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李國民(Kokmeng Lee,Distinguished Professor),美國麻省理工學院博士,美國總統獎獲得者,IEEE Fellow、ASME Fellow、IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics(TMech)主編 (2008-2013)。美國佐治亞理工學院任終身教授、華中科技大學教授,973項目首席科學家。主要研究領域為智能制造裝備與技術、智能傳感及驅動、復雜機電系統。主持與智能制造密切相關的美國自然科學基金、國際合作項目十余項。在智能傳感器、靈巧驅動器、機器視覺、多變量熱-流耦合過程建模與控制等領域取得系列成果,并廣泛應用于制造工業中的檢測、定位與控制、場重構、分布參數建模與控制等方面。發表相關論文250余篇,參與出版英文專著3部,授權美國與國際專利10項。于2008創立TMech Best Paper Award,同年作為IEEE/ASME AIM國際會議的共同成立者,受ASME/DSCD-Mechatronics TC(機電一體化委員會)支持,創立 (Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards in Mechatronics) 兩個獎項。
自動化和機電一體化:系統動力學建模與控制、自動化、機器視覺、光機電、磁學、撓性結合, 以及仿生機電設計與應用。
系統動力學 (System Dynamics)
機器視覺(Machine Vision)
ASME/DSCD 執行委員會, July 1, 2012 – present, 主席, July 1 2015-June 30, 2016.
2015年度 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics期刊最佳論文獎
2011 “Most Practical SHM Solution for Civil Infrastructures” Award, IWSHM 2011
2006 ISCIE/ASME ISFA(柔性自動化國際會議)最佳論文獎
2005 IEEE Fellow
2005 ASME Fellow
2000 IEEE ICRA(機器人及自動化國際會議)Kayamori 最佳論文獎
1989 美國青年學者總統獎
IEEE/ASME 智能機電一體化國際會議 (AIM)
Member, Honorary Advisory Committee, 2014 -present
Co-chair, IEEE/ASME AIM Conference Advisory Committee,創辦日1997 – present
ASME Liaison Officer,創辦日1997—2013
Publicity Chair,2007,ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Program Chair, 2005, Monterey, California, USA
General Chair,’99, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
General Co-chairman,’97, Tokyo, Japan
Chair, Best Paper Award Committee, AIM2012, AIM2013, AIM2014
Organizer and Chair, Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing, AIM2013, AIM2014, AIM2015
IEEE 機器人及自動化國際會議 (ICRA)
Chair, IEEE ICRA2005,Kayamori最佳論文評審委員會
Local Arrangement Committee Chairperson, IEEE ICRA1993, Atlanta, GA.
IEEE/RSJ 智能機器人系統國際會議 (IROS)
Program Co-chair,2006, Beijing, China
IEEE 多媒體博覽國際會議(ICME)
Co-Chair, Workshop on Multimodal and Alternative Perception for Visually Impaired People (MAP4VIP), San Jose, California, USA, 2013.
Chair, MAP4VIP 最佳論文評審委員會
A.Field-based Sensors and Actuators for Intelligent Manufacturing(智能制造,基于場重構的智能傳感器及執行器)
1.J. Ji, X. Yang and K.-M. Lee, “Coupled Multi-view Vision and Physics-based Synthetic Perception for 4D Displacement Field Reconstruction,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, DOI; 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2468574 (2015).
2.J.-Y. Lim and K.-M. Lee, “Design of Electromagnetic Actuators using Layout Optimization with Distributed Current Source Models,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2404031 (2015).
3.J.-Y. Lim and K.-M. Lee, “Distributed Multi-Level Current Models for Design Analysis of Electromagnetic Actuators,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, DOI: 10.1109 / TMECH. 2014. 2382532, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp.2413-2424, 2015.
4.J. Guo, K.-M. Lee, W. Liu and B. Wang, “Design Criteria based on Modal Analysis for Vibration Sensing of Thin-wall Plate Machining,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2014.2360371 Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1406-1417, 2015.
5.J. Ji, K.-M. Lee, C.-Y. Lin and H. Yang, “An Investigation on Temperature Measurements for Machining of Titanium Alloy using IR Imager with Physics-based Reconstruction,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2015,July 7-11, Busan, Korea.
6.K. Bai, K.-M. Lee, J. Cao and B. Hao, “Analytical Development of a Minimum Bearing Reaction Twin-motor for Duplex Machining,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2015, July 7-11, Busan, Korea.
7.J. Guo, R. Liu and K.-M. Lee, “Displacement Field Sensing and Reconstruction for Vibration of a Thin-wall Plate,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2015, July 7-11, Busan, Korea.
