with great excitements in non-resonant condition. Chaos,Solitions and Fractals 2009(39)2258-2267(Number Search of SCI:443DZ,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315 )
[20]Junhai Ma , Lixia Liu. Multivariate Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Shanghai Stock Market. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2008, Article ID 526734, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2008/526734 ( SCI: 314CC, SN 1026-0226, JCR-3, Impact Factor 1.577)
[21]Junhai Ma,Qin Gao,Stability and Hopf bifurcations in a business cycle model with delay .Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2009(215)829-834(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor 1.124).
[22]Junhai Ma, Qi Zhang, Qin Gao Stability of a three-species symbiosis model with delays . Nonlinear Dyn (2012) 67:567–572(SCI: 855DN,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)
[23]Yuehong Guo,Junhai Ma.Research on game model and complexity of retailer collecting and selling in closed-loop supply chain. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v 37, n 7, p 5047-5058, April 1, 2013. SCI檢索號:112GB.
[24]Junhai Ma, Hamza I. Bangura. Kind of financial and economic system's omplexity analysis research under the condition of three parameters change circumstances Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)
[25]Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang .Research on the Price Game and the Application of Delayed Decision in Oligopoly Insurance Market Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)
[1]國家自然科學基金項目,71571131一類多渠道時滯供應鏈系統牛鞭效應及控制研究. 2016/1-2019/12,46萬元,在研,主持人。
[9]HS300股票指數內在復雜性及預測技術研究 2008.10~2012.12,金額: 200萬元 德福實業有限公司。 已結題,項目主持人
[10]區域性商業銀行互聯網信貸業務支撐體系風險管理與實踐。聯多科技(北京)有限公司 2014.4-2017.12
[1]國家自然科學基金項目,71571131一類多渠道時滯供應鏈系統牛鞭效應及控制研究. 2016/1-2019/12,46萬元,在研,主持人。
[9]HS300股票指數內在復雜性及預測技術研究 2008.10~2012.12,金額: 200萬元 德福實業有限公司。 已結題,項目主持人
[10]區域性商業銀行互聯網信貸業務支撐體系風險管理與實踐。聯多科技(北京)有限公司 2014.4-2017.12
[2]山東省經濟和信息專家委員會 專家委員
[3]中國復雜系統研究委員會 常務理事