[1] Yifeng Wang, Yi Liu, Yi Cheng, Eunkyoung Kim, Gary W. Rubloff, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne, “Coupling electrodeposition with layer-by-layer assembly to address proteins within microfluidic channels”, Advanced Materials, 23(48), 5817-5821, 2011. (SCI & EI, SCI 15.409)
[2] Yifeng Wang*, Zenghua Geng, Mengmeng Guo, Yanjun Chen*, Xuecheng Guo, Xia Wang, Electroaddressing of ZnS quantum dots by co-deposition with chitosan to construct fluorescent and patterned device surface, 2014, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(17), 15510-15515. (SCI & EI, SCI 5.9)
[3] Yifeng Wang*, Qunfeng Hong, Yanjun Chen, Xinxin Lian, Yanfei Xiong, “Surface properties of polyurethanes modified by bioactive polysaccharide-based polyelectrolyte multilayers”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 100, 77-83, 2012. (SCI & EI, SCI 4.287)