8.X. Zhang, D. Zhang, K.-M. Lee and H. Ding, “Flexible Workpiece Vibration Suppression in Milling Process Based on a New Response Metric,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2015, July 7-11, Busan, Korea.
9.K. Bai, and K.-M. Lee, “Direct Field-feedback Control of a Ball-joint-like Permanent-magnet Spherical Motor,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 975-986, 2014.
10.H. Son, and K.-M. Lee, “Control System Design and Input Shape for Orientation of Spherical Wheel Motor,” IFAC Control Engineering Practice, 24, pp.120–128, 2014.
11.K.-M. Lee, M. Li and K. Bai, “An Investigation of Eddy-Current Effects on Parameter Monitoring for Duplex Lathe Machining Of thin-Wall Components,” ASME 2014 Dynamic Systemsand Control Conference (DSCC), October 22-24, 2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
12.K.-M. Lee and C.-Y. Lin, “Design Concept of a Novel EM- Magnetic Scanning System for Continuous Motion Control of Maximum MFD,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2014, July 8-11, 2014, Besancon, France.
13.L. M. Yang, K.-M. Lee and K. Bai, “Thermal Field Modeling Algorithm based on Flexible Space Division for High-power, High-precision Mechatronic Systems,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2014, July 8-11, 2014, Besancon, France.
14.J. Guo, K.-M. Lee, W. Liu and B. Wang, “Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Validation of Vibration Sensing for Machining Thin-walled Component,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2014, July 8-11, 2014, Besancon, France.
15.K. Bai and K.-M. Lee, “Magnetic Field Model for Direct Field-Feedback Control of a Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2013, July 7-12, 2013, Wollongong, Australia.
16.K. Bai and K.-M. Lee, “A Sensor-Less Motion Sensing Method of a 3-DOF Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor,”IFAC Symp. on Mechatronic System, April 10-12, 2013, Hangzhou, China.B.Compliant Mechanism for Bio-inspired mechatronics and Healthcare Applications (柔性機構, 仿生設計及應用)
17.K.-M. Lee, Wang, D. and J. Ji, “Design of a Passive Gait-based Lower-Extremity- Exoskeleton for Supporting Bodyweight,” Springer Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Applications,August 24-27, 2015, Portsmouth, UK. (Best Paper Finalist).
18.K.-M. Lee and D. Wang, Design analysis of a Passive Weight-support Lower-extremity- exoskeleton with Compliant Knee-joint,” IEEE ICRA2015, May 26-30, Seattle, Washington.
19.Ji, J., K.-M. Lee, J. Guo and S. Zhang, “Discrete Deformation Models for Real-time Computation of Compliant Mechanisms in Two and Three Dimensional Space,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, vol. 19,no. 5, pp. 1636-1650, 2014.
20.Wang, D., K.-M. Lee, J. Guo and C.-J. Yang, “Adaptive Knee Joint Exoskeleton based on Biological Geometries,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, vol. 19, no.4, pp. 1268-1278, 2014. (2015 Best Paper Award).
21.J. Guo, W. Liu and K.-M. Lee, “Design of Flexonic Mobile Node using 3D Compliant Beam for Smooth Manipulation and Structural Obstacle Avoidance,” IEEE ICRA 2014, May 31 –June 7, Hong Kong, China.
22.J. Ji, K.-M. Lee and D. Wang, “Real-time Computational Model for Visualizing Compliant Beam Motion of a Flexible Mobile-sensing Node,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2014, July 8-11, 2014, Besancon, France.
23.Guo, J. and K.-M. Lee, “Compliant Joint Design and Flexure Finger Dynamic Analysis using an Equivalent Pin Model, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 70 (2013) 338–353.
24.Liu, C.-H. and K.-M. Lee, "Topology Optimization with Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Analysis for Compliant Mechanism Design of an Automated Live Bird Transfer System," Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Special Issue, pp. 173S-181S, February 2013.
25.J. Ji, and K.-M. Lee, “Discrete Deformation Models for Real-time Computation of Compliant Mechanisms,”Proc. of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conf., Stanford University, October 21-23, 2013.
26.J. Guo and K.-M. Lee, “Equivalent Pin Models for Dynamic Analysis of Compound Rigid-Flexure Multi-body Systems,”IEEE/ASME AIM 2013, July 7-12, 2013, Wollongong, Australia.C.Electric/Magnetic Field Modeling and Design for Neuro-bio Applications (電磁場建模及神經生物學應用)
27.Shen, H., K.-M. Lee, L. Hu, S. Foong, and X. Fu, “Effects of Reconstructed Magnetic Field from Sparse Noisy Boundary Measurements on Localization of Active Neural Source,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (Springer Journal) DOI: 10.1007/s11517-015-1381-9, (2015).
