1. Wei Wu ,Guanglai Gao,Image Classification Based on Gaussian Mixture Language Model,ICASSP 2016,Shanghai,2016.3.20-2016.3.25 (CCF推薦B類國際會議)
2. Wei Wu ,Guanglai Gao,Nearest Neighbor with Multi-Feature Metric for Image,22th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, LNCS,Istanbul,2015.11.9-2015.11.12 (CCF推薦C類國際會議)
4. Baoqi Huang ,Wei Wu,Guanglai Gao,et al.Recognizing Boundaries in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Local Connectivity Information,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2014,2014(1):1-12 (SCI檢索)
5. Wei Wu ,Jianyun Nie,Guanglai Gao,An Improved SVM-based Multiple Features Fusion Method for Image Annotation,Journal of Information and Computational Science,2014,11(14):4987-4997 (EI檢索)
6. Wei Wu ,Guanglai Gao,Image annotation with nearest neighbor based on semantic information,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,2015, 345-352 (EI檢索)
7. Boqi huang ,Wei Wu,Tao Zhang,An Improved Connectivity-based Boundary Detection Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks,38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,Sydney,2013.10.21-2013.10.24 (CCF推薦C類國際會議)
8. Xueliang Yan,Wei Wu,Guanglai Gao ,et al. Submission of IMU to ImageCLEF 2012 Photo Annotation and Retrieval Task,ImageCLEF2012 working note,Rome,2012.9.17-2012.9.20 (EI檢索)