[1]Yi Peng, Xiugen Zhu, Bin Cao, Yuanqiang Luo, Wenjie Zhou, Heat transfer and permeability of the tree-like branching network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Trransfer,(2018,Accept) (SCI/Top 2區3.891)
[2] Yi Peng, Wangyu Liu*, Bin Liu, Jieqiong Liu, Li Wang, Kaidong Huang, Wei Chen, The performance of the vapor chamber based on the leaf vein system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 86 (2015) 656-666. (SCI/Top 2區2.522)
[3] Yi Peng, Wangyu Liu*, Wei Chen, Ningling Wang, A conceptual structure for heat transfer imitating transporting principle of plant leaf, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71(2014) 79-90. (SCI/Top 2區2.522)
[4] Yi Peng, Wangyu Liu*, Ningling Wang, Yufu Tian, Xuelin Chen, A novel wick structure of vapor chamber based on the fractal architecture of leaf vein, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 63 (2013) 120-133. (SCI/Top 2區2.315)
[5] Wangyu Liu, Yi Peng*, Tao Luo, Yuanqiang Luo, Kaidong Huang, The performance of the vapor chamber based on the plant leaf, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 98 (2016) 746-757.(SCI/Top 2區 2.857)
[6] Ningling Wang, Wangyu Liu*, Yi Peng, Gradual transition zone between cell wall layers and its influence on the wood elastic modulus,Journal of Materials Science 48(14) (2013) 5071-5084.(SCI 3區 2.316)
[7] Wangyu Liu*, Wei Chen, Yi Peng, The influence of the unit y-shaped micro channel geometry on the capillary flow, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 20 (4) (2015) 443-448.
[8] Wangyu Liu*, Yuanqiang Luo, Wei Chen, Yi Peng. Investigation on the thermal resistance of a novel evaporator wick structure, Applied Thermal Engineering 91(5) (2015) 731-738. (SCI 2區 2.739)