28.Shen, H., L. Hu, K.-M. Lee and X. Fu, “Multi-Motion Robots Control based on Bioelectric Signals from Single-channel Dry-electrode,” P. IMechE Part H: J. of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 229(2) 124–136, 2015.
29.Lee, K.-M., C.-Y. Lin and M. Li, “A Continuous-Field Actuation Method for Transducing Optical Color Images to Magnetic/Eddy-Current Patterns,” Proc. of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC2015-9958), October 28-30, 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
30.Lee, K.-M., M. Li and C.-Y. Lin, “A Novel Way-finding Method based on Geomagnetic Field Effects and Magnetic Tensor Measurements for Visually Impaired Users,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2015, July 7-11, Busan,Korea. (Best Paper Finalist).
31.Hu L, H. Shen, W. Liu, K.-M. Lee and X. Fu, “Simulation Study of Dipole Localization in MEG-Based BCI Using Magnetic Field Reconstruction,” Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Sep. 25-28, 2013, Busan, Korea.
32.Lee, K.-M. and M. Li, “Magnetic Field Localization Method for Guiding Visually Impaired Applications,”IEEE/ASME AIM 2013, July 7-12, 2013, Wollongong, Australia.D.Mechatronics for Thermal-fluid systems(自動化和機電一體化)
33.X. Ouyang, B. Fan, K.-M. Lee and H. Yang, “Soft Switchable Dual-PI Controlled Axial Loading System for High-speed EMU Axle-box Bearing Test Rig,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics. DOI:10.1109/TIE.2015.2458303, (2015).
34.Q. N. Xu, K.-M. Lee, H. Zhou and H.-Y. Yang, “Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation Scheme for a Rudder Servo System,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2014.2361795, Vol. 62,No. 4, pp. 2384-2396, 2015.
35.Y. Chen, K.-M. Lee, C.-Y. Lin and X. Fu, “Lumped-parameter Modeling of an Immersion Flow Field for Analyzing Meniscus Dynamic Behavior,” ASME J. of Dyn. Syst., Meas. and Control, Vol 136,no 1,011001-1~8, 2014.
36.Y. Li, C. Cai, K.-M. Lee and F. Teng, “A Novel Cascade Temperature Control System for a High-Speed Heat-Airflow Wind,” IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Aerospace Mechatronics, vol. 18,2013,1310-1319.
37.L. Yang, M. Zhang, K.-M. Lee and Y. Li, “ARX-FCM Method for Steering System Fault Diagnosis of a Heavy Construction Vehicle,” Proc. of the 3rd IFTOMM Int. Symp. on Robotics and Mechatronics, Oct. 1-4, 2013,Singapore.
38.L. Hu, K.-M. Lee and X. Fu, “Analytical Torque Model for a Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor using Magnetic Field Reconstruction from Measured Boundary Conditions,” IEEE/ASME AIM 2013, July 7-12, 2013, Wollongong,Australia.
1.Lee, K-M., Automated Feet-Gripping System, US Patent 7,134,956 (November 14, 2006).
2.Lee, K-M., Automated Transfer of Live Objects to Shackle Line Method and Apparatus, US Patent 6,623,346 (September 23, 2003).
3.Lee, K-M., H. Garner, and L. Guo, Method and Apparatus for Measuring Angular Displacement of an Actuator Arm relative to a Reference Position, US Patent 6,188,484 (February 13, 2001)
4.Lee. K-M., R. Blenis, and T.-L. Pao, Real-Time Vision System and Control Algorithm for a Spherical Motor, US Patent 5,416,392 (May16, 1995)
5.Lee, K-M., Spherical Motor and Methods, US patent 5,410, 232. (April 15, 1995)
6.Lee, K-M., R. Blenis, and T.-L. Pao, System and Method for Controlling a Variable-Reluctance Spherical Motor, US Patent 5,402,049 (March 28, 1995)
7.Lee, K-M., Orientation Sensing System and Method for a Spherical Body, US Patent 5,319,577 (June 7, 1994)
8.Dickerson, S. and K-M. Lee, Image Reading and Processing Apparatus, US Patent 5,146,340 (September 8, 1992); European Patent Number 0549736, issued January 7, 1998, entitled “Image Reading System”; and Canadian Patent Number 2,088,357, issued May 19, 1998, entitled “Image Reading System”